Magic Bar? Help


New Member
How would you explain the sudden 20 hours increase in working hours, now that you are shut down?
My 70-hour work weeks were from 2013 to 2016. We were opening for breakfast on Saturdays and my father had some health issues. From 2016 till about the summer of 2019 I work 60-hour weeks. From the summer of 2019 till the shutdown I putting in about 50 hours a weeks. Know I'm put in about twenty-four hours at the bar just doing repairs and renovations.


New Member
this is interesting. Have you researched the history of the building? are to the first person to report seeing writing like this? if it's unique to you then that kinda goes to the dream or overtiredness idea (but then if it's a dream then that's interesting in its self) but others have seen or experienced unexplained events on the grounds then maybe you need to explore further
