I was able to pause time once, and after that I traveled a small amount of time into the future. (Probably only 20 seconds.) Yet I have no clue how to control either of my time abilities... Does that count?

That is very interesting ability mysteriousmoon.
I really don't remember how it felt when the time pause started, but for the time travel I was able to. It's kind of hard to explain, the best description I can give is that it felt like the feeling I get when I am doing things that require a fair bit of brain activity, but this was much, much stronger, and then after that I could tell something happened. (I had flushed the toilet on full flush which normally takes about ~20-30 seconds, then with the 'time leap' it stopped suddenly after 3 seconds, it was full, and the toilet makes a sound that will always fade out.) I know I didn't black out because I have never had that before that and I haven't had that since.

As for the time pause, it happened when I was younger (At school in Year 8), I had thrown a pen at someone and they threw it back, I had braced for the impact but the pen never hit me, I looked up and found the person who threw it back was standing there doing nothing and the pen was floating and rotating slowly in mid air, I look around and everyone in my class was frozen solid, everything outside was the same as well. The one thing I remember as being odd was I had put my ruler up to deflect the impact and time went back to normal and the pen bounced off the ruler. I'm guessing that this has something to do with my subconscious, which would also explain while I haven't been able to do any of these since.
I am a tt as you call them from 2050 I got a device similar to the hdr but more accurate than that. My name is John.Smart resal Time Traveller maybe your answer will be answered.
my godfather who fought in the Vietnam war was told was he was saved by a time traveler because his bullet was so severe he still has problems today with memory and other body influences. he has flas backs every time I try to mention it. its like post dramatic stress disorder
from the war because of the loud bangs and guns and ammo going off at all times of night.. and day. he showed me pictures of one of his old army buddies that looked like me in a past life he was like you know something ithe really did look like you. like he was telling me the truth about something I never dare speak of it. I will have to get pictures of this man and one of me. I will compare it. you will all get a glimpse eventually. the real story behind Vietnam... Tron 1
Have you built a time machine or discovered a way to time travel? We're looking for time travelers interested in being in a documentary on the subject. If interested, shoot an email with a bit about yourself and your time traveling endeavors to brecasting@gmail.com
i was born in 1827 in south America and had died 1847 of illness I later lived in north America in three other lifetimes ranging from 1910- present. I am able to place myself in a time period just by thinking about it and can tell what was, is and what will be. I am even able to tell certain people their lives from birth-current as well as some of their family members. I also happen to have a key (a real one, kind of like a skeleton key for an old locked door of some kind) I have had this key since I was I was born in 1996 (current life) and am very attached to it for some reason and never go anywhere without it.

Hi mysteriousmoon, most do not recognise other than their physical body regarding timetravel, although conversely to accept timetravel they need recognise other dimensions, they just do not get that we exist in several at the same time. Ancient sciences call these our subtle bodies and from a physical body the realms they inhabit do seem subtle. Yet they are not confined to the same time dimension limitations. Who we are on these subtle or other dimensions depending on which, can have existed before earth came into being,, before homo sapiens arrived, depending on when the individual spark became individual for its particular journey.
I realise you understand things in a similar way, thank you for your interesting post, would be good to see more and maybe have a chat sometime.
