Why would a time traveler let you use their machine? SSDD, it would seem that the more time changes, the more people stay the same. John is a real time traveler, therefore, the diamondbacks are the real power behind the scenes.

How does one qualify to be a time traveler? Are they just chosen? Born into it? All this time travel talk reminds me of one of the most bizarre, random dreams i ever had in my life.

I would have to say everything would be A series of loops in the continuum of time it would be completely impossible to fathom in my opinion , the complexity is enormous . But I also believe if or when TT was achieved the continuum would essentially implode because all points of time would connect it would be catastrophic and also much more complicated then i am able to explain at this point.
I had this question pop into my mind a few minutes ago. Not saying time travelers don't exist. But just ask yourself. Why would one, who is probably on an important mission, just wander onto a message board and post about themselves and their time exploits?
I had this question pop into my mind a few minutes ago. Not saying time travelers don't exist. But just ask yourself. Why would one, who is probably on an important mission, just wander onto a message board and post about themselves and their time exploits?

If you read about John Titor from beginning to end, all of his posts, chats, faxes, and the notes in the book from his mother, and watched the Video that John had posted on Youtube in November 2009, then you would have some insight into that question.
The problem is, the book from his mother is VERY expensive. So, people like me haven't read it, yet.

Here is something to try. Go to your Public Library, to the Reference Desk, and ask if they have Inter-Library Loans. If so, then put in a request for the book. (You will need to fill out a very small form. Where it asks how much you will pay for it, put $0 Zero.)

This is how I get very hard to find books. Now I've never tried to order Titor's book this way, and it's so rare that it's highly unlikely that it will be available, but you never know. I've checked out some very rare books this way.

Also, check out this thread and you will find some excerpts from John's mother in the book: I Am An Expert On John Titor. Feel Free To Engage Me In Conversation
