Maybe we're the result of aliens + monkeys?


I heard about this idea the other day and I figured that maybe it's not that unlikely a possibility. Well, at least if you believe in aliens and that kind of stuff. We're the only intelligent specie on Earth, and we're pretty far ahead of all the other species. That gotta come from somewhere, right?

What do you think? Do you believe it's within the realm of possibilities?


You have to take into account the fact that social development happens on a completely different timescale to evolutionary development. If one species reaches a point where they develop complex tool use, their development increases exponentially, skyrocketing over a few hundred thousand years. Compare that to biological evolution where a single large change can take hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Just look at how far we've come in the past hundred years. Steam trains to quantum supercomputers.

As far as dolphins having more developed brains than us, that might be true, but they lack one very important thing: opposable thumbs. Have you tried holding a puppet control bar with a fin? Now, if telekinetic dolphins were a thing? Then we'd be screwed.

Also, it'd be aliens + apes, not monkeys.


there was a few experiments done to see if it was possible to impregnate a human being with a fertilized monkey egg and the other way around needless to say the outcome was negative till we humans figured out how to clear the egg's genetic marker and the host will accept the insemination.

As far as genetics go we are going backwards not forwards. If you move back in time you will find many abnormalities but you will also find that humans was more able to fit all their teeth in their moves. they where taller stronger and for the most part genetically healthier "if you consider how old they got"

Your DNA is devolving and soon we may lose our ability to reproduce because our genetic makeup will simply break down. This is a very real phenomena considering how many people cannot reproduce "both male and female" but mostly male.

Some call it the infertility time-bomb feel free to Google it and read for yourself. I remember reading in a 2010 article that 1 out of 5 men may suffer and that becomes a serious math problem later on.

However it is no real surprise if you consider that females are less lightly to be aggressive and more lightly to survive as "groups" because men is prone to aggression and dominance not to mention that men have a self destructive nature war being a key example.

So if we did star life in a alien test-tube they did a crappy job as we will eventually face genetic extinction. Evolution also fall out of the tree when you realise that "evolution is supposedly" adapt survive and "change or mutate" and well humans are not doing that. Our mutations are deadly and well our genetics are not adapting.

Sorry Darwin....

Anyhow I am personally a creationist... as stupid as it sounds it is said by many Mathematicians that if you take the average growth of the human populations and work in reverse you will find that at some point in time our genetic stock started out with 8 people and that the time line correspond with almost every "flood myth" documented. But I digress.

Point is if we are the result of aliens playing doctor doctor then they did a terrible job.

That said I think we are the result of inbreeding and eventually our genetics will shut down and our population growth will see a massive decline. "that has already started" yes we are billions now but that is only because we have healthcare hygiene and civilisation and common-law. Without these things slavery torture and illness would have made short work of our numbers.

And if you consider the Ebola virus running around leaving utter devastation it is still a possibility that we may face many more horrible things.


let's consider we are designed by aliens. Consider that our genetics are slowly reaching a point where we will go extinct this is fact. Thus can we conclude that our other flaws "criminal behaviour, mental illness and other disabilities" are by design or even lack of design. If so why don't they come and finish the job?

This is where I part from the ancient alien theory. The reality is if they are so much more powerful than us why hide? I personally think that these "aliens" are flesh and blood but there history isn't superior intellect and or a evolutionary head start. I think their origins are closer connected with our own.

I think we are the result of a age old curse and I will stand by this till the day I die. Not because I am brainwashed or hard headed mind you. No... I have seen enough unexplainable activity and have experience things that I would rather forget but I will say there are things "bigger" things at play.

My conclusion is these "things" are here to hurt in every possible way, they want to take our lives copy us and ultimately want to be us for some unexplained reason. This is about good vs evil and every variation of that philosophy is currently at play. The proof is all around you inside of our minds hiding under your bed trying to get inside your head. Be careful not to dismiss this.

Yes I might be smoking my socks but even a broken watch get its it right... So... sweet dreams... :)


where the wild things are
We're the only intelligent specie on Earth

Woah hold on Num. This is the part I disagree with you. Who said that we are the only intelligent species on this planet? There are plenty of species that are intelligent. Our primate ancestors are intelligent too. Ever hear of apes that smoke? What about the gorilla that can use sign language? Sure they could be mimicking our behavior, but that is basically what we do. We were all taught, by teachers, and we mimicked them. We learned from them. They mimicked and learned from their teachers.

And please define intelligence. Because intelligence is a very diverse and complex subject. There are many avenues of intelligence.


I agree with you.

I should have said that we are the most intelligent and dominant species on our planet.

Dolphins and monkeys are intelligent in their own way.


I agree with you.

I should have said that we are the most intelligent and dominant species on our planet.

Dolphins and monkeys are intelligent in their own way.

Are we?

We as humans have to face our mortality on a day to day base. We live work and are controlled by a system of laws and genetics alongside morality or the lack there off. it has been recorded that in our oceans there are animals that can change their orientation between male and female, are able to regenerate organs, extremities and even large parts of their brains. They do not age and can basically live for a very long time.

So the question is this "what is intelligence" There is us humans abele to build sport cars and run them against or into walls. Pretty cool stuff but we cannot regenerate or grow back lost body parts.

so if being clever is to build sports cars Humans win but if being clever is to survive then we lose because there are things that can survive almost any event were as we "as humans" can't


I wouldn't really class regenerating body parts as intelligence. The definition of intelligence (From an AI point of view at least) is a measure of an agent's ability to optimize its environment to achieve its goals. Picking up a stick and using it to fish for termites demonstrates more intelligence than, say, using claws to hunt, because the former requires the agent to learn and figure out the solution to a problem, whereas the latter just uses instinctive behaviour with no capacity to figure out new techniques.

Intelligence isn't really a binary yes/no, it's more of a scale.
