Debate Magic


New Member
When you on the topic of the occult and other mythological topics you begin to wonder can be done and what can't. Some wonder if there really is anything magic at all. So on all topics in this subject what is just folk legend and what is a physical thing that can be done. Is magic even a real thing? I believe it is though I have no evidence to support this, i do. How about you guys out there in this forum world?
Magic or the belief in a person's ability to manipulate the "laws" or "rules that govern the universe", have existed in almost every culture back into history for, well, who knows, from "cave man", past the cultures of great empires and your little old woman down the street that everyone was scared whitless of because she had a broom and kept any number of black cats. By-the-way, having cats could land one in jail, in certain societies, get you fried in other and if all were blacck, well, the local thought polce knew who you were in league with and just knew "HE" had given yyou all kinds of "magical powers" for the mere cost of you soul or someone elses, if you were that good .
King Solomon was reputed to be the greatest practioner of the "occults". he ask for wisdom and was given that and more. I trust the printers of the KJversion of the Bible will pardon me if I translate loosley the 4 elements, sylphs, gnomes,undies, and salamanders were obedient to him. As were the djinn. His power is not equaled, though a jealous djinn stole his powerful ring and the king was as a lost man until God order the djinn to return it. We can talk about summoning everything from "faries" to "demons", why even Lucifer can be made to aappear if legends have a part of truth about them. Enernal youth, immortality, the list can go one, held in check by ones imagination and/or fear of "divine consequences". Magic was and is real, been in every society, openly or hidden, practiced by prelates and popes, from you local "wise' person, to someone that has no fear of the divine, death, or perhaps eternal punishment. One just needs to find the right book, being knowledgeable of the langauge it contains and nothing is impossible.


It may not be directly related to the discussion at hand, but I like this quote a lot:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

It think it means a lot when it comes to define what magic is according to who.
Magic or the belief in a person's ability to manipulate the "laws" or "rules that govern the universe", have existed in almost every culture back into history for, well, who knows, from "cave man", past the cultures of great empires and your little old woman down the street that everyone was scared whitless of because she had a broom and kept any number of black cats. By-the-way, having cats could land one in jail, in certain societies, get you fried in other and if all were blacck, well, the local thought polce knew who you were in league with and just knew "HE" had given yyou all kinds of "magical powers" for the mere cost of you soul or someone elses, if you were that good .
King Solomon was reputed to be the greatest practioner of the "occults". he ask for wisdom and was given that and more. I trust the printers of the KJversion of the Bible will pardon me if I translate loosley the 4 elements, sylphs, gnomes,undies, and salamanders were obedient to him. As were the djinn. His power is not equaled, though a jealous djinn stole his powerful ring and the king was as a lost man until God order the djinn to return it. We can talk about summoning everything from "faries" to "demons", why even Lucifer can be made to aappear if legends have a part of truth about them. Enernal youth, immortality, the list can go one, held in check by ones imagination and/or fear of "divine consequences". Magic was and is real, been in every society, openly or hidden, practiced by prelates and popes, from you local "wise' person, to someone that has no fear of the divine, death, or perhaps eternal punishment. One just needs to find the right book, being knowledgeable of the langauge it contains and nothing is impossible.


New Member
So what you saying is that its here and always has been. Where would be a place for me to look if I wanted to delve into some research on this subject and going further, what I should and shouldn't be?
Oh, aside from the NET, any decent library would do, for starters. Just depends how engrossed one wishes to be. On the NET, the doors are wide open, from "black arts", sorcery, a dab of witchcraft, necromancy, "pact with the Devil"(under fiction but the Catholic and later Protestant religious leaders bought it). I just let your immagination govern when you look, it is out there. Shame the good stuff is behinfd lock and key in a few of the great libraries of Europe.


New Member
Using the information from the internet is kinda shotty don't you think. I mean they have everything from research websites to spell websites but the stuff is either fake or makes no sence
Well, if you want sources, I am aware of books that "supposedly" collectors have that are considered "spell books", if you happen to be catholic and have any pull in Rome, the vatican Library has the largest collection of books related to matters of the "occult", and related topics of anywhere in the world.:cautious:


New Member
I am catholic but Rome is a bit away... though I'd like to hear about these books your talking about to start my reasearch.
They are called "grimoires" or some are referred to as "THe Wizards Book of Spells", supposedly it contains "magic conjurations" or one is so inclined, "the Devil can be summoned to appear". Many draw heavily from the Kabbalah, cabalistic magic, and astrology. Many "claim" to be to be copies of works used by the biblical king Solomon. Some of the better known grimories include " The Key(or Greater Key) of Solomon", "The Lesser Key of Solomon", "The Arbatel of Magic", "The Grimoire of Honorius the Great", "The Book of Scared Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage". Refered to by Raymond Buckland in "Anatomy of the Occult" and Indries Shah in "The secret Love of Magic". Some claim they do exist and one can work wonders with them, other clain all are "fakes" and are simply printed to make money off of individuals that know no better. I have some that I obtained while in Europe and the Mid-East. Fun to collect but since some are in Latin, others in Hebrew, they just sit locked up in the bookcase in my library.
