Photographs of another planet and of two grey aliens


Active Member
I have seen this photos for many years ago.
Cosmos - Our
Galaxy - Andromeda
System - 4321
Planet name - Adej
Planet number - 4
Planet type - Material

Description: This is a spiritual education planet. On this planet, collections of manipulation thoughts that one has had through several life cycles are neutralized, and all competition concepts are neutralized. The planet has an axis inclination of 3 degrees. It has an average temperature of 20 degrees. There are no seasons. The topography does not contain high mountains only low ridges. There are no forests according to our definition of the term on the planet. There are conifers here as well as a type of tree with gray nn trunk and fern-like leaves.The trees stand in small clusters or scattered individually over landscapes.They are as written earlier not in such large clusters that one can call them forests.There are certain bird species on the planet that can reminiscent of terrestrial birds.However, these are more colorful than the terrestrial, with many strong colors. The largest bird species is about the size of a shearwater. However, it has colors that can best be compared to a macaw parrot. All bird species have straight beaks such as thrushes, etc. from other themes in the songs.There are few animals on the planet.There are only 5 mammal species.One of these species is reminiscent of Earth Moose.Another is a cat breed that is the size of the Earth house cat.Individuals from this would be able to go straight into the domestic cat the environment on earth looks messy.These cats do not meow, however, but have a more sophisticated language.It is possible to teach these cats to speak. They are more intelligent than terrestrial chimpanzees and it is possible to have a simple conversation with them. The species reminiscent of a terrestrial moose eats a specific type of green moss that grows all over the planet. There are scattered settlements on most of the planet without one being able to call this a city. However, an island is heavily built up. Nature is not very special here. Here is a large city comparable to New York in the USA.This is the planet's capital.It is the only city on the planet.The planet was originally populated with a low human race with brown skin color and large round heads without hair.They has large round eyes without eyelashes and iris. The eyes are completely black and can resemble the facet eyes of an insect even if they are built up in a different way. They have 4 fingers on each hand and they are bisexual. For a period of their life cycle, certain individuals assume male and female forms. The temporary female gives birth to a litter of 3 children.PLANET48.gif


Active Member
Earth planet in vega system, only woman.
Cosmos - Our
Galaxy - Our
System - Vega

Description: The planet is about the size of Earth. It has an axis slope of 2.5 degrees. There are no seasons. The average temperature is +22 degrees Celsius most of the year. It rains but not so often.The planet is populated with Vega inhabitants.These are a light-skinned human race that has an average height of 2.20 meters.In rare cases, they can be 2.5 meters.They communicate with thought transmissions, but can talk when this is necessary.The breed looks like us except that the earlobes are smaller and sit higher up on the head.Set with Earthly eyes they are pretty. This race was what once colonized the Pleiades. (Name 5) has been one of this race once, but she did not live on this planet. The breed is highly spiritually developed. They work in the galaxy as cosmic teachers. The planet has space travel that can go between the cosmos in the superuniverse. There is a large and varied fauna on the planet with several beautiful flower species. Wildlife is also diverse. This consists mostly of mammals. There are no dinosaurs on the planet.The cities are built in harmony with nature.The houses are dome-shaped crystal buildings.The buildings are spread almost all over the planet, so there are not so many cities.The planet has a spaceport.On the southern à The island to the west of the center of the map, there are no people living as this functions as a national park with untouched nature. The salt content of the sea is somewhat less than it is on Earth. There is a rich marine life in this with many fish species. There is one type of dolphin on the planet. The air contains 85% Oxygen and is completely free of pollutants. 90% of the planet's population is women. PLANET41.gif
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