Modern-Day Slavery


Junior Member
Modern-Day Slavery

Has anyone noticed how often this term has been popping up just in the last few days? First the US strikes out at all these Arabic countries about human trafficking, making it another one of those hurra hurra American objectives of freedom. Now I see this article about it going on domestically: (oh and for all the John Titor heads out there, check out where this compound was...I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with Packsonville, Florida). Also recently I saw a pretty damning article on CNN about Amnesty International's reports about these "secret US prisons"?? What in the hell is going on, seriously, how could all of this be going on under our noses for so long. I just recently read up on the bizarreness of Denver airport, including those massive, empty concrete hallways underneath. Sounds suspiciously like a place the government might find perfect to store people. It is just downright creepy, and both those links are from CNN...CNN! One of the major media sources that can't be trusted to give an unfiltered view of events. How much worse are things right in reality? Any thoughts?
Re: Modern-Day Slavery

I am not very familliar with titor's postings and predictions. Did he predict something along these lines?

Re: Modern-Day Slavery

At a guess, much much worse....

We're already accustomed to the modern day form of slavery known as the minimum wage, looks like a bunch of hicks doing what corporatations have been doing for years....they just don't have as good PR !

Re: Modern-Day Slavery

Corporate America in general is a form of Modern-Day slavery. I believe it plays it's part in the continuing destruction of the family unit. Plus any country were people have to sacrifice time with their family and get up every morning to go to some soul sucking job is not a true free country.
Re: Modern-Day Slavery

Many similar cases are happenig here in Europe. Human traffic is a big issue nowadays. Many workers are going to other coutries thinking they have a working contract and they are going to win lot's of money, and then is nothing like that.
Two days ago, a friend told me that the French said no to the European Constitution because of the position of the European Comissioner about some labour measures. As I understood, he was in favor of, a worker from Polony for example, to go to work to France and to receive a wage as he was in Polony. That would increase competition inside of the countries, and many workers would be transported from country to country, not earning more that being at home.
For me thats slavery.
Re: Modern-Day Slavery

I beleive at the time that serfs were leaving the land - ie the industrial revolution - there was discussion in Westminster Parliament about the need to ensure that people were kept subjegated. They decided that Wage Slavery would be the best method. It is documented, but I don't think Hansard (the record of what is said in Britain's parliament) goes that far back on the web.
I went looking for the right spot to post this vid. which explains just what the hell is going on in the world, and how the masses have been herded into the cattle pens for the slaughter.
if you still have the mind set that your a free person and have god given rights...then you best not watch this vid. just go back to your dream world and carry on as you have been..
the info contained in this vid. is all easy to check out and prove as the true facts of yours, mine, everyone's state of being. at this time only those who are currently living in a third world country are not tagged as property by the government of there country.
this vid is kinda long and made to be viewed as a documentary style movie but it is well worth your time to at least be aware of what has been done to and with you by the elected leaders of the country ...............................................

truly I am so sorry to have to be the one to make this known to you, as it is a sad day when you learn that everything you believe and have been taught is a lie......please forgive me for popping the bubble around you.....

