Ministry of Truth


The individual, and the individual alone, determines the truth for himself or herself.

Not the state. Not the church. Not the media. Not academia. Not any body of so called "experts". In fact, not any other body whatsoever. Period.

If you believe otherwise, then you have surrendered not only your freedom to think for yourself, but your humanity as well. For it is our thoughts alone -- be they right or wrong -- which elevate us above the other creatures of this world.

Of course, this is only my opinion -- my truth, if you will. You can either accept it and live in freedom or reject it and become one of the growing herd that have surrendered to the authorities and dictators of this world.

It's your choice. That is, it's your choice for as long as you remain a human being.

I agreed until I read the One Line I've bolded.

Do you know why?

If one is to follow a true freedom of choice in due course.....It comes without dissuasion.


(Edited for better clarification. My bad)
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New Member
You can skip the last couple of minutes, since it's just a commercial. Otherwise, I was almost convinced that this was a planning meeting for the current regime.


Senior Member
Welcome to 1984, where truth is the new "hate speech"

View attachment 14423
I can see why the new administration wanted to install this ministry of truth. Because it's now coming out that Trump himself was really batshit crazy. It's in many of the former insiders coming out about issues such as President Trump wanted to bomb Mexico with rockets, but asked military chief, if they could just launch the missiles and say someone else had done it.

Number two and "I'm not being facetious", is the supposed soldier in charge of the said Osama Ben Laden killing. Trump asked his again' military chief, if they could get him to rejoin the service so they could court martial him later.

Oh my God' lots of crazy stuff in the White House that went on. Actions that were more like they came out of a crack-den in a crack-house.

A whole bunch of new books, about these antics in the White house.

I think why the ministry of truth came about, is the other side thought that Trump mad so many people crazy, that they would start losing their minds, going nuts in the streets. Fear and loss of control was probably the motivation.

The thing with Trump and regretfully yes, "I too voted for this guy", is to anyone on the outside, he appears to be just a pushy businessman. But under that exterior, there exist a raving lunatic that should have been assigned to a padded cell at the funny farm, long ago. My God' was this guy nuckin-futs.

A lot of new books on what went on and I don't know how the people under him kept their sanity. Loyalty yeah, but to Captain Ahab closing in on a huge menacing white whale, that has your splash numbers written all over him, in indelible magic marker.

This nonsense happens all the time in society, because some people are really good at covering up how unstable they really are. This is nothing new under the Christmas Tree.



Senior Member
I can see why the new administration wanted to install this ministry of truth. Because it's now coming out that Trump himself was really batshit crazy. It's in many of the former insiders coming out about issues such as President Trump wanted to bomb Mexico with rockets, but asked military chief, if they could just launch the missiles and say someone else had done it.

Number two and "I'm not being facetious", is the supposed soldier in charge of the said Osama Ben Laden killing. Trump asked his again' military chief, if they could get him to rejoin the service so they could court martial him later.

Oh my God' lots of crazy stuff in the White House that went on. Actions that were more like they came out of a crack-den in a crack-house.

A whole bunch of new books, about these antics in the White house.

I think why the ministry of truth came about, is the other side thought that Trump mad so many people crazy, that they would start losing their minds, going nuts in the streets. Fear and loss of control was probably the motivation.

The thing with Trump and regretfully yes, "I too voted for this guy", is to anyone on the outside, he appears to be just a pushy businessman. But under that exterior, there exist a raving lunatic that should have been assigned to a padded cell at the funny farm, long ago. My God' was this guy nuckin-futs.

A lot of new books on what went on and I don't know how the people under him kept their sanity. Loyalty yeah, but to Captain Ahab closing in on a huge menacing white whale, that has your splash numbers written all over him, in indelible magic marker.

This nonsense happens all the time in society, because some people are really good at covering up how unstable they really are. This is nothing new under the Christmas Tree.

By the by, there's also this info on Osama Ben Laden as told by Benazir Bhutto. I heard before they killed him early on. Put him in a freezer. The thawed him out so the could prop him in as a staged figure. This is nothing new under the sun.



New Member
I can see why the new administration wanted to install this ministry of truth. Because it's now coming out that Trump.... etc., and so on. (No need to repeat all of this nonsense, is there?)

Books and articles published by so-called "insiders" are nearly as old as the Republic and are usually written by those who have axes to grind. But let's pretend that this particular bit of libel is true. Does that justify this Orwellian assault upon the First Amendment? I don't think so.

When conservatives squawked about the censorship at Twitter, for example, I was unconcerned. This was because Twitter is a private company and can do as it pleases regarding what kind of information it wants to present. But when a government decides to get into the censorship business, it's a whole different matter, for two reasons:

First, it is a violation of the First Amendment. Granted, this is a rather trivial reason as far as today's America is concerned. After all, the powers-that-be are known to ignore that pesky old Constitution when it serves their purposes. (See the Tenth Amendment if you don't believe me.)

The second, and more important, reason that this Disinformation Bureau or Ministry of Truth or whatever you want to call it is so dangerous is because a government program is damned hard to get rid of once it has been established. You may believe that good old Uncle Joe has your best interests at heart and would never use this tool to silence his critics. But what if that "crazy" Trump (or someone like him) gets into office? Would you be comfortable knowing that someone you don't trust can silence you?

Think about it.
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Senior Member
Books and articles published by so-called "insiders" are nearly as old as the Republic and are usually written by those who have axes to grind. But let's pretend that this particular bit of libel is true. Does that justify this Orwellian assault upon the First Amendment? I don't think so.

When conservatives squawked about the censorship at Twitter, for example, I was unconcerned. This was because Twitter is a private company and can do as it pleases regarding what kind of information it wants to present. But when a government decides to get into the censorship business, it's a whole different matter, for two reasons:

First, it is a violation of the First Amendment. Granted, this is a rather trivial reason as far as today's America is concerned. After all, the powers-that-be are known to ignore that pesky old Constitution when it serves their purposes. (See the Tenth Amendment if you don't believe me.)

The second, and more important, reason that this Disinformation Bureau or Ministry of Truth or whatever you want to call it is so dangerous is because a government program is damned hard to get rid of once it has been established. You may believe that good old Uncle Joe has your best interests at heart and would never use this tool to silence his critics. But what if that "crazy" Trump (or someone like him) gets into office? Would you be comfortable knowing that someone you don't trust can silence you?

Think about it.
By the end of the year according to Babba Vanga and Nostradamus we're supposed to make alien contact for the entire society. Potential slavery issues there. How do we know that Trump was not paid off to act the way he did?

The art of distraction to conceal an ulterior motive is always based in a primary deception of a game.

