🛡️ Debate John Titor: Real Time Traveler or a Hoaxer?

Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<a href=\'http://www.nicap.dabsol.co.uk/hilldir.htm\' target=\'_blank\'>http://www.nicap.dabsol.co.uk/hilldir.htm</a>

Betty Hill\'s handdrawn starchart: (sketch)</span>
<img src=\'http://www.nicap.dabsol.co.uk/map5.jpg\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\'>

Is Titor an alien human who was also interested in UFO\'s and the such?
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

Also, the aliens only contact those humans who have that desire (don't ask me how that works) and that is reported by someone else again, after all the reading. I have not seen an space alien except in pictures and so on (not real) and I really have no desire to have aliens contact me!

But Titor's story is just another one of those stories!
(Oh, watching an old '50's movie partly last night -- you know those phrases they use in them -- well perhaps!)
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

Anyway, the physicists will have their new toy, the LHC, at CERN when it comes on-line in the future!

Toys and Boys!

How big a smash can they make?
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

I just want to say, I'm Mandy and I'm kinda new to this John Titor thing. I've heard of it for a while but never really looked into it. About this disney thing, though. If anyone at all in the world truely knows about Walt Disney, they'd know he did NOT like children. He was a bad man. He wanted to make Disney Land a community and have it's own Government. Look it up. I'm not saying I don't believe the John Titor story, because I will keep my eyes open. But I am not going to wait hand and foot on what he said. Amazing things happen over the years. One more thing..if I were a time traveller I would NOT use my real name for publicity purposes. If he had used his real name, as he said he didnt, but if he did..people would be finding him as a kid..teenager and so on and he would not be left alone for the rest of his life. And about Disney starting this all, maybe...it would attract a lot of people to come...but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I know I'm new so you all can put me down or whatever...but I'm just another working brain in this world trying to figure things out myself.

And remember one more thing..walt disney fingered people and got them black-listed.
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"electricsheep\")</div>
If anyone at all in the world truely knows about Walt Disney, they'd know he did NOT like children. He was a bad man. [/b]

I also heard he hated Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and them stupid little Dwarfs too.:D

Just wanted to say I'm only joking, I tried to start a thread a few months ago to find out more peoples ideas about Disney, it's connection fascinates me too.
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

I was just sitting here reading the "JT Bible" and a thought just occurred to me. Let's forget about the book and all the other stuff. What if a man going by the name of John Titor researched a family, knocked on their door and proclaimed to be their son. He stayed there and freeloaded for a few years free of charge and the vanished. It is a possiblility. I suppose it would depend on how good a scam artist he were. Couldn't all the physics stuff have come from various books? And from what I've gone through so far, he could have just given an answer that can go both ways. I'm still reading. Reading the posts separate online and all in a book seems to be different. I'm taking notes that could help in some research. What are your thoughts on this?
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

It has been checked out! And actually JT did nothing wrong except post on the Internet and show some pictures!

Simply put, he stated, that his only goal was to bring about a sense of the possibility of time travel, not that he was ever going to prove it, not at all, despite objections from anyone on this Planet!

As the original authors of those posts, but not JT's posting, they can edit what we want to, and so can you, if you are the original author of a book, and since JT's mom thinks that she is JT's mom, then I guess she can do what she wants to, thinking that her son started the postings in the book, and the thread may be considered to be at least part her authority given to her from her son, JT, on JT's postings! The original posters did not edit JT's post at all, only their own postings, and that is allowed, since the authors of their posts are them!
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"virtualgirl\")</div>
I was just sitting here reading the \"JT Bible\" and a thought just occurred to me. Let's forget about the book and all the other stuff. What if a man going by the name of John Titor researched a family, knocked on their door and proclaimed to be their son. He stayed there and freeloaded for a few years free of charge and the vanished. It is a possiblility. I suppose it would depend on how good a scam artist he were. Couldn't all the physics stuff have come from various books? And from what I've gone through so far, he could have just given an answer that can go both ways. I'm still reading. Reading the posts separate online and all in a book seems to be different. I'm taking notes that could help in some research. What are your thoughts on this?[/b]

Why would he post online though? If he were a scam artist and did pull this off on real strangers in real life, then his personal satisfaction should be sufficient enough to the point where he wouldn't need to post online for approval. I would think. He did want everyone to believe he was a TTer or he wouldn't have given a bunch of pictures, I don't care how many times he says he doesn't care if we believe him or not, why give those pictures? It would be incredibly difficult to convince someone of this in real life, especially if the scam artist time machine was sitting right there in front of you for examination. I would say that no matter who the family is that he did research on if they were worth scamming then they might have the common sense to question him as a time traveler. Maybe he never told the family he was a time traveler? Well then his motive is not only to scam people first in real life, but to also convince people online that he is a time traveler. Would seem like kind of a waste of time after convincing someone of something like that in real life. I just don't think someone with a motive like scamming people in real life would be interested in fooling people online who are already interested in this sort of thing. If it is a hoax, I would think it is probably a couple of people involved in the original posters, the line of questions asked seemed to convienient to his story. All of the pictures seem quite easy to fake except for the CAD drawing, it is the one that interests me the most. If anyone wants I could build his timemachine and take a picture of me with it sitting in a viper. The laser one doesn't look real either, I've had about a hundred pen lasers and the only way to see the beam that good is a whole bunch of steam in a bathroom. Even while smoking a cigarette and trying to show off the beam in total darkness I never got a perfect laser like that, most of the light is spread out in the smoke. Looks like one of those fiber optic strings attached to a laser pointer with the top off. Kinda like those ones with a bunch of shapes after you take the top off and the light just kinda goes everywhere then take the string and put it into the empty hole from the one that projects the solid beam. I see this thing in a pretty simple way. Would it be possible to be faked? Could I do it? Could someone else with the proper motives? I know I couldn't do it by myself, but with the help of friends, am sure I could. The line of questioning really bothers me, or at least the ones he did respond too. He said some things that just don't make sense, and no one ever asked him about any of it. This leads me to believe two things about JT. One, the line of questioning was predetermined, if not, two, the questions from people he did respond too want to believe time travel is a reality for them, so is like asking horses if they like hay. Most likely a good hoax by a couple of techies who were trying to pull one over on people they already knew. The only reason they haven't come clean is because they had no idea that it would do this well, why ruin it all now? As for Disney, they probably are interested in this but are going to deny everything to do with it because once again it ruins the fun and money. Most likely the true hoaxers will emerge after there is a whole lot of money to be made, not for a couple of books and souveniers and to destroy the myth so soon, wouldn't get junk for that. When they do come out and say it was them, no one will believe them anyways, no matter how much proof they have, so they win no matter what. Sorry to not agree with your idea VG, yours is original, mine is not....maybe we are both wrong and he is a Time Traveller, IDK, only time will tell the truth.
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

i think you are very intelligent, virtualgirl, but you shouldnt spend so much time trying to prove if this guy exists or not. i mean, when the time comes we will ultimately find out if what he said was true or not. i think people are going a little overboard on this whole thing. anyone with book smarts could say they were a time traveller, yet who knows if there are some around this time or not? i hope this doesnt sound rude, im not trying to be mean, but i dont think this whole thing is that important that you let it consume your lives. (not saying that it does) just dont let it happen...:) have a great day everyone! please take care of urselves :)
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

I think it was pretty well covered in the threads, and what some people really thought!

Really, none of it is new, about this World and certain Countries, and some stuff about science may be new to some people, as it was for me, and speculation occurred, and thinking about it, since the guy did say that he was a time traveller, which is not your everyday normal occurrance. Like the supposed Space Aliens (the Greys) and whatever, there are many people who claim that they have either saw a UFO, or had a Close Encounter with some, and that is why it is discussed.

Just because JT is a human, he is still considered to be in that Category, and real people work on that (UFO's cases) because they want to know the "truth".

Less Filling, Taste Great!
Less Filling, Taste Great!

Perhaps, there is just so much more to this Universe, or Universes, that people feeling bored or anything else, want to know more, and certainly, at least, you will know more, if researching subjects like this!

What if I said that there was a scientist in 2000, (Chief Scientist Bill Joy -- who created Jini and Java) wrote an aritcle that stated that he never got into computers, to think like some other people, that want implants and think humans in their present form are not needed in the future!

Well, here it is:
"Why the Future Doesn't Need Us" (April 2000)

Such joy!!

The Principal Agglomerations of the World:
http://www.citypopulation.de/World.html (a Germany website)

Well, whether technology gets that advanced, or not, is not known yet!

Anyway, according to the physicists, they don't consider JT to be --- real ---- yet!

So, knowing about a possible future is not really knowing the future that you will be in, and how it will develop, and whether people are just with the attitudes or not!

Most people refuse to see how they "group" together (at least to me)!

>>>>Later in the thread: (JT said)

If you are referring to the conflict and war in your future, I?m not sure I?m specific enough to help any individuals avoid anything. Suggesting there is a war coming is a bit different than saying avoid Washington DC at 3:45 AM on March 12, 2015.
