Schematic Multi-Verse Resonator Construction Details


Senior Member
It was a general observation, as anyone can reply to TF.:)

As you should know, why not ask in a pm if you want a personal touch.

The question asked doesn't always have to be answered by one, or the questioner.

If i want to get into a conversation with other members i always ask first if its ok to do so, maybe other members should develop that same "politeness", especially before trying to speak up on behalf of other members answers, if they had then this conversation would never have taken place..


Steven Gibbs says repeatedly all you need is a quartz crystal on your chakra and a vortex.[/QUO

I probably asked this question before on another When you time travel Can you wake up in your past self like the movie 13 going on 30? Where do you land? Say I tell myself I want to go to the year 2008 and where I lived then. Do I wakeup there? Since its a parallel world I don't know if I even lived there or it exists in this world. Also, if I decide to come back to the present will the present be based off of the parallel world I visited and what actions I took while I visited?


Senior Member
I'm getting close to real controlled astral projection. I did discover something that could be contributing to my inability to project. I used a stop watch to time how long I can focus before a stray thought interrupts everything. I was surprised to see it was only a minute and 40 seconds. And this is after two steady months of using either the HDR or the MVR during a meditation session. So rather than focusing on astral projection, I'm going to just spend 1/2 hour a day using the stop watch to improve my focus time. Now there have been a few sessions where strange things happen. It's like my mind in the background is in partial dream manifestation mode. Strange noises and voices and unexplained things moving around suggest I may be in an altered consciousness state.

Have you done any more work on this ?


Senior Member
No. That is pretty much where I left off. This is no easy task. But the stop watch method does seem to be the way to lengthen the mind stilling technique.

When you are capable of knowing the Lottery Numbers in advance of them being presented, let me be the first to know please ;):D..

Perhaps it might be useful to use a Spectrum Analyser to determine the frequencies from your own HDR?
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Senior Member
