John Titor Research Updates!

Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

\"Wanting to believe in something can do many things to our
intelect and subconscious. It can obsfucate our senses and our awareness to the point that we draw through a preconcieved strainer all which we percieve. It can even change our dreamstate because what we want does not exist here in the day to day physical world.\"

And there's the rub Starlord. Wanting to believe in something does not necessarily mean that a person will always experience the sorts of things that Pamela and the other people who participated in the email experience went through either. The alter-vu's didn't just happen to Pamela alone. If I remember correctly, and Pamela can verify this for us, they happened to everyone who went through that experiment with her. Mass halucinations are possible, however, it is unlikely they will happen to everyone in the group and that everyone will experience them in similar fashions, especially given that these people posted on a message board. They weren't in the same building at the same time.

Also, I am sure there were people who did the email thing on a lark. Putting Pamela's experience to the side for a minute... Would you expect all of them to have a halucinatory experience? I wish I had been around at the time to do it myself. I consider myself to be a pretty level-headed person. But, then again, if I would have done it back then, I would have only done it on a lark. My attitude would have been, "Oh yeah, "big time traveler" is going to send a message to myself in the past. Yeah right!" (eye-roll) I have to believe there were other people who wrote those emails with the same attitude... or at least one of them. And, if they had an alter-vus, then how do you explain that away? They weren't looking for something to happen. In fact, if I remember the story, even Titor told them it wouldn't affect them in this time line. So, how do you account for it?
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
In Pamela's case, I have reason to suspect that she was used as the 'ultimate alibi'. Having someone that posts on the net actually 'talk' to another party that is not connected with them cand pull the wool over some peoples eyes and help them to believe that all is as it is claimed to be\" \"What? Pamela actually 'talked' live to Titor? Well, then there MUST be something to this after all\" Yes, a fraud talking to a innocent bystanted that unwittinly lends credence to a hoax and a fraud or frauds.[/b]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
You have no qualms is admiting that you spoke with him so as it stands now, each time someone hears that the titor actualy spoke 'live' with some one that is here and now only helps to reseal and make this story even more real IF you refuse to look at all the rest of the picture logically.[/b]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Many folks ( the exception being Pamela as she has not stated wether titors voice changed in all the times they have talked ).[/b]

Why do you keep saying this same thing over and over about Pamela speaking with JT "live" after I posted at the beginning of the this thread that Pam herself said that she and JT never spoke "live" ?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
Actually. yes, she did state it last night, openly, honestly and candidly, in the chatroom that, unfortunately, she was never able to talk (via landline) to John. Not wanting to be contentious, only wanting to FYI to those, like myself, who waded through months of material and not quite sure if there had ever been telephonic communication, alas, there was not. But that is OK...we still have the \"secret song\" and we all laughed last night that it is still the best litmus test of all to any would be hoaxer. Thanks Pam, for standing firm and never revealing it when asked.....and thanks again for your contribution last night in the chatroom.:) [/b]
Re: John Titor Research Updates!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
\"A question for you if I may, do you have any idea how long the govt sits on something before it actually gets out into the mainstream? \" [/b]

yes, I do.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
\"What was the sense in only speaking to you and not other people?\"[/b]

I do not know. Perhaps he knew what I was like.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
\"IF this family was the real deal, and IF the titor was the real deal do you really think you would be out in the cold like this? [/b]

I think it would be difficult to get answers to me but I think it could be done.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"?\")</div>
\"Pamela...Do you recall John ever saying anything about poultry or fish?\" [/b]

Not really. I only knew he got his food from a local farmer. One who he said he relatively trusted the food was safe from.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Pauli\")</div>
\"The alter-vu's didn't just happen to Pamela alone. If I remember correctly, and Pamela can verify this for us, they happened to everyone who went through that experiment with her.\" [/b]

Yes, Actually it made me feel better that I was not the only one.
I do not know if it happened to everyone who did the experiment.
Some did not respond back. Not one person who participated said nothing
happened to them. I wish more people would have participated. I don't know why they didn't.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Pauli\")</div>
\"In fact, if I remember the story, even Titor told them it wouldn't affect them in this time line.\" [/b]

Yes. he did say this. Perhaps Titor was not the cause. There were alot of people who knew of John's story by the internet. Some that may be involved in some real deal projects. We do not know what happened we just reported to you what did. I cannot attempt to explain it. But I cannot deny it either. None of us can. Besides why the heck would you tell everyone something like this if it didnt happen?
It sounds crazy. It took alot of guts for them all to tell you.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
\"Starlord, why do you keep saying this same thing over and over about Pamela speaking with JT \"live\" after I posted at the beginning of the this thread that Pam herself said that she and JT never spoke \"live\" . [/b]

I never communicated with John by phone. However I did communicate with him in "real time" over several chat rooms. Emails and regular mail.
I would not be able to identify his voice. I may however be able to identify a photo of him.

And as one person asked earlier. No, I do not believe Darby has any REAL info on John.
Re: John Titor Research Updates!

Pam, I promise I'm not trying to nag you.....Could you post what the experiment was for the people like me who don't know? Thanks in advance.

Re: John Titor Research Updates!

Let there be light: Yeah I don't remember you sending anything Albert.:)

The experiment was something John had set up for the members on the web site. He was offering to take letters they sent back to 1998 and to 2036.

They were instructed to send the letters to me and I forwarded them to John. John said it was an opportunity to tell their alternate selves something they wish they had known about three years earlier. (we were in 2001) He said they would not be affected in this timeline only their alternate selves would benefit with the info.
Several people took the opportunity to participate sending a letter to their alternate self. I don't remember anyone sending any to 2036 I think they all sent them to 1998.

I personally did not have a computer in 1998 but John had my physical address to where I was during that year and where I was in 2001.
I did not get online until 1999. I wasn't on very long until I met John.
I was rather new at the whole thing. I had to give him my address in order to recieve the piece that traveled through time with him in the mail.

In one of my vivid dreams I had a dream of a timetraveler visiting me in a car . A man the same as how he described himself. I had the dream in April 1998. The very time John said he was going to! I had not even known John back then. It had made such an impression on me back then I had recorded it in my dream diary and didnt go look it up until he told me the date he was going back to.

I always wondered if he came to visit me in another worldline.
After all he had my address. It is all just bizzare and may be really bizzare coincidences.

I hope this answers your question. I dont know how much detail to go into.
Re: John Titor Research Updates!

Oh yeah, I remember reading that in his posts. I wish I would have been there during that time. I thought maybe it was something else that was discussed maybe in chat or something.
It could very have been him. Strange things have been happening for sure. Maybe it's because I've been so preoccupied with the subject, but I've had strange dreams lately. And that feeling for something bad coming has been getting alot stronger. I think everyone should take heed in their gut feelings.
Re: John Titor Research Updates!

Pamela posted:

The experiment was something John had set up for the members on the web site. He was offering to take letters they sent back to 1998 and to 2036.

They were instructed to send the letters to me and I forwarded them to John. John said it was an opportunity to tell their alternate selves something they wish they had known about three years earlier. (we were in 2001) He said they would not be affected in this timeline only their alternate selves would benefit with the info.
Several people took the opportunity to participate sending a letter to their alternate self. I don't remember anyone sending any to 2036 I think they all sent them to 1998.

If one JT time traveled, then there were many JTs who time traveled. Remember the mirrors in a room description (JT used that description).
Hi, Pamela.:)

To Pamela:
Remember the john joke? Well, it was not really a joke until someone else made it into one, I know who, but it still is posted if it is important to anyone!

Continuing now: (for anyone else posting)
There were a lot of johns that came to worldlines. If one JT left a worldline, then another JT came back during even the postings while they were going on. (To the comment that there where a lot of johns (JT) coming to this worldline (meaning this 1 worldline), someone else made a joke later about it.

With what I said that there are a lot of johns in the world, I meant that if one JT took the e-mails to 1998, another JT came back, because of the multiverse description, the same JT can not show back up to the same timeline or worldline. It would be impossible, since JT said that he can never get back to his original worldline.

Therefore, if a JT left the postings as we know it, then another JT should have traveled back to whomever we are (same worldline ?). You see this is confusing when the multiverse concept is used? Now, since JT started (according to him) a new universe, by arriving at a worldline, then we are all different also, I guess. But for sure, if JT left this worldline, and traveled back to 1998, another JT showed up later, because of the multiverse concept.

This although should not be new news to anyone, but perhaps posters that are new would not realize that if one JT left this worldline, another JT would come back, according to the multiverse concept.

There I hope now that clears that all up. I realized that, according to JT and his description, a few years ago; if the first JT left this 1 worldline, only another JT could come back to this 1 worldline. The first JT would end up in another worldline, and the second JT would arrive here to this same (first) worldline.
Re: John Titor Research Updates!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"LetThereBeLight!\")</div>
If one JT time traveled, then there were many JTs who time traveled. Remember the mirrors in a room description. Hi, Pamela.:)

Which thread now is this suppose to all go in???????
I know I have strange grammer, anymore, but hey, it is different?
Never was that great with English though!

Remember the john joke? Well, it was not really a joke until someone else made it into one, I know who, but it still is posted if it is important to anyone![/b]

Let there be light/Albert:
The thread was divided up so that people who wanted to post that JT was really "Elvis" could enjoy their freedom of speech/post in another area without messing up the thread that Virtual started. I've divided it up into two threads. If you have research you want to post or discuss, which includes recent updates that will validate/invalidate the Titor story, then post them here. If you want to debate whether JT as real or fake, talk about skinny bike tires or all that other stuff you just put at the end of your post #184 (in the process of getting moved to another therad) that I didn't understand, it should all go over in the debate section. Actually, I'm not even sure where you're stuff should go because I have a really hard time following you. Maybe we should make a thread just for you to ramble can pick your own topic title. :)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
\"And just to complicate matters even further, after he said he departed, he was tracked down and found to be posting on another site......with no real explanation given to the person who asked him for an explanation, who trusted him and spent a large majority of their time helping .........what do you believe at that point? You don't want to make excuses for him.....but when he promises something and doesn't deliver and then is found to be deceptive with no explanation......the whole house of cards just sort of tumbles down.[/b]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"pauli\")</div>
Hi Mudpuppy, This is something I haven't heard before. Where did you find this information? I would think it is pretty significant.


Is there anyway you could comment on the above. I don't want to have to shift through hours of anomolies posts again if I don't have to. I came across it some time ago as I was reading all the posts. As I remember, after JT said he was to have departed, you were able to track him down on the internet (although I think I remember at the time you weren't ready to divulge the exact information as to where he was posting) and had written him and asked for an explanation that you never recieved. Is this correct? Did you ever recieve any other explanation that might have explained it?


Re: John Titor Research Updates!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
Is there anyway you could comment on the above. I don't want to have to shift through hours of anomolies posts again if I don't have to. I came across it some time ago as I was reading all the posts. As I remember, after JT said he was to have departed, you were able to track him down on the internet (although I think I remember at the time you weren't ready to divulge the exact information as to where he was posting) and had written him and asked for an explanation that you never recieved. Is this correct? Did you ever recieve any other explanation that might have explained it?



I believe it was one of his parents email addresses and someone was still posting with it awhile after John said he left. John's parents collected his emails for him. That is what he told me. John's parents read all of John's emails I wrote him which is why I can use the info contained within for verification of either John or his mother.

Darby has never had access to this email address or the web site I found it on. He just believed me when I said I saw it. He has no proof at all.
It amazes me he claims to have an IP address of John's because John to my knowledge never posted on Anomalies.

I have kept my promise to John...even to this day to keep it secret.
I actually do not think Darby has anything at all on John. He has been saying he does for years but he never posts anything about it . He just uses excuses.
If he doesnt have the proof or is never going to post it why does he keep announcing it?
Amazingly enough a couple weeks later after I registered on the site I saw it on and then posted on it "to John" the entire site was taken down. I have no explanation. It no longer all. Not even in the archive web sites.
It is weird because I do not think it was the email persons web site the person just posted as a member. I figuered perhaps someone was protecting him. ???

I found this while looking through some things.

" Even for you Tesla technology can be found in appliances, motors and generators. I would have to say we have come a long way on Tesla?s foundation but we don?t have electricity rays that cause earthquakes"

It sounds like a lot of John's future technology had to do with Tesla.
or derived from his foundation. May be worth looking into his technology to see what new inventions can be obtained from the foundation.
