

where the wild things are
I believe that there are quite a bit of these people who are hanging around on the Internets, ending up on message boards like ours. That being said, I'm really no doctor either.

I believe these people are, in real life, probably able to keep people from noticing they have such behavior issues. They're usually very good to hide it, the only other people knowing about it being their close family and boyfriend/girlfriend (husband/wife) for instance. What do you think?

On the Internet though, they can reveal themselves, it's an anonymous place! That can lead to a lot of serious and weird situations in which everyone feels bad.

I'm one of them. I have a few problems offline. Mental and emotional. The internet is a way for me to express the feelings I have, the frustration I have. Because I don't have many ways of expressing them offline.

The internet is that safe haven, where I can sit here and express my frustration without having to worry about consequences that would come if I expressed them offline. For instance, that time I called the member here full of shit. Say that to someone offline, they might get angry and attack you. Here? All I have to worry about is not getting banned. Which wont happen. I may be a loose cannon at times, but I don't get out of hand. Well maybe 10 years ago, but that is ancient history. :p

And don't think of me as a bad person saying any of this. Nobody is perfect. We all do really dumb things in life. I've done my fair share, and I'm sure you have too Num and Arye. I've been to jail myself. Once. Once was enough. Lol.

Orpheus Rex

I am a student studying to be a doctor. Psychology is my hobby
Misanthropy isn't a disease or mental illness although it can be a resultant from such things. It isn't considered as such either. It certainly isn't a disorder in and of itself. Many of the greatest philosophers had misanthropic tendencies, including Aristotle. I fall under the definition of misanthrope, yet I doubt you'd expect that from the way I act here. Treatment would depend entirely on the individual misanthrope. I fall more under the mistrust side and waver on the hate.

The main/major two disorders that would be the most misanthropic would probably be Antisocial Personality Disorder and Avoidant Personality Disorder. I probably could be diagnosed with AvPD of the self-deserting or conflicted varients. The former at it's worst manifestation is psychopathy (which isn't like you'd think) but can be a lot milder. AnPD has the greatest Misanthropy. AvPD is an anxiety disorder that is far more pervasive to the spirit than other anxiety disorders. These are considered to be asocial in nature and any mental illness that manifests as asociality can be misanthropic.

I hate the conformity I see in people. I really do. I'm a misanthrope like Martin Heidegger in that manner.
