Creativity [OpenAI] John Titor: The Movie


I gave OpenAI a bunch of very precise parameters so that it can generate a story that'd be pretty close to John's story, as we know it. I didn't expect to share it or anything, but the result impressed me enough to go ahead and post it in its own thread.

That feels like a well-rounded up story.

Feel free to share your own attempts at a JT movie, AI or not. What would be your vision for such a movie?

John Titor: The Movie

In 2036, John Titor, a time traveler, is assigned a mission to travel back to 1975 and retrieve an IBM 5100 computer. This computer is essential for his community's survival in the future. John is sent on this mission alone, as he travels through time to 1975.

In 1975, John meets his grandfather, who is a young scientist working on developing the IBM 5100 computer. John's grandfather, who is like Doc from Back to the Future, helps him find the computer he needs.

Eventually, John retrieves the IBM 5100 computer and heads back to 2036. However, on his way back, he decides to stop in 2000 to post on BBS message boards. He shares information about the future and the things that will happen in the years to come. John's posts on the BBS message boards cause a stir among the people who read them, and John becomes famous in the time travel community.

During his stay in 2000, John meets a beautiful woman named Pamela Moore, who he falls in love with. Pamela and John spend time together, enjoying each other's company, and John is heartbroken when he has to leave her to complete his mission. John gives Pamela a secret song that only they know, so that she can one day recognize him when he returns to his own time.

John returns to 2036 with the IBM 5100 computer, and his community is overjoyed. They use the computer to solve some of the problems they are facing in their time. John also shares his experiences with his community, telling them about his adventures in the past and the people he met. He shares his love for Pamela, and his community realizes the importance of love and relationships in life.

In the end, John's mission is a success, and he is happy to have made a difference in his community's future. He cherishes the memories of his time in the past and the love he shared with Pamela. John realizes that time travel may have its risks, but it's worth it when you can make a positive impact on the future.


Active Member
There's a very important question that nobody has asked: What if John is really a Terminator??? Maybe he was sent back to secretly prevent Skynet from crashing from the Year 2038 Bug.
