Is Jesus Azizus Monobaz?


This thread was supposed to be about if Jesus is Azizus Monobaz and everyone managed to fall back to old behavior of using Ren as a scapegoat for their aggressions.


Senior Member
The only agressions I've shown were against Ralph Ellis. That is, until Ren decided to accuse me of a crime because he couldn't handle the fact that Ellis lied.

The lie I uncovered, by the way, was completely unexpected. As you can see, it comes from a page of the book I can't even fully read, and it turned up in a search for the word "image."

If I hadn't known a little bit about Luke, I wouldn't even have noticed it.

It's like dropping Ellis' book to the floor, and then finding a lie on the page that it was open to.

That's why I said "It ain't looking good for Elllis" or whatever it was I said.

Is there anyone else promoting this claim that is not based on Ellis' work?



I just will have to read for myself. I don't feel qualified to debate without at least having read it. I have nothing against you, Harte. You know that.


Senior Member
Harte, so somehow, you read Ralph as saying that "Jesus was always described as a glutton" (by his critics in the Bible story) as Ralph is calling Jesus a glutton.

Ralph is saying that his critics called Jesus a drunk and a glutton. Ralph is not saying that Jesus is a drunk and a glutton.

You give me the wrong page number and when you do give me the page number you are quoting, the quote does not mean what you think it does.
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Senior Member
But Ren, you've confessed to being a pathological liar multiple times on multiple threads.

Never judge a person by what they say. Judge a person by what they do.

I have presented the crown evidence that the historical Jesus was Azizus Monobaz.

In summary, what is that evidence?

Abgar, the father of Jesus, received a letter from his son. This letter is a part of the rejected cannon of the Bible. "The Letters of King Abgar". Abgar displayed a cloth with his son's face on it. It is called The Mandylion. Christians of the 1st Century when this religion began, used that as the image of their Lord Jesus. The Mandylion is the best proof that Jesus was Abgar's son. Reading further, you find that Josephus doesn't just mention Azizus once. Most of his writing is about his friend, relative and rival Jesus. There are 13 different characters with the name Jesus and all point to the real Azizus. His brother was James(Sohaemus). The similarities do not end there. Azizus too was betrayed by his followers. Josephus writes several pages on the betrayal of Izates(Azizus). You can compare this to the betrayal accounts in the Bible and you can see that these stories are the same. They are just reworded a little for the Bible version.

This is proof.


Senior Member
I'm sorry to have shot you all down. I know how desperately you need to believe or you need people to not criticize such a charitable religion such as Christianity. But Christianity is the den of lies and its foundation is based on lies. Jesus and Santa are the same thing here. Some of you think that it is wrong to tell children that Santa does not exist. I think that it is wrong to lie to a child saying Santa exists. It turns children into mindless unquestioning sheep. And that mindset will get you all killed in the days to come. WAKE UP FLOCK! Time to become wolves. Time to say goodbye to your fantasy friend and live in the real world.

Jesus was Azizus Monobaz. This is not an opinion. This is fact. I have given the evidence and you can not refute that evidence.

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
Your evidence is just referring to the parallels in your precious book that might not even be real, and some links to people who agree with you. Without even reading your links, I cannot deny that their are parallels between the story of Azizus and the Bible. The thing that makes your points all potentially be invalid is the fact that the story of Azizus could be an old work of fan-fiction or even a deliberate historical made-up work to attempt to deny Christianity.. The evidence that you don't have is any support that your entire source material is reliable. You're pretty much building a nice house, but your foundation is made of sand, so the stability of the house as a whole is greatly lacking.

Unless I misinterpreted, your main motivation for attempting to tear down Christianity and its members is because you believe that Christianity is a religion of destruction. I highly disagree. Despite the bad things you pick out that have happened due to people who have Christian beliefs, their actions contradict the beliefs and peaceful teachings of the religion. Any Christian in their right mind would not be proud of such actions and they aren't. It's not fair for you to be judging an entire group of people by it's worst members. If this is how humanity approached every issue, hate would increase and spread exponentially. Are you currently seeking opposition to all of the people of Islam for the terrorist actions in the Middle East? I know I'm not. I even have friends who are Muslim because I'm sure that they are not interested in blowing up anything and I know that the issues in the Middle East contradict with what they morally believe. There have been sex scandals involving teachers. There have been cops in shady territory regarding their limitations on the job. Regardless, I still have respect for humanity because I know that we cannot judge entire groups of people based on the actions of the worst. We must judge people as individuals with no predisposed opinions based on the groups they are in. I don't know what kind of extreme brainwashing you have been exposed to that leads to such pompous and arrogant hate-speech, but I hope you realize that there's no good in what you are trying to accomplish.


Your evidence is just referring to the parallels in your precious book that might not even be real, and some links to people who agree with you. Without even reading your links, I cannot deny that their are parallels between the story of Azizus and the Bible.

You haven't read the book. How do you know?
