Lovin' Country Life


Senior Member
Named the big gator Buddy. Bubba is fine!!! I just caught him sleeping at the time and he isn't afraid of me, so he didn't rush off. No worries, Bubba is still just 2 feet long and I don't touch him.

So, now when I walk around my pond, I am literally follwed by my posse of companions --- 3 gators (Buddy, Bubba, KiKi), and a turtle (named Turtle). It's hilarious. I'll make a video one day, if anyone cares. LOL. I'm sorry. I love critters so much. Who needs people?

I keep my eye out for big gators every day, but have not seen any, yet. Gators travel a lot, so I have to always keep watch. Large ones are dangerous.

The 3 gators are just eyeing you up for their future meals :eek: :LOL:..
