My HDR Log

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Well Im not putting myself above the rest of everyone and I do not live in ego mind you. But my frequencies are quite elevated already and everything the HDR does I can already do. I did speak to someone to see if it was something that i might need. But the answer is no on that one. Because of my elevated frequencies my hearing and my other senses are elevated times ten. THe hearing is the worst i have to keep white noise of some kind going to drowned out the sound. Especially if bugs or near they drive me crazy because i know i am on their frequncy. I think if i was near a vortex of anykind i wouldnt have any problem going through it. I won't go into connections that i have with beings outside of this world for that you may message me. But i do know that i am rare as far as my abilities go and i havent met anyone like myself that can do what i can. I have saw ufos since i was 5 and it has continued. You saw with the picture of tau ceti that was mind baffling for me as well. Because there is no explanation how i could have gotten the image on my regular digital camera. This has happened to me many times in the past as i have taken pictures of the moon. I often star and moon gaze well lets just say i believe my connection is way more profound than that. Thanks for the inquiry and always a pleasure. Hope everyone is planning to have a splendid weekend. Love and Light and Blessings from a HIgher Consciousness. Vamp :cool::cool:

Thanks Goddess. Hmmm intersting. I think you've said enough for the forum. I'll send you a PM shortly to follow up on anything else you're willing to share.

@Num, I left my crystal for treatment last night and will take it out once I'm home today from the office. Hoping to run a session tonight. Let's see which way the cat jumps :)


Interesting stuff guys. I didn't use the HDR last night, as I was too tired. I figured it was a better move to simply get in bed and sleep rather than using the device.


Senior Member
Today is a good day to test out your unit as there is a full moon. It seems to work best near one. For example the day before and the day after is when people have the most success. :)


Senior Member
Keep trying, only one in ten times do I get success. People may one day know the reason. Right now we are like blind men. Before us stand an elephant of which we are trying to make some sense.


Thanks for the kind words HDRKID.

I used the HDR last night, but nothing of real interest took place. I didn't get to meditate in such an intense way as las week. I felt very relaxed after that meditation though, so it's wasn't all that bad, just not that intense.

I plan to use it again tonight! :)


I used the HDR last night. I had some weird dreams in the morning, but nothing exceptional happened when meditating. Again, I don't have much to report other than the following:

I felt the emag's vibration through my body big time. I had some pretty intense goosebumps at times.

I think I was too tired to meditate as hard as some other nights, which explains why I didn't get into a so deep meditation state.

I noticed that when using the stick reaction to tune the dials, I rarely get the same tuning over and over again. Some are similar but they are never the same. I'm getting used to the stick reaction, but it's sometimes not that easy.


I used the HDR 2 days ago but forgot to post about it, as there was nothing unusual to report. I got to achieve a pretty deep meditation this time too, but I didn't get to experience anything. I still feel I'm pretty close to something, I just need more practice.

I plan to clean my crystals with salted water next week. Perhaps it'll help me out.


Senior Member
Hi num;

Typically, remote viewing is described as acquiring information by mental means of processes occuring at a great distance in TIME or space.

I will use a special remote viewing room. Placed inside are pencils and paper. Also, it is design to minimize noise. Distractions can destroy a remote viewing session.

OK in contrast, for astral travel I need to be in a place I consider safe, because I will be leaving my body for a period of time and cannot be expose. People fear exteriorization and this is a major issue.

RV is easier. Fact is, you do not leave your body, but information is fragmentary in each session. Astral travel is like total immersion. Like you are there as a presence. This is similar to a ghost in some ways. How can we compare?

It is a very different experience. Still, I prefer astral due to the quality of information we can obtain about future events and what is soon to occur. By using these techniques you can become aware of various phenomena that are normally outside the arena of conscious awareness.

Please remember that seeing the future is like a cone. As time goes by each time line will diverge more and more.


I haven't used the HDR for more than a month now, I'm going to use it once more.

I dream a lot lately, a lot more than usual. Let's see! :)
