🚨 Confirmed Hoax My name is Henry Chatterton and I'm a time traveler.

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Time is like a two way street you are in the right lane in the present time and your past is the left.
When you pass a car do you look back at it through the review mirror?
In essence that is what happens when you time travel!

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Since we know we are in our present and the past repeats itself over and over.
Perhaps thought is faster than time considering it is with in ourselves and we could send thought back to a specific time of our past self and change the present self's memories.

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is it a flywheel henry?
you can change the faraday disk homopolar experiment to alter time.

The flywheel is the analogy the Tesla used to describe what was going on with the device. When you were close to the device it was like being at the centre of a flywheel, the hub and a further away you were from it, was like being on the rim. The outside edge of the rim has to travel further than the outside rim of the hub during the time of one revolution. So the outside rim is moving faster. With the device the closer you are the swiftness of time "electromagnetic vortices" slows, just like various positions on a flywheel. The swiftness of time, the flywheel the Chronos Velocipede.
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sounds like what you guys built was a custom alchemical alloy. I'll bet aluminum and coils were involved.
What about using the "stingray" cellphone survalance device the police are using to detect pinging cellphones ?

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From your latest information and description that it sent you to the future when lightning striked but weren't electrocuted I'm assuming you were some distance away from it when teleported. Meaning it sent ya into the future rather the past. You were in the periphery field you described. So to get back you'd have to be near the center of the field when another strike happens.

The obvious issue is isolating yourself from the lightning bolt. That should change the polarity you require. Slowed time fields teleport you to the future, strong ones into the past.

Be warned though, depending on the time of year or day you can overshoot your destination back. I would do it on the same day of year you left from at the same location if possible. Little difficult if you need a lightning strike. Could simulate the effect using a large bank of high voltage pulse capacitors. The same ones used for quarter shrinking.

Considering the machine wasn't send into the past but rather both of you into the future, I'd say the lightning strike didn't make a field strong enough to travel into the past. Either because the strike wasn't strong enough(unlikely) or most of the bolt got grounded another way. In that case you have to redirect the whole discharge into the machine. Might have to make it beefier to prevent damage but still not much should occur because you can Earth ground it.

Was your pottery shed made of metal or wood?

This 100year travel span range with a lightning strike is what I have heard happens from another source. Fascinating.

Here's another possibility, if the field diffuses it's time field too much it might only be a one way to the future time machine. In that case you'll have to find a way to concentrate the field instead of spreading out. That might also be the polarity issue you're having difficulty with.

A couple possibilities:
1)only partial lightning strike powered the machine
2)device is a one way to the future machine due to time field diffusion

Either need more power or a way to concentrate the field. A 3rd possibility is the reverse time travel phase conjugation effect is not occuring due to the torsion effect of the machine. That would also prevent backwards time travel. You'd have to find a way to relax the machine's torsional effect upon the aether. Then you'd travel back in time easily.

If I'm correct about the design you used it also generates a magnetic field so the field should be locally contained within it. So the problem is the torsional effect. Magnetic fields also produce a torsional stress on the aether preventing backwards time travel.

That's probably the issue.

Here's a possibility, if you added an attracting magnetic field underneath the first one then it could fix the problem. Relaxes the torsional effect in the center of the field. Would have to encompass the machine and yourself to do so.

Still depends on the exact design you use though. If you have detected signals from the future using it I'd guess you're using an inert gas, pure quartz glass lenses, or certain crystalline materials as well.
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During a informal dinner with Tesla, he made several revelations. The first of these was during his experiment with wireless electrical transmission systems. He detected extraterrestrial signals. Initially thinking they were alien in orgins. He confided in me that he was detecting voices, music morse code etc. They were human in origins and from the future. He postulated somehow radio signals had escape the shackles of time.
Iam assuming here that you are referring to the time when Tesla was sending out a high powered electrical signal, in the hope of receiving a reply back from some alien that was possibly on Venus?..That particular year would probably have been 1901, and then you went on to say later that Tesla had an "uprated version" of the receiver he was using which picked up voices and music plus morse code etc....Can you explain what the difference was in that uprated receiver, which was going to send you forward from 1920 to 2011?
did you get any weight anomalies with the operation of your chronos velocipede?
Possibly get gravitational attraction effects in the direction of the device?
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