Schematic Portal Control Modulator MK1 (One Professor Opmmur's Time Travel Machines)


See you don't need 1GHz frequency because almost nothing in nature operates on that high degree. Energy changes what energy doesn't do is make a carbon copy of itself. What you are hoping to do is to move energy to a previously known state of existence. This may not be possible. I use to believe in a multiverse but even if that is possible that new multiverse will generate its own history and future that is not the same as ours. Also there is the question of almost 8 billion suns being born every second of every day. That type of gravity should be detectable.

Point I am making is if you want to go into the past, best you can do is perhaps see the past digitally generated by a device. Interacting with it would be impossible.

That said micro black holes is a concept that got traction in 1971. It is speculated that it will require minuscule mass and exist for only spit seconds if that. So what makes them significant. Energy, they can theoretically "as far as I know i have not look into this for years" be measured in electron volts.

SO now for the practicality. If it is that tiny and you have something that can detect it, it should be possible to create a field to feed it and capture it. slowly boosting the energy you might be able to sustain it. Now this is where you need to be able to visualize cosmic radiation "that is actually cool looks beautiful" then create a magnetic field around a section that has frequent spikes in radiation and perhaps "IF lucky" you can observe one with very sensitive instruments and then figure out IF it is even possible to capture it.

Bolting a few amps together and push mass power trough them is not going to create anything but cool scary sparks and perhaps a table fire...


New Member
One Professor Opmmur's Time Travel Machines

Enclosed is the Instruction Manual for one of my Time Travel Machines the Model is
"Mark 1". It is a Time Portal Control Modulator for opening Time Time Travel Portals. I have owned the Devise for about 15 years and was build by D W French.
Is it possible to change something in the past?


Time Travel Professor
Is it possible to change something in the past?
I would say possibly yes, but here's some of your problems, first thing is getting there and getting back?

Second problem: Let's say you are able to accomplish the first problem and end up where you want to go. You now want to change things that may not happen quite the way you wanted. Your facing an infinite number of scenarios that could actually happen. I'm talking about free will and other peoples desires may not be in line with your desires.

Professor Opmmur


New Member
I would say possibly yes, but here's some of your problems, first thing is getting there and getting back?

Second problem: Let's say you are able to accomplish the first problem and end up where you want to go. You now want to change things that may not happen quite the way you wanted. Your facing an infinite number of scenarios that could actually happen. I'm talking about free will and other peoples desires may not be in line with your desires.

Professor Opmmur
That is very true. Definitely the biggest problem is getting there and back. For me personally the second isn't so much of a problem as we all want the same thing.


One Professor Opmmur's Time Travel Machines

Enclosed is the Instruction Manual for one of my Time Travel Machines the Model is
"Mark 1". It is a Time Portal Control Modulator for opening Time Time Travel Portals. I have owned the Devise for about 15 years and was build by D W French.

I would love to see photos and schematics... :)
