Paris Terror Attacks Unfortunate Preview of the Consequence of Open Borders — U.S. Next?

Carl Miller

Active Member
Not meaning to sound insensitive. I just feel we should all close our borders to EVERYONE temporarily as a security measure. No race/religion involved. We need to be on high alert. I understand it's a tough situation. Refugees need help, but allowing everyone in at the same time can get more people killed. Could military bases out there set up refugee camps, or is that too creepy?[/QUOTE

Personally I agree in number gender and degree. By the way it s best to be living in the country side other than in Europe or any other part of the so called civilized world.
We have enough troubles here with drug traffic war that makes more victims weekly than any other war.
It seems european authorities turned a blind eye to the extreme and imminent danger eutopean great cities go through because of their vulnerability towards retaliation.
Unfortunately victims were slaughtered like lambs and it must be incredibly painful for the families. Let s pray for them.Time to think it over on the asylum issues.
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walt willis

Senior Member
Gun ownership in America may hold a two edged sword effect to any would be terrorist.

They would have easy access to arms, but so do the people that live in areas that have the "Shall Issue" guns laws.

The bad guy may be in for one hell of a surprise shortly after he fires the first shot, as granny may pull the rug out from under the shooter.

As a firearms instructor that certified CCW folks, I was surprised to have so many older females take the class.

They turned out to be very good shots with very large weapons.


Senior Member
Emma Parkinson, The tasmanian teen, is just one of many shot by ISIS in paris. Such a sad day for all of us. Actually, my mom called me yesterday and told me. Like people are afraid to go to a restaurant or a cinema. I wonder if people will finally wake up...

Paris attacks: Many dead after shootings, multiple blasts in France capital



Temporal Engineer
The real terrorists are the news agencies promulgating these stories.

It's really funny that the government wont tell us about aliens. Yet they have no qualms at all about terrorizing us with stories of camel-back riders running amok.

By the way, the picture looks a lot like Jenna Coleman, the actress from Doctor Who.

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New Member
Terrorism is a very real danger in our world today, but I always wonder about the true source of it all. Many times in our history these groups are funded and directed by political leaders in order to advance an agenda. Suspects are ultimately caught and punished while the real perpetrators remain free, using the incidents in question to convince the general populus to accept oppressive laws in exchange for a false sense of freedom.

Who has the most to gain in these situations? Certainly not a small group of terrorists trying to oppose almost everyone else in the world, taking great personal risks in the process. On the other hand, the power brokers of the world can sit back at a safe distance and assert more control over the rest of us using these events as an example of why we should let them "protect" us. The ones with all of the money and power are the ones that really scare me.

walt willis

Senior Member
As a young man you have much to learn Boy Wonder...
Just when you think you know it all you'd be WRONG!
As a person that is using my OLD nick name, I would like to ask you to give it some time before speaking in absolutes.
I do not know if it was a false flag event or not, but will hold to the idea of many such events may equate into a fact.
It appears to be a real terror attack from a group of like minded extremist.
To suggest otherwise at this early stage of the investigation may be a grave mistake.


New Member
I certainly don't claim that I know if it is or isn't a false flag, but lately I wonder every time an event like this occurs. I acknowledge that it is a genuine tragedy and I do not mean to diminish the loss of lives in any way. I have just become very suspicious about the motivation behind events like these. It seems like an ongoing pattern of villains being thrust at us by the media, only to find out much later how they were supported by the so-called "good guys".

walt willis

Senior Member
Just when we think that we have all the answers we may find another damn question or two...
I did not like being called Boy Wonder as it seem to be demeaning at the age of 21 years old.
Nice tie though...


New Member
I always say every statement leads to at least two more questions. Never rule anything out and never jump to any conclusions.

I'm actually in my fourties. I'm just a big fan of superheroes, and Robin always amused me.

walt willis

Senior Member
Welcome to America!

The most deadly mistake jihadists could make is assuming that Obama's weak leadership represents the resolve of Americans.

We are heavily armed.. well trained, and when you bring the battle to our home turf, those rules that have tied the hands of our soldiers on your turf, DO NOT APPLY HERE..

We would love for you to try and kick sand in our face in our playground...

Your best bet would be to visit the areas of the country that do not allow people to carry a weapon.

Please be advised, if we see you even look like trouble we will empty our guns in less time it takes you to hit the ground DOA.

We do understand why you hate our government, but we hate you for what you have done to innocent people.

We will shove pork up your sorry asses after we slowly and painfully rip you apart.

Our government and military have rules of war, we do not!

Some of your people are here and are being targeted as we wait for martial law to be declared.

We pray for that day to come soon!

PS. While you were learning how to screw little boys we learned how to hunt alone in the woods and shoot the balls off of flies from a hundred yards.

I don't want to scare you off, so please visit so we can test our well honed skills on some fresh meat.

I AM... WE are.. the INFIDELS.. your Imams warned you about.. Behind every blade of grass waits a redneck with a scoped rifle.

