Looking for Grandfather Paradox Theories (that say you can kill)


There is something called reality shifts or time shifts, where the objects not existence in this world appear from nowhere, the explanation might be that there are many parallel universes hovering above us which is impossible for us to see as the light do not pass through them. Remember i am not talking about dimensions i am talking about a separate universe. I am talking about this because this is all i have read and watched in videos by scientists and people who have experienced such as you, which is quite common but many few have witnessed it. That doesn't prove past changes.
Yes i have read about people experiencing something new has come up all of a sudden at a place where there was nothing, no sign of any object like buildings and many more structures but that too might be reality shifts. Well if past were to change then what are our scientists and physicist for, they will get a better explanation.


Temporal Engineer
There is something called reality shifts or time shifts, where the objects not existence in this world appear from nowhere, the explanation might be that there are many parallel universes hovering above us which is impossible for us to see as the light do not pass through them. Remember i am not talking about dimensions i am talking about a separate universe. I am talking about this because this is all i have read and watched in videos by scientists and people who have experienced such as you, which is quite common but many few have witnessed it. That doesn't prove past changes.
Yes i have read about people experiencing something new has come up all of a sudden at a place where there was nothing, no sign of any object like buildings and many more structures but that too might be reality shifts. Well if past were to change then what are our scientists and physicist for, they will get a better explanation.

I did say hypothetical. No one really knows for sure what reality is. Perhaps our minds can access all these other realities or timelines too. And maybe my mind just doesn't focus as well as yours on returning me to the right reality I was in yesterday. But when we don't understand something, it is very common for us to make something up, just to explain it away.

Terry Stonefield

New Member
There is something called reality shifts or time shifts, where the objects not existence in this world appear from nowhere, the explanation might be that there are many parallel universes hovering above us which is impossible for us to see as the light do not pass through them. Remember i am not talking about dimensions i am talking about a separate universe. I am talking about this because this is all i have read and watched in videos by scientists and people who have experienced such as you, which is quite common but many few have witnessed it. That doesn't prove past changes.
Yes i have read about people experiencing something new has come up all of a sudden at a place where there was nothing, no sign of any object like buildings and many more structures but that too might be reality shifts. Well if past were to change then what are our scientists and physicist for, they will get a better explanation.

I did say hypothetical. No one really knows for sure what reality is. Perhaps our minds can access all these other realities or timelines too. And maybe my mind just doesn't focus as well as yours on returning me to the right reality I was in yesterday. But when we don't understand something, it is very common for us to make something up, just to explain it away.

That is an excellent theory. It allows for alternate realities to be created(possibly by time travel) while keeping the integrity of our own. Secondly it may also be the phenomenon of probability. There is the theory that no matter how slim a chance there is a probability of anything happening i.e.: An object pops into existence, or a planet spontaneously turns into a table.


Temporal Engineer
There is something called reality shifts or time shifts, where the objects not existence in this world appear from nowhere, the explanation might be that there are many parallel universes hovering above us which is impossible for us to see as the light do not pass through them. Remember i am not talking about dimensions i am talking about a separate universe. I am talking about this because this is all i have read and watched in videos by scientists and people who have experienced such as you, which is quite common but many few have witnessed it. That doesn't prove past changes.
Yes i have read about people experiencing something new has come up all of a sudden at a place where there was nothing, no sign of any object like buildings and many more structures but that too might be reality shifts. Well if past were to change then what are our scientists and physicist for, they will get a better explanation.

I did say hypothetical. No one really knows for sure what reality is. Perhaps our minds can access all these other realities or timelines too. And maybe my mind just doesn't focus as well as yours on returning me to the right reality I was in yesterday. But when we don't understand something, it is very common for us to make something up, just to explain it away.

That is an excellent theory. It allows for alternate realities to be created(possibly by time travel) while keeping the integrity of our own. Secondly it may also be the phenomenon of probability. There is the theory that no matter how slim a chance there is a probability of anything happening i.e.: An object pops into existence, or a planet spontaneously turns into a table.

I never did like the idea that a new universe gets created every time we make a decision. It makes more sense that a finite number of alternate universes already co-exist simultaneously. Our minds just dump us into an alternate universe in an alternate version of us, when we make a doable choice. You know you can't choose everything. You can't choose to be instantly rich. We have to abide by the rules of cause and effect.

But I did an experiment just to see if I could get to one of these alternate universes just by making an abnormal choice. It does seem to make sense that a building could be in an empty field if it was an alternate universe. We are all creatures of habit. Perhaps if you altered those habits, you might notice something in your immediate surroundings that wasn't that way before the change. Naturally you are limited to choices that you can make. Choose something that you normally wouldn't do. I did. One day I chose to wear a different shoe on each foot. I also tried wearing a t-shirt inside out and backwards for a day too. I did convince myself that these alternate universes are there. Minor differences exist in them. Just pay attention. You may find out that reality isn't as fixed as you may have become accustomed to.

Terry Stonefield

New Member
I did say hypothetical. No one really knows for sure what reality is. Perhaps our minds can access all these other realities or timelines too. And maybe my mind just doesn't focus as well as yours on returning me to the right reality I was in yesterday. But when we don't understand something, it is very common for us to make something up, just to explain it away.

That is an excellent theory. It allows for alternate realities to be created(possibly by time travel) while keeping the integrity of our own. Secondly it may also be the phenomenon of probability. There is the theory that no matter how slim a chance there is a probability of anything happening i.e.: An object pops into existence, or a planet spontaneously turns into a table.

I never did like the idea that a new universe gets created every time we make a decision. It makes more sense that a finite number of alternate universes already co-exist simultaneously. Our minds just dump us into an alternate universe in an alternate version of us, when we make a doable choice. You know you can't choose everything. You can't choose to be instantly rich. We have to abide by the rules of cause and effect.

But I did an experiment just to see if I could get to one of these alternate universes just by making an abnormal choice. It does seem to make sense that a building could be in an empty field if it was an alternate universe. We are all creatures of habit. Perhaps if you altered those habits, you might notice something in your immediate surroundings that wasn't that way before the change. Naturally you are limited to choices that you can make. Choose something that you normally wouldn't do. I did. One day I chose to wear a different shoe on each foot. I also tried wearing a t-shirt inside out and backwards for a day too. I did convince myself that these alternate universes are there. Minor differences exist in them. Just pay attention. You may find out that reality isn't as fixed as you may have become accustomed to.

Reality is created by the mind's interpretation of the reflections that it receives from the vibrations of it's surroundings. The mind, or rather thought is the bases for all our realities. Therefore any deviance in thought or interpretation alters our reality, and perhaps then allows us to exist in altered or different universes.


Temporal Engineer
That is an excellent theory. It allows for alternate realities to be created(possibly by time travel) while keeping the integrity of our own. Secondly it may also be the phenomenon of probability. There is the theory that no matter how slim a chance there is a probability of anything happening i.e.: An object pops into existence, or a planet spontaneously turns into a table.

I never did like the idea that a new universe gets created every time we make a decision. It makes more sense that a finite number of alternate universes already co-exist simultaneously. Our minds just dump us into an alternate universe in an alternate version of us, when we make a doable choice. You know you can't choose everything. You can't choose to be instantly rich. We have to abide by the rules of cause and effect.

But I did an experiment just to see if I could get to one of these alternate universes just by making an abnormal choice. It does seem to make sense that a building could be in an empty field if it was an alternate universe. We are all creatures of habit. Perhaps if you altered those habits, you might notice something in your immediate surroundings that wasn't that way before the change. Naturally you are limited to choices that you can make. Choose something that you normally wouldn't do. I did. One day I chose to wear a different shoe on each foot. I also tried wearing a t-shirt inside out and backwards for a day too. I did convince myself that these alternate universes are there. Minor differences exist in them. Just pay attention. You may find out that reality isn't as fixed as you may have become accustomed to.

Reality is created by the mind's interpretation of the reflections that it receives from the vibrations of it's surroundings. The mind, or rather thought is the bases for all our realities. Therefore any deviance in thought or interpretation alters our reality, and perhaps then allows us to exist in altered or different universes.

I've tried to analyze this altered reality phenomena that I frequently experience. So far only bits and pieces. The altered habit routine sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. There does seem to be a connection to the act of remembering. It's like my mind is shared by all the other me's in existence. As a collective whole we are all one. But split up externally amongst all or some of the other realities in existence. Perhaps if I was more observant I could consciously control the phenomena by remembering a specific memory that resides exclusively in its own reality. But so far I have yet to identify any memory that would allow me to consciously initiate a change to another reality. Yet the changes continue on their own. So I suspect that I don't quite grasp this phenomena with the correct understanding.

Terry Stonefield

New Member
I never did like the idea that a new universe gets created every time we make a decision. It makes more sense that a finite number of alternate universes already co-exist simultaneously. Our minds just dump us into an alternate universe in an alternate version of us, when we make a doable choice. You know you can't choose everything. You can't choose to be instantly rich. We have to abide by the rules of cause and effect.

But I did an experiment just to see if I could get to one of these alternate universes just by making an abnormal choice. It does seem to make sense that a building could be in an empty field if it was an alternate universe. We are all creatures of habit. Perhaps if you altered those habits, you might notice something in your immediate surroundings that wasn't that way before the change. Naturally you are limited to choices that you can make. Choose something that you normally wouldn't do. I did. One day I chose to wear a different shoe on each foot. I also tried wearing a t-shirt inside out and backwards for a day too. I did convince myself that these alternate universes are there. Minor differences exist in them. Just pay attention. You may find out that reality isn't as fixed as you may have become accustomed to.

Reality is created by the mind's interpretation of the reflections that it receives from the vibrations of it's surroundings. The mind, or rather thought is the bases for all our realities. Therefore any deviance in thought or interpretation alters our reality, and perhaps then allows us to exist in altered or different universes.

I've tried to analyze this altered reality phenomena that I frequently experience. So far only bits and pieces. The altered habit routine sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. There does seem to be a connection to the act of remembering. It's like my mind is shared by all the other me's in existence. As a collective whole we are all one. But split up externally amongst all or some of the other realities in existence. Perhaps if I was more observant I could consciously control the phenomena by remembering a specific memory that resides exclusively in its own reality. But so far I have yet to identify any memory that would allow me to consciously initiate a change to another reality. Yet the changes continue on their own. So I suspect that I don't quite grasp this phenomena with the correct understanding.

Consider your energies point of origin or original 'birthplace' as white light. Its exists as a whole, a one. Then through interaction and events it gets refracted and different sections or frequencies of that energy 'go their own way'. However given the right circumstances some of those energies can be brought back together, and interact. Furthermore given the perfect circumstances all of the original energies can be brought back together to once again form a whole. They can once again exist as one.


So that means the choices we make puts us into one reality phenomena discarding us from others. That was a good experiment Einstein for that one day. I think we still don't know much about it. If someday we know we can manipulate our realities.

Terry Stonefield

New Member
I believe that we can manipulate our multiple realities. You must first start by being very conscience of the decisions that you make. Make decisions that you believe most or all of your separate realities would also make. By doing this you set yourself on a closer path to all of your other selves. This will bring you closer together, and then further decisions that you make will have stronger impacts on the other realities.


Senior Member
The past is less like "Back to the Future" and more like "Primer". If you go back to the past of your own time-line, you will create a fractal of alternate time-lines. This butterfly effect may negate you.
