Past time travel


Junior Member
Where do the maths come from if not from the experiments? They didn't just make it up lol. It's a recording of the way things happen in experiments. The maths are vague enough at the moment to corroborate all the theories that people have, because those theories are based on the maths, which is based on the experiments.


Senior Member
Where do the maths come from if not from the experiments? They didn't just make it up lol. It's a recording of the way things happen in experiments. The maths are vague enough at the moment to corroborate all the theories that people have, because those theories are based on the maths, which is based on the experiments.

The equations come from the model. We verify them in experiments. The experiments do not, however, have anything to do with multiple universes. The conjecture is just one way of looking at the equations.


Temporal Engineer
Science has converted just about everything to theoretical fiction. Nobody builds anything from theoretical fiction. Try using verifiable facts to build something and you will have something real.


Senior Member
Science has converted just about everything to theoretical fiction. Nobody builds anything from theoretical fiction. Try using verifiable facts to build something and you will have something real.

Most people have no idea how bad this has become. We are living in a kind of dark age. Most of what is getting published these days is garbage.


Junior Member
multiverse is a concept which was given you know before making a portrait you must have some imagination or a vision thats what we did, multiverse is possible according to many other theories we dont say that it is we say that hope for the best and most of ous feels multiverse is a theory you know sometime you just know somethings before it happens coincidence or may be pure luck or a fluk, saying that multiverse is not a theory is wrong we all know as you said that its an interpretation of mathematics and surprisingly our whole universe follows the mathematical laws and we can describe universe based on maths.

Sometimes we must come out of our small logical brain and think beyond the boundary of logic that when true adventure start and science gets a new meaning to it.


Senior Member
It's also possible that there is a mystical space panda that secretly arranges all the information that is actualized and the probabilistic states are just his imagination.


Active Member
If you was to travel back into the past would you be in a different dimensional timeline or the same timeline that you traveled back in time to so you could change past mistakes you made.

Some people believe you can travel back into your old timeline and a different dimensional timeline but I don’t know.
Me changing my past I would have rather go with someone instead of me going in the past but changing around the timeline of my year I negatively affected and impacted because of what I did in the past before would lead into a split of two different timelines me changing what I did and then it will lead to it being in alternative dimension as well. But it is mainly to the years of January 13th of 2017 and September 20th of 2018 as will, is when I made that mistake that lead to how my life is now in my present timeline and year as well.
