Most other sites are doing it so why don't we.

Most other sites are doing it so why don't we.

I prdict one morning before the election we will hear in the morning news, probly on Sunday that Israel has struck Irans missle production facility.

As the expression goes down here, "That's the rumor" meaning "that's what I heard". The stuff I've read said Bush wants the strike before the election so that he'll be able to reinforce his "wartime president" speel, making us "free and preserving our liberty and way of life" from the "evil doers." Sadly, he probably believes his own crap.

I agree with a weekend strike, probably a Sunday as you say, so the news networks can have a circle jerk over it without interrupting their regular programming. Don't worry, NFL games would still be broadcast - heaven forbid they'd jack with that. That gives us tomorrow and next weekend before the elections. The US Navy is about in position to support such a move. So anytime now. That part of the world is gonna go up like a powder keg.

Most other sites are doing it so why don't we.

I saw this article this morning, and thought y'all might like to read it. Considering we have such a wide diversity of nationalities on this board, perhaps it will be of interest :)

Here's the article for those who can't link.

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- Satellites and telephone wires bring the battle for the White House to an Internet cafe 7,200 miles away in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, where Girma Hagos goes for his daily dose of U.S. election news.

"What happens in America affects us all," the 66-year-old leather exporter said as he sat at a computer. He backs Democratic challenger John Kerry, saying: "I think he will show more interest in Africa."

Through the Internet and satellite television, the world can watch as never before and -- via a myriad of Web sites -- virtually back their preferred candidate.

In Ethiopia, 90 percent of people are too poor to have access to television or the Internet, but there is enough middle-class interest in American politics for state-owned television to offer daily coverage of the race in four languages.

And many people elsewhere around the globe watched the presidential debates live on television or via the Web -- the main forum for non-Americans with no vote on November 2.

They can register a preference on Web sites such as, offering a "U.S. Election for the Rest of The World."

"Let's help the U.S. figure out who their president should be. Lord knows they spend a lot of time 'helping' other countries with theirs," says the site.

Kerry led with 44 percent of the more than 10,000 votes cast on the Australia-based site as of October 19, while President Bush had just over 5 percent. Independent Ralph Nader, who in real polls scores in the low single digits, had 39 percent of the Internet vote.

Non-Americans can also lobby Americans living abroad to vote by absentee ballot via Other campaigners ( are calling for a boycott of companies that fund the Republican Party and for alternative "U.S. Presidential Elections for Another World" on Nov. 2.

The makeshift elections are planned in Brussels and Ghent in Belgium, London, Barcelona and Ibiza in Spain, Budapest in Hungary, and in Brazil, said Pol D'Huyvetter, a Belgian organizer.

In Germany, the Web site of the Munich-based newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung allows readers to test whether they are "Bush or Kerry types," while the Tagesspiegel daily invites them to an online election game.

And for a humorous approach, try the "Drunk Against Bush" site at It invites visitors to register every pint of intake as a protest against the president, a teetotaler who renounced alcohol after concluding he was drinking too much.

"Some people demonstrate, some make movies and others terrorize when they are unhappy with something. We, the supporters of the DAB initiative, are drinking our way to a just and fair world," it says.


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