

I have noted the points of your reply that I believe to be the focals below:

If you had such an experience, would you subject yourself to the scrutiny?

Someone from the past, on the other hand, has a more daunting task ahead of him.

I guess what I am saying is that after the story is told and the \"evidence\" offered, it comes down to faith and a decision on the part of the readers of the story to choose whether or not to believe it and how to treat the teller of the story.

I will address each separately.

As to the first "Would I subject myself to the scrutiny?". The answer is yes I would and yes I have. Did I follow my own rules? I tried my best. And in the end things worked out. For those who are wondering what I am talking about, I am refering to the "Peragro" evidence incident. For those who are not briefed and since the other board is down the quick and skinny is that I was volunteered to keep evidence for a supposed tt. I came under major fire. I posted said evidence once I got it. I answered questions regarding conversations between he and I. I passed the info on to more qualified individuals for further analysis. So I have walked and been broken in the shoes of which you speak. Not pleasant, but I put myself, somewhat, in that place.

As to the second point, of it being harder to prove you are from the past than if you were from the future. I disagree. I think that with a social security number and/or drivers license and/or birth certificate and/or papers required in most countries to claim citizenship or right to work, I could definitively prove from whence you came. You have to have these to work. I would like to add the question, while we are on the topic, where/when/how did you get your clearance papers to work (depending on which country you are located in)? If left without these, a serious analysis would yield a truth or false answer as to your when-abouts and more importantly, the character that you are building or really are.

For the third point, about faith. Many tt'ers claim this point when they are at an end of proof. This however, need not be so. It is one thing to claim faith in the context of religion. It is another to claim faith in your word. However, you have tried to tie the two together. Which cannot be done. The analogy you use is:
if faith then God AND
if faith them me THERFORE
the result (you push) is if God then me.
However, this relationship doesn't work because by it's own merit I can prove Unicorns exist by:
if space equal infinity AND
if infinity in everything AND
if everything contains anything AND
if unicorn is anything THEREFORE
If space then unicorn.
I took the long approach but you see the similarities. Appealing to one's faith on a religious level is begging the question of affirmation in oneself. I do not believe that one can be justified merely by the basis of since you can not prove that x was a deity in a religion so since you believe in him you should have faith in me. They are entirely different. To have faith in another person is to be assured that they will, do or act in a manner that is predictable. To have faith in a deity is to believe in its existence without proof. The former requires proof whereas the latter is a feeling gained. So, as to time travelers expecting people to take leaps of faith, as you somewhat put it, I sincerely hope that we have a culture here in this forum that discourages this. Faith in a person should only be granted after time and observation.

You(General not Specific) ask what proof can I give to prove that I am a time traveler? I suggest you (General not Specific) ask is what can I do to prove that I am a real person and not a derived character spawned of imagination and joy at deceiving?

You have many valid points there. I have not been around long enough to be familiar with the other incident you speak of, so please excuse my ignorance on that point. I will address a couple of your other points here, but not at great length for I have an appointment I must leave for shortly.

Regarding my use of the word "faith", perhaps there is another word that better describes the point I was trying to make. There is faith in the religious sense, like the faith some people have in God or whatever other deity they choose to worship, and there is faith in the very normal sense, like the faith you have that something you read about or hear of it actually true. Much of ancient history falls under this category, at least the way I look at it, but I am by no means an historian. There are events that we are told happened, and some of them offer scant evidence as to their happening. Some are documented better than others and in some cases there are conflicting stories circulating regarding what actually happened. Homer's accounts of the Trojan War would fall under this category, since Homer, being a poet, was known to embellish somewhat. There is no evidence for some of what he said happened, so there is the very real possibility that some of what he said is mere fancy. Here I go rambling again. What I mean to say is that I did not mean to use the word "faith" in the sense that you hear people speak of having "blind faith" or an assent to something with absolutely no evidence to back it up, but merely faith in the everyday sense. It is, after all, the choice of the individual to weigh the evidence put forth and form an opinion. Human beings being the fallible creatures they are, will interpret things differently and form different opinions based on the same evidence. Those opinions are more often than not shaped by some pre-conceived notions of reality that each person holds and which tend to form the way we believe about certain things. I have plenty to say about that, so perhaps another post this evening will be in order.

Yes, one cannot hold employment, or do much of anything for that matter, without proper identification. The people who took me in helped me do that by first obtaining a birth certificate for me claiming me as their son. No doubt the document was forged, but I am no expert in those matters, so I am not sure how the forgery was done. It is a simple document with some signatures on it, a date and time of birth, and a raised seal on it, so no doubt a document someone with the requisite skills could easily forge. This was used to obtain a social security card and, once I had learned, a driving permit. I started working shortly after, and I have a fairly steady work history dating back to late 1994, starting out with unskilled work in a shopping mall during the Christmas shopping season and some temporary assignments. I am not going to give out my social security number, not that I fear the scrutiny, but because I have heard too many stories about the dangers of giving that out.

You appear to be a fairly sharp fellow and you pointed out a logical error in my previous post, which sometimes may happen when I find myself typing on the fly without stopping to think about what I am saying. Your unicorn analogy is most fitting. For the inconsistencies I must apologize, but if we go too far in that direction I fear I will be sadly out of my depth, for my education is limited at best and I do not always express myself in as complete a manner as I wish. Please pardon my inadequacies in that area. I am better with hands on things. Manual work makes more sense to me than some of the mental gymnastics you seem capable of. My hat is off to you, sir.

Now I must be off. I will be back later this afternoon.



And your response to me, just now, iterates why, as an answer to a question you posed earlier, you are welcome here regardless of the validity of your claim. You are a very polite person. I have witnessed this time and again. So regardless of what you are claiming to be you are welcome to be a part of our community.

Okay Padraic,

'Bougt time me and you and a little "come to Jesus" on your story.

You claim:

that you were a US sailor injured in a naval battle in 1807

then you woke up on a park bench in 1994

you were then taken in by some kind stangers

these kind strangers got you some fake id so you could work

these same strangers helped you with your language skills in the modern day

you proceeded to go to work in one of the most regulated industries in the US (the securities industry)

you claim to have obtained a Series 6 license through the NASD

you're working for Primerica as a Reg. Rep. or "financial analyst" in your words

you used the fake id to obtain this license

Okay, here's the "come to Jesus" part. The process of obtaining a license from the NASD requires a history of education, home addresses for 10 years, and fingerprint cards that are run through the FBI. You claim to have the current equivalent of a high school education, but the background of a sailor from 1807. Did your fake id have at least a high school education attached to it?

I find it hard to believe that a man from 1807 with no background in current day financial products, rules and regulations, vague history of financial markets etc. could have wrapped his brain around the concepts to pass a Series 6 test. I have a staff member here with a high school education, very bright and it took her 3 times to finally pass this test.

How did you come up with verifiable addresses for the last 10 years? Did you just start your job this month? You intimated that you had been in your current position for at least a while. How did you get past that?

You have to be fingerprinted with at least a few copies sent to the NASD for processing through the FBI, and copies maintained at your broker/dealer. Did your fake id have no record of finger prints anywhere? Even at birth finger prints are made of infants for years now. My 26 yr. old was fingerprinted in the delivery room. This was not a new procedure at the time. Is there a real set of finger prints for your fake id floating around somewhere? Did your kind strangers have any idea that you may need to be finger printed in your current position? I'll bet they had no clue if you are who you say you are.

Are you aware that the NASD will have a major problem with you if you have obtained a securities license under a false identity? Did you know that you will probably face "barred for life" if you are found out to have done so? Not to mention fines for you and your broker/dealer. Regulators would probably go through every transaction you've ever initiated for clients from day one to put a major bug up the butt of your broker/dealer for failure to adequately check out your background. The regulatory environment today does not suffer fools at all. They are looking to make examples of those who violate the rules in any way possible. I know, I have a broker/dealer myself. I have about 6 or 7 NASD licenses. Three of them are principle licenses.

Do you think if you're hoaxing here, that the NASD might take a dim view of a Reg. Rep. posing as a time traveler on a public BBS? Do you think your broker/dealer would approve?

Your language here is affected at best. You attempt to sound like you came from 1807 with some modern day language thrown in. But it all sounds affected. I don't think the average sailor from 1807 would have had the language skills you seem to posess even with modern day language practice. You would have dumped the old ways of speaking and adopted modern day "speak" exclusively. You'd still have smatterings of whatever accent you had from 1807, which would be hard to explain if you were supposed to be American all your life.

If you prefer manual labor as you mentioned in your last reply to Satan, why didn't you get trained in modern day carpentry, or auto mechanics or something physical, rather than wade into the complex world of finance? No finger print cards or background checks in those occupations. You would have had a much easier time of transitioning into something you say you prefer. I can't imagine it's for the money. Series 6 reps are at the bottom of the food chain earnings wise in this business. You need a series 7 (full blown Reg. Rep. rather than limited to mutual funds) to make the big money in this industry, unless you're scamming people left and right with churning. Again, the NASD is a bomb waiting to go off if you're participating in this illegal practice. A good Series 7 Reg. Rep. would also have to have a good background on financial instruments, tax laws, and regulatory laws well in excess of a Series 6 license. A good carpentar, auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, etc. can make good money if they ply their trade well. Hell, some of my better clients are entrepreneurs in these fields. They make good money, save well and don't need big lifestyles. Save the keyboard for how low maintenance you are. I've read about you canning vegatables and all.

So here's the rub. If you are who you say you are, you've got a time bomb called the NASD waiting to blow up on you any day. If you're hoaxing, you've got a time bomb called the NASD waiting to blow up on you any day.

If you're a hoax and want to hang around, nobody's gonna fault you. It was a good story, and the ladies dug your style. But I suggest you come clean now. Perpetuating the hoax will bring you no friends down the road. If you are who you say you are, run like hell away from here. Did you know govt. agencies read these boards regularly? They can find you if they want to. All they need to do is show up with a warrant for your personal info. and you're dead meat.

So which is it? Is it real, or is it Memorex?

Told you to tread lightly. You're in the box now Paddy. Don't even think of playing the victim now, how you're being attacked because of how you bravely put yourself out there and this is what you get. You made the statements about your current position. I didn't make you, and no one else here did either. If you're lying about the Series 6 and Primerica, your whole story is suspect. I don't think you would have pulled that out of your butt anyway, if you're for real. Too complicated. I suspect you're some mutual fund peddler up in Ohio looking for some laughs. The laughs are all up now, podnah. You've been polite and respectful. That's why you're getting this opportunity.

Get real or get going. The choice is up to you.

Go ahead. Make me wrong. I'd just love it.


Excellent form Cary! Very direct, insightful, observant and polite. You have raised the bar for the model community member. I look forward to the response from Padraic.

EDIT: Padraic's Admittance:
I owe you all an apology and an explanation. What happened was not the result of two beer swilling pranksters having a bit of a laugh at your expense. It was mostly the result of a man with a wife working second shift who got bored waiting for her to get home in the evening. I had been reading these forums for a while, seeing how lame some of the hoaxes were, and finally my ego got the best of me and I said, \"I can do better than these people.\" I told my brother one evening when he came over what I was doing and he wisely advised me against it. He said that I should either come clean right away or just stop posting. I had too much of an ego to follow his advice. He is younger than me and I have never been used to him giving advice. In some ways he is wiser than me. I told him that I could do it, that I could do better than those others and he told me that I would be gone before September. By then he had gone on the forum and read a bit and he told me that there were some smart people who would see the holes in the story. That is when he made the bet with me that I would be sunk before the end of the month.

There were some elements of truth in the story. I did have an ancestor who served on that ship. He was killed in 1813 when she was beaten by HMS Shannon and left behind a wife and son in Norfolk. I am descended from him, but I am not him. We don't know much about his life other than the fact that he was in the Navy, so I took the liberty of filling in the gaps as best as I could figure. I think Grayson had me figured out pretty early because my nautical knowledge is not as exhaustive as a sailor of that era would have possessed. I tip my hat to him.

So it comes down to this. It was a fun ride for a while, but it was a ride I should not have had at your expense and for that I apologize. To the admins of the board, I offer my sincere apologies, to Ralan and the others who believed me I am sorry for getting your hopes up and then for dashing them back down again. To Satan, I am sorry for using your board in such a way for my own petty enjoyment. Now that gives whole new meaning to \"giving the Devil his due.\" I am old enough to have known better. The persona I had created was something of a composite of two people who actually existed, a 19th century sailor I am descended from, and a 21st century financial services rep who has too much of an interest in the past. I am the latter, and sometimes dream of being the former.

I need to be going now. My wife will be waking up soon and it is my morning to cook breakfast. I hope you all will accept my apologies and find it in your hearts to forgive my immature attempt at deception.


