OBE Time Travel Problems

Jothulhu Addams

New Member
I use binaural beats to induce OBE Time Travel, and have noticed a suspicious number of technical hiccups. Most of them are glitches in my gear. All I'm using is my computer, a set of Bluetooth earphones, and a specially designed binaural beat.

Is anyone else having these problems? Or is it just me?
I have also used binaural beats music. Maybe you can get some quartz crystals.


I use binaural beats to induce OBE Time Travel, and have noticed a suspicious number of technical hiccups. Most of them are glitches in my gear. All I'm using is my computer, a set of Bluetooth earphones, and a specially designed binaural beat.

Is anyone else having these problems? Or is it just me?

Jothulhu Addams,

Note: This may or may not apply to what you are doing or asking since I don't have specifics concerning your technical issues.

I think that if you are relying on a computer, especially bluetooth earphones, you are limiting yourself by your dependence on technology from this narrow slice of time. If you plan on doing time travel with this method, then you must use more dependable (self-contained and sufficient) technology to make sure you are able to time travel and return without loss of the binaural beats due to slipping into a time when your computer and earphones won't work, which can happen from either traveling to the past or the future. Also, make sure you have an anchor of some type for easily returning to your point of departure.

Time Shifter B28
