Man Bites Woman's Neck, Claims To Be A 500 Years Old Vampire


Conspiracy Cafe
1841 The term ‘porphyrin comes from the Greek word, porphyus, meaning reddish-purple. It was first thought that the reddish color of blood was from iron. One early scientist performed an experiment to prove that this was not the case. He washed dried blood with concentrated sulfuric acid to free the iron. He then treated it with alcohol and the resulting iron free residue took on a reddish purple color though it contained no iron compound

Source: History of Porphyria

I didn't read too much of this, nor check its veracity. I simply googled it.


Active Member
I blame the KFC Double Down and those STUPID ASS Twilight movies....oh and The CW for pumping that crap into the minds of teens.


yeh Cosmo I was thinking along that line to my first thought was the guy needs to put that joint out and get some freash air for a while. how ever now that you mention it. it does sound more like a bad trip than good joint.
Pretty careless behavior and to be that old, seem to be in conflict with each other. Darn lucky to have made it through the Age of Discovery but who am I to splash "holy water" on a relic.Wonder what would happen, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust"?


Like Zeo and Cosmo said, this guy probably watched too many vampire movies and TV shows and became messed up. He was role playing.

A guy I work with told me this story not so long ago. He was with his GF eating ice cream at the local ice cream counter. A young couple was sitting at the table right next to them, my friend could hear what they were talking about. Not that he likes to listen to other people's conversations, he's like that, it's all about what these 2 teens were talking about! The young guy started to tell this girl he was probably dating, that he is a vampire. That he likes to drink blood and lives at night. From what my friend told me, this girl thought it was way cool, she was like "Oh, really? aww!"

Weirdos. o_0
I find it funny if the blood drinking wasn't involved, something called HIV sorta worries me about transmitting nasty things like virus. I wonder if he sleeps in a coffin filled with soil from hiis countrty, if not a good old boy from the US, then any land will do, supposedly. Ice cream, oh come now, what self respecting vampire would be seen at a ice cream shop I hope he knows that htere are 'crazies' out there making a point in killing "vampires", so he might not want it to get out as to hiiis personality quirks or he might be sorrry.
