mind time travel?


mind time travel?

Considering that faster than light speed is one of the many requirements for time travel "unless CERN" can connect the past and future it seems that the next step would be to send your consciousness back in time.

Chances of sending packets of brainwaves back is a lot higher than sending an actual person back in time. The reality is your brain like everything else is unique as is the way you process information so it is possible that you can send knowledge back to yourself at a point in time where that knowledge is useful.

Example future self gets into a fight so future self can send back info on the fight to past self and so avoid the confrontation and or send back information on how to win it. This is by no means a new concept but one worth exploring to a high degree. Especially if you are serious about time travel.

My own personal interest aside on why i want and need to go back the obvious "need" is there. All of us have mistakes we would like to correct or people we would like to help so I think that is why the passion for time travel exists. OR you are just a egotistical psychopath looking for world domination in which case i hope you never get it right...

So how to test this? I have been figuring out ways to record my brainwaves into data and yes that part is easy... You can actually buy tech that uses your brainwaves to convert it into curser movements on your computer screen. So the tech is very real but it is far from sending back actual info.

So my next idea is to explore subliminal massaging. if a single image can alter your thought in only 300milliseconds then surly you can send trough enough info in 1 second to warn you of something. But as we know it doesn't always work and isn't always successful when it does work.

So now we enter altered state of consciousness. A heightened hypnotic state can make the brain accept the subliminal messages easier and process it better than normal active state. So what do you think?

Am i smoking my socks? Will i ever win the lotto? LOL i don't know but thankfully time travel is still on the "anything goes" stage... And yea i am figuring out a way to send back a small 1 second video clip to my earlier self. Why not right...

thanks for reading


Junior Member
We both have the same idea. Memories are just specific saved frequency of brainwaves stored inside our brain in form of energy. Altering your brain waves' frequency to the exact "saved frequency" MAY lead you to shifting the time of consciousness back to the exact point of time of the chosen memory. Is this the same as yours? This may not sound LEGIT or POSSIBLE, but this is a good theory. Haha. Im interested continuing this thread


reality is information as it is now can travel near light speed, i am in another country on the other side of the world and it seems if my posts are instantaneous. So the tech exist to push data at very high speeds. Now it is a question of how to plug into the past? Well micro wormholes are one option. if you can figure out when and where they will appear you can ready "memories" to be transmitted. Now "IF" and that is a big "IF" the wormhole does bend time from future to past chances are it might get transmitted back in time or get so distorted that the information gets corrupted. OR you can give an alien/demon a headache.... maybe... Who knows? I don't but it is worth a shot right... Science works on "hit one miss one" anyway that is how new discoveries are made.


Junior Member
haha, i feel your idea. we just used different terms. Almost the same. And I agree with that hit one miss one


Astral time travel will suggest as a consciousness you will go back in time, this is not what is being suggested here, BUT i will not rule it out because i am deeply spiritual. However my thinking was "make a recording of your thoughts" and send "that recording back in time with blinding fast brain wifi if you will. Meaning you send information back not the consciousness. Because your consciousness becomes the "constant between the "now" and the "then"


Astral time travel will suggest as a consciousness you will go back in time, this is not what is being suggested here, BUT i will not rule it out because i am deeply spiritual. However my thinking was "make a recording of your thoughts" and send "that recording back in time with blinding fast brain wifi if you will. Meaning you send information back not the consciousness. Because your consciousness becomes the "constant between the "now" and the "then"

Not necessarily "conscious" , you get subconscious-travel as well ( Unfortunately) that is the most used form , I prefer conscious travel but when necessary my body? / soul? prefer subconscious .


Junior Member
But isnt your consciousness is the most pure information of your running memories? If you're planning to send an information backwards you must be aware to make it significant and useful so your consciousness will probably 'travel' or displace on the point of recieving the information from the future? IF NOT, the information u sent backwards became useless and insignificant, so your consciousness will stay in your current situation as if you just day dreamed everything.
