Paula's Search for Artifacts


The Luoyang shovel was invented in the early 20th century by Li Duck, a villager near Luoyang, Henan Province, China, and gradually improved by later generations. The Luoyang shovel is a symbol of China's archaeological drilling tools. It was first widely used for tomb raiding and later became an archaeological tool.
The famous archaeologist Wei Juxian witnessed the use of Luoyang shovel in 1928, which was used in archaeological drilling, and played an important role in the excavation process of the famous ancient city sites such as Yin ruins in Anyang and Yanshi Mall in Luoyang. Nowadays, learning to use the Luoyang shovel to distinguish the soil quality is the basic skill of every archaeologist.
When USING, THE BODY STANDS UP STRAIGHT, LEGS APART, HANDS grip the ROD, placed in the chest, shovel head on the ground, located between the two toes, downward vertical probing force. Open the hole to the end, constantly rotate the shovel head, alternately under the four sides, keep the cylindrical shape of the hole. From the edge of the shovel will dig the soil, longitudinal break apart to see the section. When you look at the soil, you can't shovel back. Shovel back is to continuously hit the ground two or three times before lifting the shovel. There are many kinds of soil under Luoyang, which are roughly divided into dead soil and living soil. Generally speaking, the dead soil is not ten thousand years ago, otherwise the probe can not go down, can not pull up, will shovel stuck in the hole. Drilling side under shovel, hole semicircle; Two sides under shovel, hole ellipse; Only four sides of the shovel, the hole is round. Make sure the holes are straight. It is not bent, straight is not crooked. It is also not very easy to make vertical holes. For the tool, the spade head should be straight and the pole should be straight. Otherwise, easy to bend the hole, or even hole small mouth big belly, not a name. To test the straightness and curvature of a hole, a mirror can be held up and the sun shines down from the opening of the hole. When the light hits the bottom of the hole, the hole is straight. If the light hits the hole wall and does not fall down, the hole is bent and must be trimmed before punching. Bending hole is very laborious, both hands can also pull the shoulder against the wood pole pull.


We’re building a pool and of course, I’m exploring the dirt piles. The workers dug up old pavers/bricks from about 5-6 feet under ground. They were on top of the dirt piles. They seem to be made of shell. This land was part of a huge farm in the 1800’s. I also found an interesting flat stone, a variety of gravel, and many small pieces of bone. No arrow heads. Pics below.



I know this isn't exciting for anybody, but I'm thrilled to have found a tiny bit of the past. I wish I knew what used to be here.
I'm now building on top of history.

The past intrigues me. I don't know why. Shrug.


Senior Member
I know this isn't exciting for anybody, but I'm thrilled to have found a tiny bit of the past. I wish I knew what used to be here.
I'm now building on top of history.

The past intrigues me. I don't know why. Shrug.
You should check with the County.
Lots of places are digitizing aerial photographs of their county.
I used to examine 40- to 50-year-old aerial pics when I worked for an Environmental Engineering firm - looking for what was on a property decades before to ensure that sites weren't old gas stations with underground tanks, or manufacturing facilities, or whatever I could find out about a property.
They are public records. You might find out why that rectangular paver(?) was there. Looks like beach rock to me, if it's even natural.
Also, there are county records in most places that go back a hundred years or more - also public record.
Lastly, you might try talking to someone that has published an academic paper concerning the prehistory of your area. You can get a better idea of the situation that way than you can reading some blurb about regional history on a county website.

