Looking for others with similar experience

Old Viking

Junior Member
Q. Have you tried setting up a camera with the lens aimed towards the activity?

Have there been any witnesses besides yourself?
No witnesses, my wife is asleep during this, yes I have set up cameras but nothing happens on those nights. I have a new night infra red camera I am going to try. I think they are cloaked since I can only see blackness except the two times I saw them. TimeFlipper, I would appreciate your humor if this was not so serious. I am not some kid playing games. I am a retired police officer who is trying to deal with something I never expected to have to deal with, Who do I call for help?



I am Christian first and foremost and have spent a lifetime learning about entities.

These are three natural substances from The Earth that I have personally found useful for creating a protection barrier against bad entities.

Pure Crushed Sulphur alone is a deterrent against lower level spirits when used in drawing a protection circle or barrier
across doorways or windows.

Sea Salt, I have NEVER known this to fail in keeping things away either. Strong Protection from lower level entities.
(You could even mix the salt with the sulphur 50/50 to try placing across the doorway/windows..etc)

Black Tourmaline is the most powerful as, you can carry it with you at all times in a pocket
or place a hefty chunk right next to your bed at night.

Sulphur can be purchased as a stone as well.
You would have to do an online search for the nearest shop that would have Black Tourmaline for sale.

The BEST protection is KNOWING that The Light of God is more powerful than any 'THING'
that makes you afraid of the unknown. All things are known to Him.


What about some sort of paranormal investigation groups in the USA?

This IS really good advice.
There are people out there that are NOT going to laugh at you.

You should probably start by letting those whom are closest to you know what you are dealing with
before contacting a Paranormal Investigations Group.

I've been through it.
