Mysterious martian lady?


This is an excerpt from the book 'Penetration' by Ingo Swann. There you can see in detail the anomalous nature of the Moon. He comments on Spin Doctorism on the Moon as our scientists want us to believe that the Moon is a dead natural satellite. NASA got us thinking this way doctoring images from the Moon, showing us that silvery boring color blotting every sign of evidences the Moon is a living artificial satellite.
I mean the Moon was tugged from elsewhere by intelligent beings as Ingo explains in his book Penetration.
Earth rocks ages 4 billion years or so, Moon rocks characterizes by Titanium an extremely hard element and glassy elements and Moon rocks ages 6 or 8 billion years. One cannot explain the difference imagining that the Moon had been once part of the Earth. The Moon is an artifical satellite tugged from elsewhere we still ignore. Perhaps from another part of the galaxy since the Moon elements are rare in our solar system. The Moon is not compact but it is hollow.The cheesy aspect of the Moon leads us think that it must have housed different species of alien through aeons of time and they may have left marks of their passage on the Moon surface.

Why do i insist in posting a quote by the book Penetration by Ingo Swann- question
For the simple fact that before knowing Ingo s experience, you know Ingo is a remote viewer, i had had my own experience watching the inside of the crater mining activities. i validated my vision from what i read at the book Penetration years afterwards. I felt myself content cause what i had experienced was not a dream like thing. What i had thought it to be initially, it was difficult for me to imagine that there could be atmosphere in the Moon. How could i explain the cloud of vapor rising from the crater---question.
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