minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Ah, my mistake. I told a couple people that it was a Bradley. Certainly LOOKED like a Bradley, but the picture they showed me didn't show the wheels.

I watched the video and don't really see anything so scary about it. Yeah, it was a bit of a shock, but that's what a show of force is supposed to be. Darkwolf, I'm guessing the police didn't have any idea about it because someone like the mayor must have ordered them to show up. And not all army vehicles have their designation numbers in plain view. The tanks I worked on in the army all had theirs on the rear in letters/numbers about 4 or 5 inches tall. I ain't no expert or anything, and don't have any knowledge about how Marine vehicles are designated... That's just my experience.

To be honest, I didn't see anything in the video that's incriminating to the military at all. The protestors were the ones who yelled "Block the tank!". Even the police were relatively polite in getting them off the road.

I don't think this has anything to do with Titor's prophecies. If I were in charge of a city that big, and I knew there were a bunch of people protesting Bush, I'd do what I could to make sure no riot broke out or anything. A show of force is just what's needed to show the people who's in charge, and keep them from getting violent.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Nov 11 2004, 12:46 AM
If I were in charge of a city that big, and I knew there were a bunch of people protesting Bush, I'd do what I could to make sure no riot broke out or anything. A show of force is just what's needed to show the people who's in charge, and keep them from getting violent.

I sure hope that's sarcasm. Please tell me it is. Any time someone in charge of a city that big, or any city for that matter, calls in the military to disperse a civillian protest its a very scary thing. The first thing I thought of was Tienemman Square back in the late 80's.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

don't think this has anything to do with Titor's prophecies. If I were in charge of a city that big, and I knew there were a bunch of people protesting Bush, I'd do what I could to make sure no riot broke out or anything. A show of force is just what's needed to show the people who's in charge, and keep them from getting violent.

The police have armored vehicles specifically designed for that. They are armed with water cannons and things like that.
These have 30 or 40 mm chain cannons. The only thing that the soldiers could do if they were threatened would be to cut loose with cannon rounds that are slightly smaller than your fist, can fling a round up to three miles with deadly force, and can turn cars inside out. Poor choice of weapons. Secondly only the marines use that vehicle. There is no marine national guard, and the only people who can order their use are in the federal chain of command. The president, chairman of the JCS, mabey someone in the military command structure. The mayor or the govoner can't do it.

The marines by the way are not covered by the posse comatatus law.

Ah, my mistake. I told a couple people that it was a Bradley. Certainly LOOKED like a Bradley, but the picture they showed me didn't show the wheels.

Isn't an Lav 25 a bradley with anphibious capability and wheels?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by DadOf5+Nov 11 2004, 01:35 AM--><div class='quotemain'>I sure hope that's sarcasm. Please tell me it is. Any time someone in charge of a city that big, or any city for that matter, calls in the military to disperse a civillian protest its a very scary thing. The first thing I thought of was Tienemman Square back in the late 80's.

Yes and no. I wasn't aware that the police had vehicles for riot control. I know the SWAT team has them, but I didn't know the police had them. I don't see what's wrong with a show of force. If I thought there was a possibility of a protest like this getting violent, I'd do what I could to try and curb whatever might happen.

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Nov 11 2004, 01:50 AM
don't think this has anything to do with Titor's prophecies. If I were in charge of a city that big, and I knew there were a bunch of people protesting Bush, I'd do what I could to make sure no riot broke out or anything. A show of force is just what's needed to show the people who's in charge, and keep them from getting violent.
The police have armored vehicles specifically designed for that. They are armed with water cannons and things like that.
These have 30 or 40 mm chain cannons. The only thing that the soldiers could do if they were threatened would be to cut loose with cannon rounds that are slightly smaller than your fist, can fling a round up to three miles with deadly force, and can turn cars inside out. Poor choice of weapons. Secondly only the marines use that vehicle. There is no marine national guard, and the only people who can order their use are in the federal chain of command. The president, chairman of the JCS, mabey someone in the military command structure. The mayor or the govoner can't do it.

The marines by the way are not covered by the posse comatatus law.

See, this is where my ignorance as far as who can order this kind of thing comes in to play. If someone like the President ordered this, then that's screwed up and definitely scary. None of us here are experts at who can and cannot order this kind of thing, so there is probably an explanation for it. They didn't do anything except drive around a couple times, and I don't see how that hurts anything.

@Nov 11 2004, 01:50 AM
Isn't an Lav 25 a bradley with anphibious capability and wheels?

I have no idea ;) It's been a few years since I took a vehicle identification class.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

None of us here are experts at who can and cannot order this kind of thing, so there is probably an explanation for it. They didn't do anything except drive around a couple times, and I don't see how that hurts anything.

Only the president, or somone in the federal chain of command can order federal military units to be used. I think the choice of unit. (Non national guard) was ment to send people who'd understand a clear message of intimidation. The tanks didn't do anything. This time. Message recieved.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Well, I for one will take note of this event, but won't be too concerned about it - unless it happens again. Then I will be more concerned. It is possible that they were "lost." From my understanding, Sepulveda Blvd, which runs right alongside of the Federal Bldg. in Los Angeles, is actually a thoroughfare for the military. They mostly use it late at night - or very early in the morning and travel for many miles up and down that street.

I was told about this several years ago when working as a student in Antioch University Los Angeles. Of course, I could be wrong. I will have to check with my friend, whose boyfriend was in the Marines. He told her about this if I am not mistaken. I'll ask her and get back either way.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

As a follow up to last night's surreal appearance of two Marine APC's at an anti-war demonstration of 400 to 500 people, indymedia posted an updated article on the events in Westwood (an upper scale neighborhood of Los Angeles). Strange, very strange. If two Marine APC's are called out for a small demonstration on the streets of Westwood, CA, what gets called out in a large demonstration happens in NYC or another large metropolitan area?


Westwood Anti-Occupation Demonstration Pictures

Despite the one-day notice, about 400-500 people came to the Westwood Federal Building on Tuesday night to protest the start of the second U.S. attack on the people of Fallujah, which had been officially launched on the previous day. To my own recollection, this is a record number for a demonstration called on such short notice.

As usual for such short-notice demonstrations at this location, most of the group stood on the sidewalk along Wilshire Blvd. waving signs and shouting to oncoming commuters in cars and buses, who frequently expressed their support by shouting and blowing their horns, and (much, much less frequently) expressed opposition. Smaller groups were stationed on each of the other three corners of the Wilshire and Veteran intersection, and as the lights changed some of these groups would parade across the intersection, making themselves still more visible to traffic.

About 7:30pm, two tanks barreled past going East on Wilshire, rounded the corner onto Veteran going South, and disappeared.

About ten or fifteen minutes later, two tanks (apparently the same ones) appeared again going East on Wilshire and stopped for the light there. Demonstrators immediately stepped in front of the lead tank, blocking its path, and started to chant \"U.S. Out!\" at the soldiers, whose heads and torsos were clearly visible and who evidently exchanged a few words with protestors.

The soldiers seemed amused and not really unfriendly. Unfortunately, a few of our protestors chanted \"murderers!\" at the soldiers, although in general I think we were more sophisticated than that, realizing that many soldiers are victims themselves who were recruited through propaganda, guile, and economic incentives that the very poor can find it difficult to refuse.

I have no idea why they were there, and neither did anyone else that I asked.

Both tanks were surrounded on three sides by protestors for about three or four minutes until the LAPD showed up and placed themselves between tanks and protestors, and cleared the protestors who were blocking the front tank out of the road. I did not witness any brutality as this occurred, nor am I aware of any arrests having been made.

The tanks then proceeded to turn right onto Veteran and disappeared from view.

Our protest continued following this incident. If sending tanks driving by was meant to intimidate us, it definitely did not succeed, and in fact had the opposite effect.

Thus, we citizens of conscience in Los Angeles have joined people around the world in expressing our public opposition to a U.S. policy of dealing death and mayhem to the citizens of Iraq in general and to those of Fallujah in particular.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by pauli@Nov 11 2004, 03:22 AM
Well, I for one will take note of this event, but won't be too concerned about it - unless it happens again. Then I will be more concerned. It is possible that they were \"lost.\" From my understanding, Sepulveda Blvd, which runs right alongside of the Federal Bldg. in Los Angeles, is actually a thoroughfare for the military. They mostly use it late at night - or very early in the morning and travel for many miles up and down that street.

I was told about this several years ago when working as a student in Antioch University Los Angeles. Of course, I could be wrong. I will have to check with my friend, whose boyfriend was in the Marines. He told her about this if I am not mistaken. I'll ask her and get back either way.

Well said.
