Our secret Time Machine.

I work for the government and we do have a Time Machine that we use for military purposes. However no further info will be revealed. Access to time travel will pretty much always be restricted to the general public due to its dangers of being weaponized.


I'd usually be excited and invite you to share more, but at this point, I'm more inclined to ask you why your announcing it, if it's so secret?

IMO, if you really were working for the US government or the army, AND were working on a time machine... Those are BIG IFs. Well, if that, well, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't advertise it here.


New Member
good evening everyone I know the technology he uses, we can find that in the general public, the devices that we use every day, I am looking for computer codes, which would possibly allow me to open a temporal vortex for that he needs three items, an iWatch 5, a MacBook, and the famous Galaxy s23, yes you heard correctly unfortunately you have to have a phone to recharge, with a vortex it's vortex exists all over the planet, but they are guarded by the army, precisely the army prefers to treat humans like children, obviously it is reptilian entities which command the army, I had access to this information through a friend who knows a friend who managed to open a time carrier with these three elements, unfortunately he did not want to give the codes it does not matter we will end up finding them, I am looking to travel in time, and especially in other dimensions, to have information and know who I'm dealing with and possibly come back, in this timeline to try to sort things out a little, and see if it's possible, the vortex is not stabilized, we need access to, a reload, his friend is seriously burned, the video is impossible to find because it was deleted, we are not very good at finding videos in phones, I can only say that when the vortex opens, there are frequencies , a clap of thunder, and the sound of a plane gusting, I am aware that I am risking my life by giving this information, it does not matter, I consider that we must move forward, I am also aware that we cannot change the past, without creating serious imbalance cataclysm, storm, cyclone hurricane, I will look for its codes all my life, that will not give us the possibility of crossing the door because the vortex is not stable, the only way to stabilize it, it is to recharge the Galaxy s23 for 4 hours, it is in the Vatican, unfortunately this place is inaccessible, to the public and extremely well guarded, it works with the flash of the phone, I think we have been lied about the real function of LED Lights, it is not human technology.


Active Member
I work for the government and we do have a Time Machine that we use for military purposes. However no further info will be revealed. Access to time travel will pretty much always be restricted to the general public due to its dangers of being weaponized.
So u say u have a time machine but let me tell u something why are u reveal it you may lose your job or a time cop come take you away so big mistake also ET is evil alien is..now time machine come out to public in 2028..possible


Active Member
good evening everyone I know the technology he uses, we can find that in the general public, the devices that we use every day, I am looking for computer codes, which would possibly allow me to open a temporal vortex for that he needs three items, an iWatch 5, a MacBook, and the famous Galaxy s23, yes you heard correctly unfortunately you have to have a phone to recharge, with a vortex it's vortex exists all over the planet, but they are guarded by the army, precisely the army prefers to treat humans like children, obviously it is reptilian entities which command the army, I had access to this information through a friend who knows a friend who managed to open a time carrier with these three elements, unfortunately he did not want to give the codes it does not matter we will end up finding them, I am looking to travel in time, and especially in other dimensions, to have information and know who I'm dealing with and possibly come back, in this timeline to try to sort things out a little, and see if it's possible, the vortex is not stabilized, we need access to, a reload, his friend is seriously burned, the video is impossible to find because it was deleted, we are not very good at finding videos in phones, I can only say that when the vortex opens, there are frequencies , a clap of thunder, and the sound of a plane gusting, I am aware that I am risking my life by giving this information, it does not matter, I consider that we must move forward, I am also aware that we cannot change the past, without creating serious imbalance cataclysm, storm, cyclone hurricane, I will look for its codes all my life, that will not give us the possibility of crossing the door because the vortex is not stable, the only way to stabilize it, it is to recharge the Galaxy s23 for 4 hours, it is in the Vatican, unfortunately this place is inaccessible, to the public and extremely well guarded, it works with the flash of the phone, I think we have been lied about the real function of LED Lights, it is not human technology.
Who is this friend of your is this tron1 lol


Active Member
Who is this friend of your is this tron1
good evening everyone I know the technology he uses, we can find that in the general public, the devices that we use every day, I am looking for computer codes, which would possibly allow me to open a temporal vortex for that he needs three items, an iWatch 5, a MacBook, and the famous Galaxy s23, yes you heard correctly unfortunately you have to have a phone to recharge, with a vortex it's vortex exists all over the planet, but they are guarded by the army, precisely the army prefers to treat humans like children, obviously it is reptilian entities which command the army, I had access to this information through a friend who knows a friend who managed to open a time carrier with these three elements, unfortunately he did not want to give the codes it does not matter we will end up finding them, I am looking to travel in time, and especially in other dimensions, to have information and know who I'm dealing with and possibly come back, in this timeline to try to sort things out a little, and see if it's possible, the vortex is not stabilized, we need access to, a reload, his friend is seriously burned, the video is impossible to find because it was deleted, we are not very good at finding videos in phones, I can only say that when the vortex opens, there are frequencies , a clap of thunder, and the sound of a plane gusting, I am aware that I am risking my life by giving this information, it does not matter, I consider that we must move forward, I am also aware that we cannot change the past, without creating serious imbalance cataclysm, storm, cyclone hurricane, I will look for its codes all my life, that will not give us the possibility of crossing the door because the vortex is not stable, the only way to stabilize it, it is to recharge the Galaxy s23 for 4 hours, it is in the Vatican, unfortunately this place is inaccessible, to the public and extremely well guarded, it works with the flash of the phone, I think we have been lied about the real function of LED Lights, it is not human technology.
Ok I tell something is the color green mist fog?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
a code so there must be another receiving computor that understands it if not then it wont do anything if its not conected to a source that knows and opens what its for


New Member
good evening exactly there is a receiving computer, there is a system installed in the Vatican, there is a link with the chronovisor I am desperately looking for the codes to open the door, I have a video but I will not share it on the forum , but that's all I have, I'm curious to know how this technology works, I'm looking for someone on this forum who can give me information, regarding top secret teleportation and time travel technology, based on the technologies that we know computer phone and connected watch probably a hidden technology, which is very advanced on ours, I tested HDR but I did not have satisfactory results, I am looking with my friend I cannot not say too much because the secret services monitor this forum I can simply say that the vortex which exists in the Vatican and which allows you to recharge the phone is 90 million bovis units.
