Locating a Vortex for Physical Time Traveling


Senior Member
Thunder Tech XL...Oh dear, another of the plethora of so called radionic machines on the market
This company also has sales reps that try to sell these overpriced gizmos..Research the company for yourself lmao
The company boasts that it uses a magnetron in their machines!! WOW..these are found in every cheap microwave oven lol

They also have 8 variable capacitors to "tune" the machine..I doubt if it could tune a simple crystal set, and you can buy these from ebay for a few dollars lol
AND it has a frequency generator that pulses out the earths frequency..WOW..that can be made for a couple of dollars..
Oh and it also has scalar wave energy built into it!! hmmmm:ROFLMAO:

You get all these things plus a few other cheap items, stick them in a good looking metal box with 8 pretty knobs, a few geometric symbols on it AND an LED..and you have a miraculous machine for $347 plus $15 post and package..

you MUST watch the guy on you tube who advertises this "machine", he talks of quantum fields..morphic fields..zero time energy..etc etc ad nauseum..just like any salesman would do to sell his stuff lol...Thank goodness nobody on here would spend even $5 on ANYTHING lmao :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Well I am on here and I did spend more than $5.00. Thanks for the slam on my first post. WELCOME! I wish there was a site or a posting by experts who have used these machines because I really did read about a lot of them (a rating or review guide). Steven was the first I contacted and my first choice, but he never replied. I will try again. On the positive note.... I am glad I didn't spend more than I did.


Does anyone know how to create an artificial vortex using copper pipes? I believe I read that this was possible on one of the Gibbs sites, but there were no instructions on how to do this. I have recently purchased a Thunder Tech XL from Higher Power Technologies. I went back and forth on which machine to buy and never got a reply from Steven Gibbs, so I bought the Thunder Tech XL. Does anyone have any experiences with this machine? Once you find a natural vortex and you are over it, how do you power up your machine with no electricity in the middle of a field? I do have copper L shaped dowsing rods and a Trifield EMF meter. I am very much a newbie at this, but I have meditated for years, have had an OBE, have remote viewed for a very short period of time, can see energy waves/ particles in nature and in rooms, and can feel crystals vibrating. Thanks in advance for your advice.
Thunder Tech XL, I never heard of this device. It seems basically to be a HDR on steroids.

I believe a few members here might be able to help you out of a method to find or create a vortex.

The end of this post has some interesting info about vortex: HDR Where? | Paranormalis
Grid Point Vortex
According to Steven Gibbs, the Hyper Dimensional Resonator works best when it is over a grid point vortex. Although you can create an artificial grid point using two copper pipes, a natural grid point is supposed to be better.
To find a grid point I use a EMF detector also known as a gaussmeter. This device is often used by ghost hunters because paranormal events tend to occur near a vortex. My EMF meter measures the strength of magnetic fields and basically, I am looking for an anomaly – an area where the electromagnetic fields are stronger than normal.
A grid point forms where two grid lines cross. See more on this in the Hartmann Grid. if a grid point is very powerful it is called a vortex. It is like a magnetic tornado. This is a place where the fabric of space time is weak and time travel is supposed to be easier.


Junior Member
There is one more thing I'd like to mention about vortex information gathering, you might be unable to travel such distances what do you do now? I found some of my American Native friends who use "Sigils" that represent their objectives pretty successfully. It occurred to me one could focus the HDR by using a "Sigil" to represent which vortex you are seeking to use. Remember there is no such thing as "distance" when it comes to scalar energies. You can also use sequential numbering system to represent the said vortex. Once you decide which symbol of choices to display then place it inside the HDR Well. Tune into it as if you were tuning into the date you want to travel use just one of the tuning dials for this procedure.

Remove the Sigils or the Numerical Codes and now place the object of the desired year and date inside the well and tune the second dial to this and run the procedure as usual. What we are doing is letting the HDR know which vortex you wanted to go into and of course the year and month etc. So essentially your running two programs at once but with coherency.


Senior Member
To look for a vortex I use a cell sensor. Ghost hunter claim that magnetic anomalies exist near a vortex. Steven Gibbs says that you should look for a place where ghosts or UFO craft is reported to be seen.


Often I will experience some time missing. This event I find curious. Relationship between ghosts and UFO craft is a foggy one. What does it all add up to. I believe that if I had been born in the 1800's, I would have become a friendly neighborhood horologist (n): person who repairs time pieces. Basically, a just a common clock fixer upper.



Junior Member
Yeah, I heard it from both sides over the years...my personal opinion I would go TRI-FIELD meter to measure EMF or natural magnetic fields so the HDR user is not interrupted by manmade inside and outside EMF sources and I hear the ghost busters, the more reputable operator teams use sophisticated grid lining using lasers of sorts. This means that nothing comes in or goes out without the operators awareness (Audible). Unfortunately I have other investments I have to finish up before employing highly sophisticated "seekers" for vortex identification. Kid, I know you use to use two fifty thousands DC Volts Tesla Coils and tuned the HDR while setting the apart gaps of the coils at the same time. I think there is somewhat more to it than that but for brevity sake we will keep it there.

When both where contrasting into one another it is creating a zero point entry or simply put a door way! I am keeping that in mind by using 450,000 DC Volts two each to replicate or discover what these coils will produce for the HDR and without the HDR! For the price of two of them hand built is around $4000.00 one has to find other uses for them besides the HDR. I hate going cheap because you and I know what we will have at the end!

I also want you to know as well as others out there I will be purchasing well should I say my wife will be purchasing a Christmas present for me next year in the early spring of 2016. It will be one of the 3 major players devices called, Project Morpheous. Virtual Reality all the way! I am not so interested in VR gaming which by the way seem quite interesting with the new playstation VR game coming out. But I want to have it for my HDR support. I will let you Kid figure out how I am going to do it, I already know! Maybe you can explain to others the potential of such a device.


Time Travel Professor
Hi correction123,

Could you post any pictures about: The Project Morpheous. Virtual Reality Device


Senior Member
Yeah, I heard it from both sides over the years...my personal opinion I would go TRI-FIELD meter to measure EMF or natural magnetic fields so the HDR user is not interrupted by manmade inside and outside EMF sources and I hear the ghost busters, the more reputable operator teams use sophisticated grid lining using lasers of sorts. This means that nothing comes in or goes out without the operators awareness (Audible). Unfortunately I have other investments I have to finish up before employing highly sophisticated "seekers" for vortex identification. Kid, I know you use to use two fifty thousands DC Volts Tesla Coils and tuned the HDR while setting the apart gaps of the coils at the same time. I think there is somewhat more to it than that but for brevity sake we will keep it there.

When both where contrasting into one another it is creating a zero point entry or simply put a door way! I am keeping that in mind by using 450,000 DC Volts two each to replicate or discover what these coils will produce for the HDR and without the HDR! For the price of two of them hand built is around $4000.00 one has to find other uses for them besides the HDR. I hate going cheap because you and I know what we will have at the end!

I also want you to know as well as others out there I will be purchasing well should I say my wife will be purchasing a Christmas present for me next year in the early spring of 2016. It will be one of the 3 major players devices called, Project Morpheous. Virtual Reality all the way! I am not so interested in VR gaming which by the way seem quite interesting with the new playstation VR game coming out. But I want to have it for my HDR support. I will let you Kid figure out how I am going to do it, I already know! Maybe you can explain to others the potential of such a device.
Only a quick point..I bought my EMF detector (shown in my profile pic) for the princely sum of $8 including post and package..
Ive also shown one of my small hand held Radio Amateur transceivers that i could pick up a low power transmission (1watt) from nearly
20 yards away on my EMF detector...Any small cheap compass can easily pick up magnetic fields :)
