Open Border Crisis Is Destroying America.

alpha centauri

Active Member
I liked Donald Trump but now, wonder if something's not wrong with him. On the Capitol Building, which technically functions as a semi-secure facility, Trump should have donned a helmet, a bullet proof vest and gone to the Capitol with a megaphone telling some of the protestors to get off the building. He didn't do this and threw away what power he had in office.

It does not matter, who says what, because the content is important.

I did not watch the whole video. But the heading says it all: the border policy is wrong. You have to repeat it again and again to those folks especially some politicians.

It is racist to let the border open, because it is more expensive. You help less people through this. The people cost more in the US than they would if they gave the money to those countries. (Healthcare, living standard, ecducation is all more expensive in the US than in South and Central America).

Futhermore they are exploiting the future of those countries, because the people are in their best ages that come to the USA and the people that remain in those countries are the sick and old. I think they know it. Another point is the industry needs cheep workers for the economy, so they are welcome by them, because they do the dirty work that nobody else wants to do (also call neocolonialism=they exploit other citizens in their own country). The refugees cannot do the good jobs, because they have not a good education and they dont want to provide it to them in their own countries, because they would strenghten other countries.

They do everything wrong on the border crisis.


Senior Member
Maybe some of these that are moving feel it better to live in the USA than where they are coming from, its natural for citizens to say 'they are getting this and we are not' its happened a lot throughout europe over the years.

Would American Citizens move to the countries the refugees are coming from?

The other thing to ponder is who really owns a country ?
