New Star Trek movie

Re: New Star Trek movie

Everybody loves a ball face.

Was anybody else impressed with the way Dr. McCoy was played? He sounded EXACTLY like a young DeForest Kelly, without sounding like a caricature. As soon as you hear him speak off-screen, you know it's him.
Re: New Star Trek movie

Brentnauer said:
Everybody loves a ball face.

Was anybody else impressed with the way Dr. McCoy was played? He sounded EXACTLY like a young DeForest Kelly, without sounding like a caricature. As soon as you hear him speak off-screen, you know it's him.

Thats it! Im gonna go see will be better on the big screen anyway.
The original series was cool in that they touched on sensitive subjects. But not to overwhelm...that explains the costumes!
Re: New Star Trek movie

I think the best actor was Karl Urban as McCoy, it was the best acting, it look totally natural and real, more than the other actors, in my opinion. Like Brent said, he was exactly like the old McCoy.

BTW, I watched it in French, but it was totaly the same as the old movies with the old actor.
Re: New Star Trek movie

gonzogirl said:
ten bucks for a new release movie AND popcorn AND soda? More than one soda?
Last time I went into Ptown it was $29.00!!! just for two people, popcorn and ONE drink.
OH well...I am into spongebob at the moment.
I would be even if i didnt have kids!

I hear that the casting was excellent for the new Star Trek.
I do want to see it but am a fan of the original series only.
The new Spock is way cool looking.

I don't know how it is in the states with you guys and movies, but its hella expensive here.

It's 12 dollars per person, and then popcorn is about 6 bucks. Looks like gonzo knows what I'm talking about! We had a cheap old theater that was 2 bucks on tuesdays and 4 dollars other days. I went to see the third LoTR when it had just come out, and beat the huge lines at the mall, to go there, and it was half full. No lines and a third of the price :) But as with everything awesome, it's now been tore down, did not make enough money. They used to let me bring in food from subway and mcdonalds *cry*
Re: New Star Trek movie

Holy Crap thats expensive! I found a theater for 6 bucks a ticket during the noon time. only ten mins away.... so thats cool.
I miss Drive In movie theaters. When you have kids its needed sometimes.
