minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Cornelia@Aug 27 2004, 11:43 PM
Dems are leading you toward COMMUNISM??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Dems? Those Dems? :lol: :lol: :lol:

(sorry, couldn't stop it, they say the same in my country too...)

Actually, we haven't heard it much lately. I thought it went out with Reagan's last hurrah-- his "swan song," so to speak-- when he defeated Carter to make us "tall in the saddle again."

He said he was tired of hearing about how we lost the war in Vietnam: "We won that war," he announced, a la Bush on the carrier last year. Reagan was the last of the Cold Warriors, and is now given credit for defeating Communism-- for winning the Cold War!

He got his start fighting Commies for Goldwater.


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minuteman project and Waco type events thread


Sorry to take so long to get back to you, but I felt a reply was in order. Some of what's going on in our current day "politics" is a matter of opinion and political leaning. But as Paul points out, there is very little "politics" left to us anymore. Both of the major parties are controlled from behind the scenes for the benefit of those in control (predominantly elite ruling corportists). The expression "follow the money and you'll find out the truth" is very applicable to politics. Campaign reform is a total joke. Anyway, the point of what I'm trying to get to is having differences of opinions in politics is to be expected. Having a significant difference in political parties ended a while back. The similarities between the Dems and Reps. are greater than their differences. More importantly our govt. has become corrupted, and will continue in its corruption no matter who wins in November. Bush sucks. Kerry sucks. Whichever sucker wins, we'll all be sucking on it come November.

Now to address some of your last post.

Trust me, on the other side of the partisan line, there are many that feel that the Dems. are moving us toward communism and with the track record of communism - over 100 million dead - I don't think that is such a wonderful direction either.

Starting any statement with "trust me" is an invitation to distrust. I've been a life long Republican, so I am familiar with the "party line." The Republican party has been hijacked by the neocons and the corporatists who would use it for their own ends. As to the "track record" of communism and its toll of death, yeah and so what? I'm not advocating communism. I would find that intolerable. But death in the name of "something" has been the way of humanity probably since tribes began occupying controlled tracks of land. How many American Indians were killed in the conquest of the 48 states? How many foreigners have been killed as the result of CIA covert ops, directly or indirectly? We'll never know, but I suspect you'd be shocked by the truth. The CIA has its hand in every corner of the globe since its inception. Porter Goss, current CIA chief nominee, was a member of "Operation 40," an assassination arm of the CIA, back in the 60's. See related article CIA Nominee in Pic of Agency's 60's Assassination Squad

By the time you add up all of "our" death and destruction of the last 200 years, we've got to be running a close second with "communism". We just get a much better spin on our body count, along with the requisite omission of facts. Don't go believing all the BS being spoon fed by politicos and the govt. It's mostly spin and lies designed to seduce you into believing 1) all is well, and 2) the govt. has your best interest at heart. Just the opposite is reality.

But the one thing I am sure of... we are all Americans and therefore should find a way, if at all possible, to bridge the gaps and pull for each other in the clench.

That is a ray of light that I am hoping will come through in the end. Americans have a tradition of burying their differences and coming together when attacked. My concern is that we're being attacked by the govt. and most of the populace is asleep at the wheel or in total denial of our current state of affairs. Until the scab is ripped off the festering sore that has become our govt., I doubt much progress will be forthcoming. Until then, we have to stay informed and in communication with each other as a country. If this country does not wake up and face the ugly truth of the beast the govt. has become before too long, this place won't be worth spit. Just my opinion. You believe what you want to believe.



minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Cary you so totally rock. Your above post should be printed, mass produced and shoved down the throat of every American who sides exclusively with either the dems or republicans, blaming every problem in America on the "vast conspiracy" that they think is occuring on the other side. Tell a Bush fanatic that you don't like him and you get a list of Kerry's evils. Tell a Kerry supporter that you dislike Kerry and you get a list a Bush's evils. I am starting to doubt that these people will ever see the light, and see that it is themselves ruining america by aligning with the Liberals or Conservatives, and not realizing that both sides are as bad as the other.

Vote Libertarian People!!!!

I say we have a poll that asks when middle america is going to wake up and smell the damn coffee. I say they never will because they will be too busy arguing about the swift boat veterans. :cry:


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

The coffee will be an original blend; generous helpings of Poverty, Famine, Death and Disease added to half a cup of American blood with a tangy chemical hint.

They'll be waking up and smelling it within a decade or so, I imagine.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Ralan@Aug 28 2004, 03:48 PM
The coffee will be an original blend; generous helpings of Poverty, Famine, Death and Disease added to half a cup of American blood with a tangy chemical hint.

They'll be waking up and smelling it within a decade or so, I imagine.

The UK isn't going to do much better Ralan Im sorry to say. I don't mean this to flame, or be nasty, or start a fight it is merely an observation: I was going to say that people here couldn't possibly be any less self sufficient. They want the government to take care of everything for them, because they pay a few quid out of their paychecks in taxes, and then they want to do as little as possible. How will they manage if things really break down and there is no governement welfare state? When the crap really does start to hit the fan globally and the structures we depend on crash I hope Im back on US soil.

Honestly not meant to be nasty, just one little ex-pats opinion. If anyone thinks this post is OTT then delete it.


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minuteman project and Waco type events thread

The UK isn't going to do much better Ralan Im sorry to say. I don't mean this to flame, or be nasty, or start a fight it is merely an observation: I was going to say that people here couldn't possibly be any less self sufficient. They want the government to take care of everything for them, because they pay a few quid out of their paychecks in taxes, and then they want to do as little as possible. How will they manage if things really break down and there is no governement welfare state? When the crap really does start to hit the fan globally and the structures we depend on crash I hope Im back on US soil.


When all you have to work with is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. You just hit this one squarely on the head. The coming global defaltionary depression will affect everyone, everywhere. Unless you're a peasant in the rural countryside of some third world country. Govt.'s will not be there to save anyone, but themselves. Ralan has an accurate description of the depths of such an event, except the blood will be a lot more diversified than just "American."



New Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Hello all

Well I'm new here and although I'd never heard of JT until a few days ago, I'm not at all surprised by any of his predictions. Indeed, if anything it has only confirmed a gut feeling I've had for some time now.

I'm from Australia and obviously was interested in the references made to it by JT.

Australia is sort of interesting in what is unknown. After the war, they were not very cooperative or friendly (can't blame them really). It is known they did repulse a Chinese invasion and most of their cities were hit. They have a trading relationship with the U.S. but I would characterize them as reclusive and ticked off.

Interesting...I would almost go so far to say the general attitude of the Australian public toward America is dangerously close to that characterisation right now. Our Government supports the Americans 100% but that feeling is far from shared by the people. Indeed, some resent the fact the Australian Government is cultivating it's "Support USA" image. Australians are ticked off at America about several issues right now.

Free Trade Agreement: The perception here is that the new agreement essentially rips Australians off, particularaly to do with medicines and pharmaceuticals. It's been a much publicised debate recently.

American bases: There is a certain degree of fear among people that having American bases here makes us more of a target to America's enemies. It was recently announced that we have given the Americans permission to build not one, but two new bases here.

Bali: It is generally agreed that the bombing in Bali was a terrorist attack aimed specifically at visiting Australians. This is often referred to as an example to justify the fears of becoming targets by association. This particular incident has been since compunded by the Western (read Australian and American Govts) pressure on the Indonesion Govt. to pass new anti-terrorism legislation and charge the bombers under the new law. It was later decided it was against Indonesia's constitution to retrospectively apply new legislation and the bombers may well got off thanks to our interfering. it does not sit well with the families of those who died.

You stated elsewhere that Australia repulses a Chinese invasion. Does this mean Australian government side with your enemy?

There were deep divisions in Australia also. I would associate it more with a powder keg than a civil war.


For what it's worth, little Johnny (our esteemed PM) unexpectedly headed home early from his trip yesterday. The local speculation is that he plans to announce an October election for Australia (he must call it before the end of the year) but my own suspicion is W told him to be home just in case the shite hits at RCN.


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minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I can't remember where I put the last web bot interpretation, so I'm putting it here as it relates. Again, this is my summary of the web bot interpretation from halfpasthuman.com. If you want to read the original, you'll have to subscribe to the site. It's only $30 per year.

The RNC is described as "DangerousEnterprise" and the subject is filled with "tense" language. The intensity of the language was NOT filterable because the RNC is related to Bushco, which generated very "hot" language. Just know that the emotives surrounding the RNC was "too hot" to reduce the range of values. Sounds pretty intense.

Within the central core of the RNC entity was found that "sincerity is inconsistent and misfortune arises." "Failure" was found throughout the entity at all levels and was internally cross linked. The convention itself is seen as a failure at multiple levels, not the election. The data set indicates "all/any movement results in bound/constrained/frustrated desires/goals/efforts." This is apparently due to a single instance of widespread perception of "insincerity or sincerity that is inconsistent." Also noted were a whole series of references to "heanen" in the religious sense.

Part of the lexical structure had repeated references to "innocent harmed." The "innocent citizen" is struck by "disaster/calamity/accident/loss." This references the concept that indicate many citizens might be harmed or that one in particular individual is harmed but not so publicly as to become the headlines of the convention. One element found that "disaster" describes a situation in which the "citizens loss is the gain" of someone else. Further, the "disaster is both unexpected and unavoidable" with references to "neighbors being accused." This reference is cross linked back to the "inconsistent sincerity" area which allows an interpretation of "accusations" being made against "neighbors inappropriately/wrongly/impiously."

There are also references in the RNC to "disease" but not in relation to a bio-terror attack. The lexical structure has references of "evil, vile, foul, and stagnant" in reference to disease. This is apparently all about a single "prominent/powerful/public" person being "struck down by disease" within the framework of the convention itself. This "disease" is cross linked back to "no movement, facilitates/improves" which suggests that the disease is not something that is treatable. One obvious interpretation would be that Dick Cheney falls victim to heart related problems, but this is not the only possible interpretation.

The "inconsistent/fraudulent sincerity" is related to the "case/situation/decision" being "closed/moot/ended/finished." The "case" is closed in such a way as to "stymie/block/derail/frustrate" the "insincere person" who will "make mistakes" through every action during the RNC. One possible interpretation is one of cascading problems of foot-in-mouth that will just keep getting worse with each new effort to "repair" the "hole/well/pit" that is found in the "threshold/doorjamb." The "threshold/doorjamb" has been interpreted to mean "passage or movement or furtherance."

Within the RNC entity was found "external means/patches/efforts/supports" will be used to "attempt repair" of "internal cracks/lesion/fissures/failures." This attempt to patch over internal problems will meet with abject and apparently very "public loss of face/prestige/presence." There are references in this set that contain repeated references to "nature" which was interpreted to mean that the "internal fissures" will arise from "environmental" areas. The most clear references are focused on "weather, rain and wind" possibly indicating some problem arising in a very public way at the convention as a result of the hurricane in Florida. I've read supposed eye witness accounts that say the actual death toll from Hurricane Charley was closer to 400 rather than the 25 officially reported, and actual body counts are being intentionally kept low by Gov. Jeb Bush's office. Why? No idea. This could be what comes to light in the RNC. This is my take on this, not the web bot run. Another interpretation of mine is that Hurricane Francis could hit NYC during the week - current sustained winds of 145 mph.

The central message of the convention is framed inf "useless desires" that are "proclaimed stubbornly/firm." These are seen as as being "not needed/unrequired/inadvisable" and are received as would be "rantings of the depraved/corrupt." Furhter, within these "useless desires/goals" are "exhortations to repentance" that are "dismissed/cast off/denied" by the populace. It would appear that the data set is indicating that the central message will more or less be advocating "wallowing in pleasure/distractions" which will be "rejected/dismissed" as being out of touch or "disconnected/misplaced/loose" from the "perceived flavor/needs" of the times.

There were also indications as to the strangeness of the whole convention in that a "blinded/covered mind/personality" will be "caught/discovered entangled in short-lived gratification." Efforts will be made to "put right/repair/correct" this which will then cause "many/group/lots/several" to "work/labor furiously/excessively to free/extricate" themselves from the attempt to "repair/cover up" the problem.

The primary message from the lexical data sets are that the RNC will be replete with many challenges to which any response will only bring failure.

Another entity called "AmericanSolidarity" is also present and is interpreted as the protests surrounding the RNC. The entity is full of phrases indicating the "success" of the "small" in "walking over/treading upon/pushing down/occupying" the "interests/shpere/area" of the "prince/powerful/establishment." Also, the "protestors/citizens/actions" will "worry/annoy" their intended victims but that "constraint/circumstances" will "prevent" the "lashing out/retribution" on the "crowds/masses." It is also interpreted that the RNC will not follow this path and will "suffer" from the "blood of small cuts" which "allow in/open to poison." The "AmericanSolidarity" will find that for their part the "cohesion" of the "flesh/crowds/masses" will "prevail" and will result in "widening solidarity."

It is also noted that everything won't be smooth for the protestors. They will have to face "danger/risks/threats" to "safety/health" in order to "cross the line/restriction." There will be "danger overcome" through "correct/appropriate caution/thoughtfulness." The idea of "correct conduct" or "proper behavior/actions" suggests that the protests may not be as violent as many would anticipate.

There was also an interpretation that "facing/challenging" the "dangerous enterprise" with "correct action/behavior" will produce a "catharsis/event/crescendo" that will alter the protestors "personal history/story/memories" forever. This has been interpreted to mean that all the "passers-by/by-standers/neighbors" will be affected.

The protestors will reach a point of "confrontation" with the "authority" In spite of "transgressions/errors" there will be "very careful/correct/cautious behavior" on the part of the protestors and the errors will be forgiven. The situation "abounds" with "risks/threats" but the situation should end well. The protestors who are seen 'resolutely/firmly advancing down the surveyed road" without "mistake or error", their "encounter/exchange" with or against the "barriers/barricades" will apparently "change minds" and "reveal dignity."

The protestors are to face some "severe trials/threats/conditions" in "ravines awash/filled/flooded" with "noise/sounds/cacophony" which will "test" the "courage" of the "child/waif/immature" but there is a data set which suggests that "global/widespread/universal acclaim/praise/adulation" will reach headline status praising the "courage/stamina" of the "selfless/outgoing child" who will apparently "endure/persevere" through "troubles/stress/torture" to "emerge/come out of/be found/be retreived from bloodied/injured/covered in blood/bleeding" but not bowed. The interpretation suggests that a youngish female will become the "poster child" of the "solidarity/cohesive" American resistance movement. The data suggests some nasty moments for this individual, but in spite of suggestions of "frail frame/waif-like appearance/vatta-body type", the flesh shall endure and the spirit will triumph in a totally "unexpected/unbidden/not sought rise to prominence/pinnacle."

The data suggests that the incident/event or "confrontation" with the "weak/small/frail" will set the tone for the emeregence of a defined "AmericanSolidarity" entity. The interpretation is that until the emergence of this event/incident in which the "woman" is placed "in danger/at risk/threatened" the protests at the RNC will be just large scale crowds, but that after this incident, there will emerge a "movement" that shares similar traits to the Solidarity movement seen in Poland prior to its liberation from communist control. The emergence of this movement will arise directly from an example of "stupidity/unawareness/self-delusion/ms-appraisal" of the relative "strength" of forces involved. Another interpretation is that people within the RNC/Bushco admin will make a serious mistake in the application of force against the protestors. This will not continue as they will have their "bowels giveway/release" at the first sign of the "strong resistance" which arises in direct response, and the "evaporation/desertion/abandonment/separation" of the "populace/citizens/people" from support for the action.

The fallout from the above also suggests that an increasingly mentally "troubled/infirm/out-of-touch/withdrawn/isolated" Bush will "behave/act out badly/inappropriately" in October, bringing on "censure/criticism" from wide spread sources suggesting a more or less ubiquitous condemnation of the behavior even within the Bushco controlled media.

Other results in the bot run point to a shift or transformation of the seasons. References are made that the planet will not make an orderly progression into Autumn, as though, we might not get an equinox in late September, or something of this magnitude. The effects of these changes will alter seasons "at least multi-generationally" in the relationship between humans and weather.

On a financial note, there are no references to the US dollar beyond 3 years, with most data ending within 12 to 18 months. Fits with other financial interpretations I have read over the last few years. My interpretation.

Some emotinal barrier will be crossed in September which alters all human views/actions, likely season related. Some inferences are that Peak Oil will become evident to all with a major announcement made at the time. This is NOT the dominate bad news of the period.

Also seen is the "return of a wise man/hermit/sage" to Iraq (Shiite Cleric Sistanni just returned to Iraq from heart surgery in UK?) This coincides with the "rising of the small" which may result in the defeat of the US military in Iraq - a general uprising of the Iraqi people against the US military. With this, it is revealed that the US has succumbed to corruption and bankruptcy, loosing any claim to super-power status. Rather than self examination by Americans, Bushco is blamed for all problems.

AGAIN, this is my summary of the interpretation of a web bot run. All the italics are my addition or emphasis. The web bot run interpretation was completed on August 24. This will be an interesting week to see how many web bot interpretations "hit" along with the RNC and related demonstrations.

Phew, that was one long ass post. I need a JD and a cigar.



New Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I've been visiting this site for a while and enjoy reading this thread. I wish the best for Rob at the protest and admire his courage.

I worry about the fate of this country. We're in a sad state of affairs when there are discussions on whether Jesus would have been a democrat or republican, or if democrats believe in God. People arguing over political choice and who to fear while the ones' in charge do as they wish. I guess if they make us believe that we are each others enemy and the fighting is amongst ourselves, they can get away with anything. Fear and hatred the best way to divide and conquer.

I don't know what the answer is, although I try to figure it out daily. I do like Paul's idea of impeachment.

To All... Stay Safe!


Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by empathi@Aug 29 2004, 09:42 PM
I've been visiting this site for a while and enjoy reading this thread. I wish the best for Rob at the protest and admire his courage.

I worry about the fate of this country. We're in a sad state of affairs when there are discussions on whether Jesus would have been a democrat or republican, or if democrats believe in God. People arguing over political choice and who to fear while the ones' in charge do as they wish. I guess if they make us believe that we are each others enemy and the fighting is amongst ourselves, they can get away with anything. Fear and hatred the best way to divide and conquer.

I don't know what the answer is, although I try to figure it out daily. I do like Paul's idea of impeachment.

To All... Stay Safe!


Rob is standing in for a lot of us who can't be there. Our spirits are with him.

If they want us to be divided, and want us to riot and fight, and want to have legalistic excuses to round us up and deprive us of basic rights, the answer to them must be to deny them each and every one of these. It is a difficult thing to accept that our government apparently now wants and waits for an outbreak of spectacular violence to shore up the power base. But we must accept it.

There is no law against all of us joining together and voting all of them out, all at once, and replacing them with people who have no ties to the powerful ones. There is, in fact, the basic law which says we must do this to earn the name of a democracy.
