Joker 2.0


Senior Member
Here is the old version. Heath Ledger was perhaps a little crazy. Perhaps he committed suicide year ago. Like we are not sure. Certainly he died of a drug over dose in his apt.


This is James Eagan Holmes - the new version. He is completely insane. I call him Joker 2.0

OK so say it is a gov conspiracy. That it is to take our guns away. Hey, time will tell as we say. :(


Senior Member
They can try to take my guns away, guranteed people will die trying.


The guy looked so confused and lost, maybe he was mind controlled into doing the shooting or something. What do you think?


Senior Member
Really the whole situation with the guy is off, nothing about any of it sits well. Like the fact he mailed a letter saying it was going to happen but no one opened the letter, and that in court he had no idea what was going on or what happened like his mind had been erased.

is it all a clever act? possibly? is there something else working behind the scenes? again possible, because he did this several other attempts have been stopped. was it a cult possibly? Or in TT theory he came back to do this to stop the other attacks by doing one of his own and by so he may have killed 14? or how many it was but he saved alot more in the end.

Ether way i dunno.


Senior Member
The guy looked so confused and lost, maybe he was mind controlled into doing the shooting or something. What do you think?
Mind control is no secret and is being used by the NWO, I mean the governments of the world. They may be preparing for the big day, week, or whatever when they can release the "unknowing" attackers. I remember watching a movie, called, "Tribulation" where normal people all of a sudden lost control of their own minds to the devil and became killers. They lost control and did not know what they were doing. They have that strange look in their eyes and grin...yeah, I am evil! I have also thought about pilots and other individuals who had "lost it" while in flight. Possible mind control testing could have caused this situation. Maybe mind control...maybe not. If it is a gun issue...To take away an individual's right to bear arms is to take away his freedom. A dictatorship arises when guns are taken away from a country's citizens as history has recorded.
Time will tell.


The Bearded One
I mean the picture kinda makes the guy look like a muppet. I'm thinking Beaker lol. Anywho This country needs a revolution to get the corruption out of office and obviously go back to the drawing board with our crayons because this didn't work.


Senior Member
I guess this guy is into orange. Please remember that some colors that may be popular today will come and go and give you an out dated appearance. After all we know that time passes.

I have learned that making every one happy is impossible or near so, but making every one angry... That is real easy. :)



Active Member

Found this story. Man in Maryland was referring to himself as the Joker which alerted people around him and the authorities. Who then arrested him after finding guns and whatever in his home. My question now is.. If all it takes is referring to yourself as The Joker to alert authorities to you, where is this leading us in the future as a society?
