My experiences with paranormal events


Senior Member
I would get into the habbitt of carrying your camera with you around the house or a Disposable and always keep it ready for a picture.


Junior Member
If you keep a camera ready you may get better evidence and maybe even a spirit on cam.If you set up a camera where the activity is occurring and just let it record a while you may be surprised.


where the wild things are
My great grandmother on my father's side of the family has been battling Alzheimer's for a few years. She passed away around 6am yesterday morning. Around that time frame I felt something in my house, I felt a hand touch my shoulder at one point. I think it was her...

She was in the hospital for several days. This is a terrible loss to our family. She was our family's matriarch being 90 years old.


where the wild things are
Oddly enough, I haven't had a whole lot of experiences since moving to a new apartment in September 2012. I have had two, so far.

The first was the wastebasket in the bathroom. I heard it being moved and when I went to look, it was knocked over. However I clearly heard a dragging type sound. There is no vent in the bathroom and I keep the door closed or at least cracked open.

The second experience I had was a few nights ago, where I heard a lady's voice coming from the lobby, yet nobody was down there but me and another resident who was a male and he is a mute, so I find it hard to believe he could have impersonated a female voice. The voice had a scottish accent to it.


New Member
I was filming a recent paranormal investigation with Compass Paranormal (a professional organisation) when I experienced an unusual event. I was with a small group conducting a seance in an upstairs room in Kershaw House near Halifax. They were using glass divination and made contact with the spirit of a carpenter who had some previous connections with the building. This spirit responded quite clearly to the sitters by copying thier knocks on the table. As I was there, as an independant witness you might say, I can verify that it was entirely genuine. Following this, the spirit became apparently upset by some damage to the polished table-top. When we looked closely, we discovered that a steel staple had become embedded in the wood. When I removed the staple with a pair of pliers, the spirit was apparently pleased. I have put the report footage of this investigation on the Compass Paranormal blog on the investigations page. The link is Compass Paranormal.


where the wild things are
August 26th, 2013- 2:45am EST

Was outside my apartment building with two of my friends, one of them is with the local branch of the ghost hunting organization with the county, and the three of us heard someone running on the sidewalk across the street, so we looked but nobody was there. And its a well lit area, barely any dark places. About a minute and half later, a shadow darts out a building and runs straight at us and then disappears. My friend Tim put his fists up out of instincts and reaction as he said he felt the shadow person was coming at him with malicious intent, that is the vibe he got.

The shadow person came out of a back end of a building, no windows and no doors.

This isn't the first time I've had an experience happen with Tim, it was a few years back we both chased a shadow person through a parking lot and it ended up going straight through an eight foot high chain link fence, which we both checked for holes and found none.

October 21st, 2011
Me and a friend were out near the old insane asylum. We saw a shadow go behind his car, we approached the car and this see through human shaped figure darted off towards the back. Ran after it, I saw the damn thing pass through an eight foot high fence. Checked the fencing for holes, none. There are trees behind where the figure passed through, didn't hear any sounds other than crickets or birds.

Apparitions and Shadows (2011) | Ghostly Experiences Journal

Prince Petropia

New Member
I'm 25 and I've had a lot of interesting experiences happen to me. I wander the internet time to time posting my experiences and gathering responses. I appreciate feedback, whether you're a believer or skeptic. I like it when someone attempts to debunk my experiences. Just as long as they don'tinsult my belief while doing it.

I believe in the paranormal and this is my story.




My first paranormal experience happened in 1998.

I was in the basement late at night, on my super nintendo. I heard this muffled voice coming from the laundry room. Then I heard a box moving and fall to the floor and metallic sounds on the ground scattering. The lights were off, and my parents were asleep, and my brother was asleep too. I remember getting chills up and down my spine, I rushed up the stairs and slept on the couch in the living room.

When I went back down to the basement in the morning I found a box of my dads tools on the ground, the tools scattered. That's a pretty heavy box to just fall off a shelf. And that shelf was bolted into the wall, so there's no way it could have been tilted.

An interesting twist...

A few months after I moved out at 18, my brother said that he heard a muffled voice, and heard something fall to the floor and shatter. He went into the room and found his lego battle ship that me and him built that I bought for him ($70 that costed me) for his birthday the year prior, on the ground broken into pieces. He said that the battleship was on a stand and pushed to the back of the shelf. The same shelf that the box of tools in 1998 that somehow mysteriously came off the shelf and dropped to the floor.


Another one took place two years ago when I was laying in bed, wide awake on my laptop. And I heard this thumping sound coming from my porch. I looked through my blinds and saw this black mass entity slowing moving towards my door. It was daylight outside.

I got my baseball bat, I had a feeling in my stomach that the entity is not friendly. Just a strange feeling I get when I'm in or getting into a dangerous situation.

It stops at my door. I go closer to my door and look out the window, nothing is there. This was autumn, leaves were on my porch and on the ground. I never heard leaves crunching, like they usually would if someone walked on my porch. The trash can sits next to my porch railing, if it had been a person and they jumped, they would have to manuever around the trash can and also jump far enough so the leaves don't crunch when they land. I never heard any crunching or even the thud of feet hitting the ground.


Strange things happened after this. I had a friend over who was on my 360, and I was in my kitchen getting us something to eat, and he said he felt something brush past him, he turns to look and sees a man about 5'6" walk through the wall.

Well the next night I'm cleaning my apartment and I feel a brush of wind, there's no draft, my windows are closed, and the furnace isn't running and I hear this sound, I go to investigate it and sure enough I see a man 5'6" walk through the same wall my friend did.

Called my friend and described the man and my friend said that is who he saw. White male, gray short hair, overalls, 5'6".

The house I live in is divided into four units. Its part of the historical division of my city since this house is nearly 120 years old. I looked at some old blueprints.

At one time the wall that this figure passed through, used to be a side door. And even when looking at my wall you can see where the door frame was covered by plaster and boards.
Your experiences are all very intriguing. I believe it to be a true case of ghost haunt. I would love to publish it on my blog All About occult so that my blog readers can come to know about your strange paranormal experiences. My blog receives 300 and above pageviews a day and I am sure many will read about your experience. With your permission, I would be overjoyed to have it published on my blog. If you are OK with it, please reply to this post. By the way, you can check out my blog here if you want to: All About Occult

Prince Petropia

New Member
Interesting...your writing is fab to read....don't let the Prince post your stuff, however
Well, I don't understand your reason for saying this. If he allows me to post the experiences on my blog, he will get read, as well as I will share his paranormalis account address and website address if he has one as per his request. It is up to Khaos to allow me to post his story or not. You are nobody to comment on that anyway. Sorry if I am sounding rude, but you didn't sound quite friendly as well.
