Nibiru Pictures


Those who believe say it follows a very huge orbit not with just our sun but another celestial body or bodies outside our solar system. It is said to be coming from the south and as such can only be seen from Antarctica. Convenient.

It is interesting that NASA has just recently received data from a deep space probe that shows the complexities of a galactic "highway". Once you leave the direct effects of our suns gravity things get wild. I wonder if it is possible for large objects to follow enormous orbits ( thousands of years) based on weak gravitational pulls from distant galaxies... Could prove Nibiru and 122112 are real and perhaps related. Could the mayan cycle really be tracking the 5000 year orbit of this dark planet?


the big if is the mayan calander???????
if we are reading it right, and understanding it..
the fault may be our interpitation of the rock with scribbles on it....
it could well be we are not so smart as we like to think we are...

or the cycle it is speaking of is the galactic alignment, which is spose to happen this month on the winter solstice.. how-ever even then there is a +/- window of like 18 years for that to.... so it could be as late as 2016 for that to happen to..
so who' tea leaves are you going to believe??????


I don't put much faith in tea leaves although I love my dragon well and pi lo chun.

NASA says this alignment with the milky way and the sun happens every year so I doubt it is as simple as that. The question of importance is why did the Mayans choose the dates they did for the beginning and ending of their long cycles?

The Mayans believe that these signify ages of man. As we know ,they had knowledge of time and the cosmos that only now we are starting to understand. There has to be significance to the end of their cycles. Is it as simple as a 5000+ year cycle of the visible stars that is yet to be discovered by modern man? Is it completely arbitrary and conceived randomly or possibly just in coincicidence with a huge event of their history? I'm at odds as to what this signifies. Perhaps we are wrong and 122112 is not the date. I just find it strange that they believe this is the last age of man and the world is at the state it is in.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the end or at the very least this was the beginning of the end for the life as we know it.


Temporal Engineer
So where is this rouge planet at? Wasn't it supposed to hit our earth today?

I heard it was coming in from the southern hemisphere part of the sky. So all of us in the northern hemisphere wont see it coming. I suppose another reason we don't see it is because it's all black. Probably a planet made out of coal. Anyway the day isn't over with yet. Personally I'm betting it will miss us completely.


I thought it's atmosphere contained gold, which made it to look shiny and bright.


Senior Member
FYI...Here are a couple of pics from a PX site I am a member of. The first pic is from Rockport, Texas taken on 12/20/12. Notice the clouds in front of the image making it more authentic. The second pic is from Vorese, Italy and was taken 12/22/12.

Edit...Add a third pic taken 12/21/12 at Saratov, Russia. Again notice the clouds in front of the image.



Junior Member
I don't know man,it might depend on what time of the day it was when they decided to take that that shot. I think there are lenses out there that can catch the moon in true day light .
