New ways to look at Time Travel are needed


Time Travel Professor
New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

When you review all the Time Travel data found in books and on the Internet. One thing is very clear to the person collecting information; no one really has a clue about Time Travel, as to How it works or just what Time Travel really is about.

I believe if people would stop listening to our great science leaders we would be years ahead. You hear things like you must go into a black hold (Ok, your dead if you tried this way); you must travel faster then the speed of light (how do you trick, light to work for you?) Here are the real questions: How do you trick or achieve light speed, how do you build a device to ride in at light speeds, and the list of questions are long.

When kids starts thinking about real Time Travel, in very uncomplicated traditions.

“Yes, I believe any High School kid could Time Travel with the right tools and information. This will be the case sooner then later.”
Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

You're making an interesting point here, complicated science and tech. might make us blind to simple science and such.

Do you think time travel is that simple, can you explain why ?
When you talk about a kid that could time travel, it makes me think about the Bajak Flux Cap, it might be a hoax, but it's one of the most simple time travel device I've ever seen.


Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

Hello Professor Opmmur im glad to see you again , here a transcript of a chat i had with one of my best friend yesterday that explain how i conceive time travel
try not to hold your breath there no punctuation point,

first : we know and establish that time is a frequency a source of energy that vibrate as time tic by for our reality its not perceviable but its there
2: as explain in the PX the ship disapear from this time line after the generator hit full power and it was fed by huge capacitor
: 3: the guy on board were affected by the stream line of time in subspace and i was not because i was shielded from my car and i had an inner magnetic field
: 4: in order to slip thru time the magnetic field must pulse to a frequency
5; i plan to redo the bx using a steel structure as proven positive the two time in the PX and in the BX
and i plan to use a solid amount of magnetic coil around the ship
6: now i need to establish a way to creat a stable field inside the ship to isolate me and i need to predict were i will jump because i will not time slip
^the experiment will telelport me from one point in time to another preset destination so i need to figure out how to set a destination
so right now this is where i sit at in my equation
what do you think
Yeah, all sounds good
how to set a destination, seems like the toughest thing
: sound good SOUND GOOD dude this is shear genius
i suggest you take note and learn i will share the same experiment result with you as i go so you can do this at your location
hey, we are a couple of genius' so it is no surprise
yes indeed
: i will give you the material needed to build your own
what exactly created the time warp in the PX?
so if thing work as plan we will both have our own time machine

just the tremendous amount of emags

the degaussing effect that was over boost from the huge capacitor discharge
the entire ship was a magnet that flew thrut time
OK, so that was like a huge flash?
well, I guess it created the magnetic fog probably
yes and it will be the same with my machine but i was expecting time slip but this need huge amount of power
that was the air burning around the ship like if it was ioninze
the tesla teleportation type of stargate looking device, also took a large amount of power, they said it would make the lights flicker
the magnetic field was going around the ship as such a high rate of speed it did the same thing as the space shuttle when it reenter the earth atmosphere
I wonder what the actual speed or close that the energy was moving aroung the emag created by the ship and coil

hope im on the right path again

Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

Finding a way to get to the right destination just blows my mind, I wonder how could someone imagine such a thing that could be precise enought to work. The best way is without a doubt using a computer in which you input the destination date/time. When ready, the computer calculates the destination then transfers the data, frequency, or whatever needed information to the time machine itself. The software required wouldn't be that complex, it would be a bunch of calculations and smart math formulas, but the thinking process required to create the main TT formula that calculates the destination's frequency looks like a near to impossible task to me.
Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

I think the hardest part is indeed yes to get how to set up a system to pinpoint a date and time where you wanna go but raulm trust did this and it was on atlantisdivide about 8 years ago i do have the plan for this , but for now its in my personal files , Professor opmmur guided me to how to achieve this , and yes a computer could not witheld the magnetic strain , time travel is possible you just need the right ingredient , cheers
just wait and see
Dr z
Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

I believe time is a river, i mean past present and future exist at the same time.

I also believe that we are not moving in time: time is moving around you and me... is it possible to understand this subject in this way ?
Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

this proove my point exactly as i always quote that time is a frequency we live with it it surround us ,all , but we cant feel it moving around just when we are very drownsy or tired that we can have a small taste of what time is.
Dr Z
Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

nope that is so true , even time traveller need to apply by the rule
Re: New ways to look at Time Travel are needed

Free will is just a concept, I don't think it can be prove out of any possible doubts.

How can you prove that you have free will ? You can say "Yeah, I do what I want, when I want". But... are you sure ? What if it was already scheduled that you'd do something right now, with the feeling that you do it because you want to do it now.

I'm not sure it can be proved like that... I don't have any clear opinion about free will, I just consider possibilities.
