Ouija Boards 2005


Ouija Boards are tools used to communicate with non-physical entities.
Of course, you first have to believe in non-physical entities or at least the possibility.

In some cases, I do believe they can work. Proof? Nope, no proof.
Your beliefs filter what you see and experience.
Remember, whatever you believe to be real, IS real for you.
At least until you change you mind.


Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Set aside the belief part, I want to know why are these things (if they really are a portal to un-earthly dimensions) sold as Toys in stores?
Any comments?


Set aside the belief part, I want to know why are these things (if they really are a portal to un-earthly dimensions) sold as Toys in stores?
Any comments?
Yeah, that kind of bothers me a bit too. I don't think they'd sell such a thing if it truly was a portal to another dimension, evil or not. Then, if it's safe to sell it as a toy, what's up with all those Ouija experiences going wrong?


They sell it as a toy because few take it seriously, like selling a magick kit.
I think "When Ouija goes wrong" experiences are a case of getting what you expect or fear.
This would be similar to a person taking LSD when they are deathly afraid of what may happen.
Like any tool, it can be used or abused. For most it will remain just a toy.


Rosco, basically, that means the board is there for nothing at all. What do you think?


Rosco, basically, that means the board is there for nothing at all. What do you think?

Hey Num, that's not exactly the message I was trying to convey.
Consciousness and belief systems have a direct correlation as to how we interpret, experience and understand the events that intrude upon our personal realities. (quite a mouthful) A hammer is a tool, that in some hands, can be used to build beautiful things. In the hands of others it can be used to kill. It is not up to the tool to decide how it is used. It is up to the person using the tool.

Regarding the Ouija, you can consciously decide where to move the pointer to spell out messages. This is "playing" and the board acts as a toy. If you remove your conscious will and allow the subconscious to determine the movements, that can be a tool. Either way, it all depends on your belief system.

How an Ouija works is a different question. To allow the possibility of its validity we need to leave the safety of the shallow end of the pool and venture in over our heads. First you have to accept that there is a reality outside of the physical. The origins of our thoughts and muscular motor activity initiate there. The firing of the neurons that start and control our movements are not the result of random or purely sequential chemical reactions. A neurons rest state exists as a standing probability wave waiting to be fired. The collapse of this probability wave and the resultant firing of the neuron is a quantum conscious event and is initiated from outside the physical. Having a focus on the board and an openness to the possibilities, enables a non-physically focused consciousness to affect your motor functions through your subconscious. So, while you may not be moving the pointer, physically you are. It's just that you may not be driving the car, so to speak.

Jane Roberts first utilized the Ouija when researching a book on ESP. Investigative questions were asked that provided information that could be verified through historical records. At a later point, the Ouija was dispensed with when the communication advance to her "channeling" the entity she was communicating with (Seth). I did research on psychic phenomenon back in the 70's. Part of this included looking into the Ouija board. I must say that I had mixed results at the time. I may have fallen into the "trying" to make it function, rather than "allowing" it to happen. There were times when I felt it was working. The communication at these times was felt to originate from outside myself and the responses were intriguing. There was enough for me to believe in the probability of its being a valid tool, but that I was not too adept at.
I for one among others i know have had some disturbing experiences with ouija. I did this when i was very young. But if you are still interested in ouija make sure there is more than two people, noone is under the influence, and have someone who can sense feel hear or see a presence a gifted person persay. Because it just seems with this object it opens alot of doorways with no way to close them. Good Luck Vamp1r3Goddess
Re: Ouija Boards

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"TheHeggy\")</div>

A video huh? Tape a small nail to it, attach a magnet to four strings each reaching out from under the board in cardinal directions, tug this way and that and bam..magick.
I also know some that this occurred with and they had true paranormal activity in the home. My experience was also frightening. It doesn't take a ouija board though to make contact with something dark. If you go searching for darkness you will find it. Vamp1r3Goddess
