paper power


Senior Member
Back in 2005 I predicted that e-books would in the future out sell paper. First, debunkers made fun of me. Then, last year when amazon announce that they were selling more e-books than paper. Well, the skeptics did a debunker flip flop and said it was obvious and that I was captain obvious from now on.

Actually, digital e-books are still out sold by analog paper.

TAKEN FROM The Millions : The Point of the Paperback

The annual Bookstats Report from the Association of American Publishers (AAP), which collects data from 1,977 publishers, is one of the most reliable measures. In the last full report — which came out July 2012 — ebooks outsold hardcovers for the first time, representing $282.3 million in sales (up 28.1%), compared to adult hardcover ($229.6 million, up 2.7%). But not paperback — which, while down 10.5%, still represented $299.8 million in sales. The next report comes out this July, and it remains to be seen whether ebook sales will exceed paper. Monthly stat-shots put out by the AAP since the last annual report show trade paperbacks up, but the group’s spokesperson cautioned against drawing conclusions from interim reports rather than year-end numbers.

Debunkers are flipping again. They now claim that I got my prediction wrong. After all, paper is not going away.

I stand on my prediction that e-books will soon out sell paper. Here are my reasons.

1. Pulp commands a high price​
2. Transportation costs for paper​
3. Speed of delivery - digital versus paper​
4. Cost of storage​
5. Expenses in processing​

The cost to store an ebook on a hard drive for ten years is less than one penny. Books made of paper need special storage areas. These cannot contain high humidity or the book will suffer from mold and mildew and it needs to be protected from insects and other vermin.

Digital storage and digital transmission are just two of the many advantages of e-books versus paper.
