Debate Is Donald Trump a Time Traveler?


Ren and I started this rumor last year on Twitter and it went viral.

I made a video explaining that he has a relative named John G. Trump who was a physicist and was the man who was ordered to remove Tesla's papers from his apartment when Tesla died. John Trump also could have worked with Tesla on Xray technology. Since Tesla is rumored to have time traveled, we joked about John Trump time traveling. Since his name is John, people were interested in this thought. And since Donald Trump has had so many wins, people put 2 and 2 together and said that
he must be a time traveler. Also, there's the vintage book about Barron Trump......

My videos do not get as many views as others, though, but if you check dates, you will see that my claim to the rumor is true. :)


Senior Member
Donald Trump is not a passenger through time but is the best president ever. (Verified)
All his opponents are just an expression of corruption.

Why is the best president? (because I see in terms of facial expressions and behavior, and also because I see the future through the fifth dimension, which I have won as a pioneer, I have been dealing with this for more than half a century.

In the fifth dimension there is no time, as well as no distance is basically a single connection of energies and acts as a butterfly wing -
Here, let's start the tornado at the other end (literally)

Most of all, I hate human hypocrisy, corruption and insanity!

I walk with ghosts:
May also mean that Donald Trump is a reptoid.


Senior Member
More likely his Uncle.
he also recieved 4 awards, im sure Paula mentioned in the video.
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Donald Trump is not a passenger through time but is the best president ever. (Verified)
All his opponents are just an expression of corruption.

Why is the best president? (because I see in terms of facial expressions and behavior, and also because I see the future through the fifth dimension, which I have won as a pioneer, I have been dealing with this for more than half a century.

In the fifth dimension there is no time, as well as no distance is basically a single connection of energies and acts as a butterfly wing -
Here, let's start the tornado at the other end (literally)

Most of all, I hate human hypocrisy, corruption and insanity!

I walk with ghosts:
May also mean that Donald Trump is a reptoid.

I already got Trump to confirm the existence of aliens.


1.The passenger through time - exists in the fifth dimension (I will write about it later, or how to travel)

2. The president is neither a traveler nor a reptoid, nor a mermoid. (The one who says this about the president has a mixed mind in the head of the left and right center - which means he is bothered by genetics)

3. American territory is a continent that does not exist in the fifth dimension. The toxic gas released to the territory (Yellowstone National Park) affects only human genetics around the world, most notably the inhabitants in the vicinity. That's why America is called the New World.
If something does not exist for a long time it means that it has no foundations in the fifth dimension and there is no trace about some America.
That's why people have disorders in smart thinking.

4. The mixing of the left and right spheres in the brain causes a predilection to the desire for wars of hatred and the destruction of humanity on planet Earth.


Senior Member
1.The passenger through time - exists in the fifth dimension (I will write about it later, or how to travel)

2. The president is neither a traveler nor a reptoid, nor a mermoid. (The one who says this about the president has a mixed mind in the head of the left and right center - which means he is bothered by genetics)

3. American territory is a continent that does not exist in the fifth dimension. The toxic gas released to the territory (Yellowstone National Park) affects only human genetics around the world, most notably the inhabitants in the vicinity. That's why America is called the New World.
If something does not exist for a long time it means that it has no foundations in the fifth dimension and there is no trace about some America.
That's why people have disorders in smart thinking.

4. The mixing of the left and right spheres in the brain causes a predilection to the desire for wars of hatred and the destruction of humanity on planet Earth.
I hear the fifth dimension is lizard world.


Senior Member
Donald Trump is not a passenger through time but is the best president ever. (Verified)
All his opponents are just an expression of corruption.

Why is the best president? (because I see in terms of facial expressions and behavior, and also because I see the future through the fifth dimension, which I have won as a pioneer, I have been dealing with this for more than half a century.

In the fifth dimension there is no time, as well as no distance is basically a single connection of energies and acts as a butterfly wing -
Here, let's start the tornado at the other end (literally)

Most of all, I hate human hypocrisy, corruption and insanity!

I walk with ghosts:
May also mean that Donald Trump is a reptoid.

I already got Trump to confirm the existence of aliens.
Has to be in a delivered speech to the American public. Do you have a copy of that?
