minuteman project and Waco type events thread


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

It's coming down folks. The cover of the daily news today is "Police Intel Warning: ANARCHY INC. - "hard core troublemakers a threat to republican convention"
There's a picture of Richard Picariello who is affiliated with the group Act Now to Stop the War and End Racism.
Does that name sound like a violent group?

There's a four page spread about all the groups they think might be BAAAAD groups.

Also, the court denied the groups that wanted central park to protest, saying they have to go up the west side highway and the grass, which cost 18 mil a few years back to renovate, would be ruined.
The judge said it was becuase the group was late in their suing. I bet there will still be a quarter million people in the park. The city said they will not stop protesters if they're peaceful. yeah right.

So here's the deal, I'm going to protests on monday, only, Sunday I'm at a wedding out of state, and I took off monday. Jess and I are going to the city protest hunting on monday. Nowhere specific, but I think we'll probably wind up near the convention, or as close to it as we can get.
Probably not the best idea, but whaddyagonnado.
And we're not going to wear any metal.
The NYPD is going to have a BLIMP to look over the whole city.
That's so 1984.


Junior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Well, I am going to wait to see what happens at the Convention and with the protests before I decide what the story is. It may be that the reason they are getting so prepared is due to all of the people who have made it an issue that they are going to disrupt things in the city. Perhaps they are making a big show of force just in case. Hey, if you can intimidate by looking menacing in order to keep the peace, that is better than actually having to get into it with the protestors. It's not that I like the fact that they are doing this, but I do understand why they might be doing it. If you heard that someone was making plans to come over to your house to beat you and/or your spouse or children up, don't you think you would try to look menacing to keep the other person from trying to start something on the property?

And, at the DNC they put all of the protesters in a secluded place in a cage-like area. Why is it that the Democrats are allowed to do this in order to keep things civil and the Republicans can't try to keep control over a potentially hostile crowd? Why is there such an unbalanced double standard?? It doesn't make sense to me.


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by pauli@Aug 27 2004, 12:33 AM
Well, I am going to wait to see what happens at the Convention and with the protests before I decide what the story is. It may be that the reason they are getting so prepared is due to all of the people who have made it an issue that they are going to disrupt things in the city. Perhaps they are making a big show of force just in case. Hey, if you can intimidate by looking menacing in order to keep the peace, that is better than actually having to get into it with the protestors. It's not that I like the fact that they are doing this, but I do understand why they might be doing it. If you heard that someone was making plans to come over to your house to beat you and/or your spouse or children up, don't you think you would try to look menacing to keep the other person from trying to start something on the property?

And, at the DNC they put all of the protesters in a secluded place in a cage-like area. Why is it that the Democrats are allowed to do this in order to keep things civil and the Republicans can't try to keep control over a potentially hostile crowd? Why is there such an unbalanced double standard?? It doesn't make sense to me.

I'll address the second paragraph first. The Democrats didn't set up the "free speech zone" cage that you described. Security for the DNC did that (FBI, police, etc.) The "free speech zone" in Boston was originally supposed to hold something like 3,000 people, but was cut back to 1,000 just before convention time for "safety reasons". Protestors who showed up quickly discovered the "concentration camp" feel that the "free speech zone" had, and word spread NOT to go there. The cage was mostly empty during the DNC. Believe me, the Dems go no special favors or treatment for their convention. If anything, they were short changed compared to the "security" that the RNC is being given. They were just lucky not to have hundreds of thousands of protestors like the Republicans will.

As for the RNC, somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 people are expected to protest during the convention. Your analogy of protestors as thugs coming to your home to beat your family is totally misguided. Appartently, you are heavily influenced by the Republican propaganda, which is your right, and believe the stories of how peaceful protestors are now being labelled "anachists" and "trouble makers". We as a people have the Constitutional right to peaceful assembly, and freedom of speech. The Founding Fathers made no mention of "free speech zones" in any of their writings. This is a new concept given to us under the Bush II regime. Mayor Bloomberg (being told what to do by Bushco admin.) wants to keep protestors segregated in a "free speech zone" that would hold up to 100,000 in west Manhattan. Protestors have basically said "no thanks" and are planning on being in Central Park and near the convention anyway. Now, I don't know how old you are Pauli, and how much of the news you keep up with, but I suggest that you RTFT here. You might get "hip" to what's going on up in NYC.

The show of force surrounding the RNC is unprecedented. The Bush administration has let it be known that they hope there's trouble. Their demented perspective sees this as an opportunity to show the world that these protestors are being disrespectful to a sitting president, as a "rally round the leader" propaganda campaign. Uh, hello, that's the kind of crap that Hitler used to rise to power in Nazi Germany. Keep the populace scared of outside "forces and enemies" of the state, criticize and ridicule those who oppose you, use excessive force to suppress any serious challengers, seize total and absolute power when the opportunity arrives. No disrespect to you pauli, but I suggest you read up on what's going on - read up a lot, lot, lot more.

No, I'm not a Kerry fan either. Both parties and their candidates suck an equal amount of the unmentionable here. Bush and Kerry are both part of the New England ruling elite class. They're actually about 6th or 8th cousins. They are both members of the secret Skull & Bones - "Society of Death" from Yale University. Skull & Bones has ties to several NWO groups. Like I said, you might want to read up a hell of a lot more.



Junior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Hi Cary,

Thanks for the response. Actually, I have kept up with the news. I listen to all sides of the argument. That I have an opinion that doesn't always tally with everyone else, does not mean that I am "uninformed" or "misinformed;" it simply means I have made up my mind in a different direction. I have done this as have you.

Yes, I do know of the "concentration-type" atomosphere of the "free speech zones." Despite what people may think, I kept a bit of tabs on what took place at the DNC because I was listening to what people were saying who had been there. I suspect, being as the last election was very touchy, the people overseeing the DNC were concerned there were going to be problems. I don't like that they did what they did but after the past four years of partisan hostility, I am sure they felt it might be warranted.

I am also aware of the heightened anger and aggression coming from people who do not agree with the direction that Bush has been leading this country. I also don't like everything he has been doing. I disagree with some of it because I think it was misguided. I disagree with the War in Iraq but not because Saddam Hussein didn't deserve to be taken out - he did. I disagreed with it because I think it is folly to try and promote democracy in the Middle East when the people from that region are just not able to receive such a lofty idea. They are still living in the 7th century. They won't be ready for such a system for centuries - perhaps a millenia.

I have also sat down and listened to people in the "hate Bush camp." When you ask them for reasons as to why they hate him, they come up with a lot of emotion but very little substance. They hate him because, well, he is trying to promote his Christian faith. You ask them where he has done this - try to press them for details. Instead of giving details, they move over to some other topic - say the War in Iraq, how he lied to us about the WMD. When you ask them how they say he was lying when everyone else believed he had them - the UN, Bill Clinton, etc. - prior to our entry into Iraq in March '03, they don't answer they just move to something else. You try to get a solid reason out of them and nothing. Then you ask if this has anything to do with the Election in 2000 and how he "stole" it from Gore and they say "Yes." Simply put, they hate him because they wanted Gore to win and now there is nothing more they can say except that Bush is Hitler in disguise. Well, maybe he is and maybe he isn't. (At this point, I am withholding judgement on this score. I don't yet see it. But trust me, I read up all about Hitler - should I see it moving that way, believe me I will be the first one to make a big squawk.)

Trust me, on the other side of the partisan line, there are many that feel that the Dems. are moving us toward communism and with the track record of communism - over 100 million dead - I don't think that is such a wonderful direction either. The truth is, I like all of you guys, even though I don't always agree with all of your political leanings. But the one thing I am sure of... we are all Americans and therefore should find a way, if at all possible, to bridge the gaps and pull for each other in the clench.

That is why I wish Rob a safe and productive time at his protest. Let us all hope and pray that everyone, on both sides of the street, keeps his/her head and doesn't do anything stupid that would lead us all into a civil war. :unsure:


Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by pauli@Aug 27 2004, 09:12 AM
....I disagreed with it because I think it is folly to try and promote democracy in the Middle East when the people from that region are just not able to receive such a lofty idea. They are still living in the 7th century. They won't be ready for such a system for centuries - perhaps a millenia.
Trust me, on the other side of the partisan line, there are many that feel that the Dems. are moving us toward communism and with the track record of communism - over 100 million dead - I don't think that is such a wonderful direction either. The truth is, I like all of you guys, even though I don't always agree with all of your political leanings. But the one thing I am sure of... we are all Americans and therefore should find a way, if at all possible, to bridge the gaps and pull for each other in the clench.

Don't be so sure that democracy represents a lofty ideal, or that we enjoy the farthest progressed form of a political system.

There is very little of politics left to us now. The government has decided to take this to the streets, and to cast the people as the enemy. But the government has already long since abandoned mere politics to make itself available to profiteers. You don't have a democratic government any longer, if you ever had a clean one. There are no political sides to this. There are no politics left.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Pauli - "They hate him because, well, he is trying to promote his Christian faith"

"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I
struck them, and then he instructed me to
strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am
determined to solve the problem in the Middle
East." - George W. Bush Jr.



"Bush Calls for 'Culture Change'"

"As former Bush speechwriter Frum puts it, "War has made him . . . a crusader after all.""

The point I'm trying to make here is that Bush is using his religious beliefs as a huge part of his platform. Not by saying "I'm a christian, so vote for me" but by making it obvious that his religion has an influence on the decisions he's making. While I don't believe that's necessarily christianity for my own reasons, and if you read Alex Jones you know what I mean, I do believe he is using it to sway the christians in the country who are religious and follow their religion with a faith unwavering. Christian or not, Kerry's not going to get those people's votes and probably wouldn't ask for them in that manner...well maybe...


"congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion"


In fairness :
"The Leftist Battle Cry
The Leftist social liberals continue to harangue on the "separation of church and state" as justification for eliminating religious issues from public view. The phrase "Separation of Church and State" has been bandied about for so long that 67% of all Americans believe that it is actually in the Constitution. In fact, those three words appear nowhere in the Constitution.
but the words ""congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion""
DO, and if that's reason number one why a constitutional ammendment banning gay marriage or enforcing pro life laws would be inherently wrong for America, there is no reason two.

As far as Bush pushing his religious beliefs, I'm fine if he's going to be a christian. Hell, I wouldn't care if he really is a satanist. Fact is, he should keep his beliefs out of my government. That's why America claimed independence in the first place. A fine balance between the desire for economic independence and religious freedom made would be Americans flee and fight for what they believed should be the freedom from oppressive rule.

When the population of America is at a 33% poverty rate, how can it be said this is not an oppresive regime and it is still in the heart of the founders of our country?

When I'm being forced to stand behind a fence 20 blocks away from the president in order to SCREAM my concerns because it doesn't seem like he wants to hear them? How is that not an oppressive regime?

FREEDOM MY ASS, I say, and I'm going to yell it...

This ain't freedom, this is taxation without representation and we need another tea party.
Maybe the lawn in central park will serve as a metaphorical teabox martyr.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

This ain't freedom, this is taxation without representation and we need another tea party.
Maybe the lawn in central park will serve as a metaphorical teabox martyr.

Beautiful! >:D<


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Dems are leading you toward COMMUNISM??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Dems? Those Dems? :lol: :lol: :lol:

(sorry, couldn't stop it, they say the same in my country too...)
