Looking for preston nichols


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Looking for preston nichols

Like the title says , im currently looking for Preston B Nichols, the inventor of the delta t antenna , i need to ask him a lot of question or even go towere ever he is and meet him
of anyone can help me on this i would appreciate very much
thank you
Dr Z
Re: Looking for preston nichols

thank you very much for the effort i appreciate

Re: Looking for preston nichols

Could you update us if you ever get to contact Mr. Nichols ?

Re: Looking for preston nichols

yes im still wating patiently for news or reply but i think i will go straight to the source at wingmakers.com
check this one out he seem to be in good health for a 63 years old man
i do admire him for his work
Re: Looking for preston nichols

Hey guys , good news i found him , he live's like 4 hours away from me , as soon as im ready i will give him a call and go to see him , this is definitly some good news
Re: Looking for preston nichols

Doctor Z,

That is great news. I think you are going about this the best way possible. I honestly didn't know if you would be able to find him. I don't think he makes many appearances, not that I can tell.

I think with your knowledge and drive and with his help and guidance that you can have a serious shot at this. I just hope that the scale and scope that it takes for an experiment like this isn't so much that you have to find a ton of funding to make it happen.

Good luck with everything. If you are able to keep us posted with what is going on. I know for myself, I would be very interested to hear your theories and find out what Preston Nichols has to say, and what steps you are going to take to make this happen.

If you can't post it for all to see that is understandable, but it would be great if you can. This is of great interest to me, even just to sit and theorize and contemplate what is possible would be great.

Good luck!

Re: Looking for preston nichols

of course i will share all my finidng with everyone here , thats why im here for
