Phoenix Mars lander


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Phoenix Mars lander

This new lander is going to get on mars in a few days.
NASA - Phoenix

I wonder if it'll find any interesting new data, about water and life.
I hope that nasa will not hide all the stuff they get from it.

Let's try to post updates here also !

Re: Phoenix Mars Lander

sure wish they would show some vid. from the craft I don't want to see the boys at NASA hootin and hollerin
Re: Phoenix Mars Lander

Well, it's a success now, the lander just landed safely.
I think this one doesn't have any camera. Not sure, but I know it's not there to take pictures anyway.

There are many crashes on Mars when it comes to stuff like Phoenix and all those little robots.
Re: Phoenix Mars Lander

what you gotta be joking!!!!!! no cameras I aint buyin that for one second.
they just aint showin them yet
P.S. they just said somethin bout a camera comin up soon maybe we will see somthin
Re: Phoenix Mars Lander

Phoenix is going to dig a hole, get some ice, melt it, and analyse the stuff in the ice. If there's some rock, some dirt in the ice, it means that ice was once water in a river/lake/anything. So, it would prove there's been liquid water on Mars in the distant past.

The probe could detect many things in the melted ice, like little particles revealing that there's been life. There could be dead virus, bacteries, etc.

The spot they sent it is supposed to be have ice under it's surface, like 12 inches bellow the surface.

--Determine whether Life ever arose on Mars

--Characterize the Climate of Mars

--Characterize the Geology of Mars

--Prepare for Human Exploration
I like the last one :)

Re: Phoenix Mars Lander

just thinkin here see the smoke ha ha ha
no realy if there is dirt in the ice???? how do they know it didn't get there when the impact explosion melted the surface. I mean don't comets, astirods, and the like hit it all the time
Re: Phoenix Mars Lander

They'll need better stuff than 1960's spacecrafts to get there.
I'm not sure I would like to go there. Just in case the spacecraft doesn't want to get back here by itself ! I don't want to wait 2 months for a taxi !
