Looking for similar experience

Old Viking

Junior Member
Hello, I am looking for others who may have had a similar paranormal experience as I had. I am a retired law enforcement officer so I understand if some may feel uncomfortable talking with me but I want to be upfront about my background. I am looking for people who have seen a flat black figure silhouetted in a thin line of white/silver light . No facial features just flat black like a target panel. "He" appeared to be wearing some type of suit like a bio-hazard suit from the silhouette. I saw "him" for several seconds before he disappeared in front of me. I hope to find others who can help shed some light on what or who I am dealing with. It was at night in my home that I saw this "being". There is more to the story but the important thing for now is to find others who may know what is going on.


Senior Member
@Old Viking Welcome to Paranormalis, lets see if others have had this experience.

Before other details, was this fairly recent or years ago?

Old Viking

Junior Member
I saw him in mid to late December 2020, there were several events that happen leading up to seeing him. There is also more to what happened to me before and after but I am trying to focus on what this being is for now. Never had to deal with anything this unbelievable in my life.


Junior Member
I’m Not sure on who or what but was you able to sense wether it was hostile or friendly. it sounds like a spirit to me or someone not physically there but a projection.

Old Viking

Junior Member
During my whole experience I did not feel any hostility . I had a little fear of the unknown and mostly curiosity as to what was happening and a lot of disbelief at first.


Senior Member
ok there's invisibility tech that turns any light you emit into infrared. Meaning it makes the person completely pitch black in appearance. Some gov projects use it for camoflage at night. If it was this there will be signs of overheating anything nearby. scorch marks, warping of metals, etc.

I have seen some shadow beings, they look 2 dimensional cuz they're so dark but you can see it when they turn so they are 3d. My father saw one standing in his kitchen when he was asleep. This being looked at him surprised that he was awake. Him and I had significant occult and negative energy attacks in our lives.

My guess it's one of the negative energy non-physical entities, they can touch people and move things.
Usually right before or after they show up there's some disaster. Someone gets sick, car accident, some major fight, etc...they feed off this energy. This is what attracts them. They try to manipulate events to cause maximum conflict for maximum energy release.
