New Here, some time travel questions


Junior Member
Hello! I found this forum yesterday and have spent some time perusing the posts, many interesting stories. I was particularly fascinated by 'Traveler Malaki' posting (under Parallel Universes discussion) about someone he knew (girlfriend I think) able to travel to her past to change something. (I think he said not physically but consciously). I could not find a post with more info (he said he may post about that in detail) and have tried to contact him directly but no response yet.

Does anyone here know anything about how to travel in one's to change/heal something? I would like to go back about a year to do just that either through mental/physical means, whatever it takes in order to make this particular change that I really need to make for myself. Anyone have any experiences with this? Also can the HDRs be bought anywhere anymore? I searched online and am not finding anything.. Anyone have success using one? (having trouble finding answers to that in the posts)..

Thank you!!!


Hello, welcome to Paranormalis! Traveler Malaki is a great guy, his stories are beyond interesting. I'm going to send him a personal message to make sure he takes a look at your discussion and say hi. I'm pretty sure he's going to answer a few of your questions, by the way.

Take care. :)


Junior Member
Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from TM and anyone else who has something to contribute. :) Btw, I have experience with astral travel (spontaneous, don't really have control over when it happens) so I have direct experience with the 'weird' LOL. So I believe that time/space is not linear and that a lot of what we see as 'reality' is illusory. Anyway I am open to the stories/ideas presented on this forum. Esp. interested in the parallel universe stories because I have definitely noticed some small changes in my physical world sometimes that can't be explained, esp objects going missing and just today I swear I discovered a door of a house I was entering (had just entered day before) had changed color but the paint was old. :)


Senior Member
Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from TM and anyone else who has something to contribute. :) Btw, I have experience with astral travel (spontaneous, don't really have control over when it happens) so I have direct experience with the 'weird' LOL. So I believe that time/space is not linear and that a lot of what we see as 'reality' is illusory. Anyway I am open to the stories/ideas presented on this forum. Esp. interested in the parallel universe stories because I have definitely noticed some small changes in my physical world sometimes that can't be explained, esp objects going missing and just today I swear I discovered a door of a house I was entering (had just entered day before) had changed color but the paint was old. :)

You're not imagining it.


Junior Member
Thanks Ren! I have noticed these kinds of 'shifts' when something big happens on an emotional level for me. I had some hard news recently and then I see that things around me are different, little things. And if you think of our world like in the Matrix movies, as a program then it's like the program changed. :) At another highly emotional time in my life I had a lot things change around on me in my apartment (I have a small one so it's hard to lose stuff, plus I am pretty organized and have a good memory, a very good one) and just vanish. To the point I had to ask the landlords if someone had been in my apartment while I was at work. They said no, but just to be sure I changed the locks, I was that freaked out by it! This very large scrub brush for my dishes was gone (I mean who would take a scrub brush?) and my sink and counter are flush against the wall (nowhere to fall) and I ALWAYS kept it on the sink or in the sink. Gone, never showed up again. Other things in the wrong places. And just that FEELING, like hairs standing on end, just SOMETHING happened! :) That was a few years ago and recently I keep hearing about how we can shift into parallel worlds and it happens all of the time but often very little things are different and even peoples memories got changed, but then I guess others of us or more sensitive and notice. :) I even felt I could 'see' everything moving around me when I walked in the woods, like the ground and trees and sky all kind of dancing, melting into each other (FYI I don't take any drugs at all!) and then it went back to normal. But it's like I saw the illusion for a moment. But yes this door was a kind of earthy yellow yesterday but lime green today. I notice colors and I was thinking about the color yesterday because I liked it and esp against the red of the house (I do some dog walking part time so this was a new house on my route since last week) and I was really thinking about it and taking it in yesterday and so today you can imagine I was very surprised to see it's not that yellow (like a rich creamy yellow) but a kind of awful lime green that doesn't go with the red. And you know you think 'my mind is playing tricks on me' but I was very SURE but I see how we can get fooled because we don't trust our memories so we think we must have remembered wrong because it HAS to be what we see now because that is REAL right? 'Solid' evidence you can 'SEE' with your eyes (even though eye sight is only 20 percent optical, 80 percent brain powered).. Anyway I am rambling now. But you know what I mean, it's interesting. Makes you wonder how many things we dismiss all the time that are always changing that aren't 'supposed' to change. And so many people walk around in a daze anyway and see nothing, and don't even see you and almost bump right into you. :)
Hello there, I remember exactly what you are talking about, my friend Amanda traveled from 2021 or 22 all the way back to September 2008 to prevent her younger self from marrying a freaking psycho. However she was afraid to meet her past self directly so she talked to me and had me relay the information to her then current self. Now she is someone I known for years and knew of all the time travel stuff I did so I think she learned it on her own in the future.

The absolute strangest thing is that she was searching for a technique on this forum back in 2004 under the name CrazedNeko, I suspected for a while it was her but brushed the thing off until she visited me again in 2008 and confirmed it.

I still debate with myself on if she traveled here astral style or physically; she can and has been able to project herself to other places so clearly it looks like she is actually physically there full form. I feel this was physical however given the circumstances that occurred during and after both events.

There are ways to do time travel, my most recommended solution is creating your own technique. My techniques were all pieced together after looking at another members. I have not done any time travel myself in several years. I have since forgotten how to do it at all, but sometime I will consider doing it again.

Given the experience in my friend changing her past (and her current self in experiencing the after-effects and its consequences on everything else) I would say its probably inadvisable unless you are extremely careful. There were odd events that happened afterward that I would say is connected to the alterations made. I think she also made more alterations in 2004 as well. I can still sense that her future self is still around somehow...

I will put more out there later :)


Junior Member
Hi Malaki,

Thanks for writing. I do remember you posting about meeting with her (that sounded very cool/interesting), but I was referring to another post in which you mentioned someone time traveling from the present back a year to change something, but maybe that's not exactly what you wrote and maybe you were referring in that post to her. I will see if I can find it. I guess I have to do more searching on this forum, but so far I am not finding any posts that really detail any techniques, so if you can point me in that direction.. would be fine if I could do it astrally and talk to myself or tell someone to talk to me, etc..

Anyway thanks for writing!



Junior Member
Okay you are right Traveler Malaki, you had been referring to that incident. You post had said that your friend had traveled back to 2008 to alter something in her life (but in that post you hadn't said she had come from 2021 so I didn't make the connection with that one and your other post about it). :) I know what you mean about repercussions at least I assume there could be some. I have just been trying to even tell my brain (esp while falling asleep) that I did this particular thing differently in my past because I have heard that even if you think to yourself that you did something differently that you sort of change your past that way since the past and future just come out of our present moment in terms of our thoughts about them, etc. I felt I had some weird dreams as a result but not exactly directly related to what I want to change, maybe it was indirect stuff. Idk. Anyway I still want to try this, very important to me. So any techniques you could point me to would be very helpful, thank you!
