Nuclear Beer at the Space Bar

Okay... Seriously now,
I'm actually fascinated. (y)

Can you describe the place at all?
Was the nuclear beer like a Blonde Dopple Bock ?

Can you describe it in more detail? :)
In the future we are visited by celestial beings. They are friendly and teach us all kinds of amazing technology. They inform us that there are alien civilizations scattered all across the universe and that some are more advanced than others. They show us what the future will look like on a television with a specific device that they hook up to it, and you could press up or down on the remote to see the future or the past. Eventually in the far future the universe is filled with space hotels, resorts, and bars floating around, and you could teleport to these destinations instantaneously. The nuclear beer is the bomb!(pun intended)😂😆🤪😝
Just to mention, the future cannot be changed even if observed just like how you cannot change the past. If it’s going to happen it’s going to happen no matter what or if it’s not going to happen then it’s not going to happen, like for example you cannot use it to win the lottery or save yourself from an accident.
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Just to mention, the future cannot be changed even if observed just like how you cannot change the past. If it’s going to happen it’s going to happen no matter what.

Using the quantum reality that our scientists have discovered tend to show the multiple realities exist simultaneously. So our brains don't work that way. We have freedom of choice. Somehow we have the ability to exist in the reality we choose. The thing is with multiple realities, multiple past realities also exist. I am of the opinion that our brains move us across those multiple realities thus changing the past we thought we came from.
