Pray to our Founding Fathers to help restore America


Senior Member

Pray to our Founding Fathers to help restore America

Tonight I prayed to America's Founding Fathers. I asked God and Jesus to send our Founding Fathers back to America, either in Spirit as Angels to help us, or reincarnated to help purge America of the corrupt government and start a new one based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights as originally created.

The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence says it's our "duty" to throw off an abusive and corrupt government.

It occurred to me that even from Heaven they are very interested in what's happening here and want to help correct it. They are our Founding Fathers, and they are in Heaven with God. Through prayer I will continue to ask for divine intervention from our Founding Fathers to restore what has been stolen while the people slept.

(I'm sure they've been rolling around in their graves over the new Nazi America.)

Preamble: Declaration of Independence (Excerpt)

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
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many have called him the father of this nation called America.. it only seemed fitting to insert this bit of history on George Washington and his dream/vision of the future of America.. it tells a tale of woe and turmoil, before ending with a promise of peace...

Washington's Vision

In the National Tribune, 1880, an article appeared giving an account of the "Vision of Washington" at Valley Forge. The account was told by a gentleman named Anthony Sherman, who supposedly was at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78. The story has been published several times.

walt willis

Senior Member
To pray for help is good, but just in case God is on a field trip I would like a good plan "B" as a backup.

Fly crooked and to shoot strait is my plan.

Our founders put their butts on the line to give us a freedom never achieved in the history of the world, and if we wish to keep it we must make some hard choices.

"Live free or Die".

walt willis

Senior Member
Most politicians have a secret life that the media will not report to the American public!

Bill told her Hillary was ‘Gay’ and that he had ‘no problem with that’

The UK papers/media show lots of pictures of Hillary + Huma, but I believe that the American media “understands” that they are not to be photographed together. Also, the reporters that cover Hillary do a great job of keeping things on the “down low.” But they are always together. Also, people used to joke that Huma was so well dressed and living large early in her career in D.C. because of payments for “favors.” Again, it makes no difference to me that Hillary is bisexual and having an affair with Huma. But I do care about hiding the relationship for political purposes and national security interests. If the future president of the U.S. is making decisions with input from someone sympathetic to certain causes, that is a big issue. The Muslim Brotherhood is a violent Islamist organization. The cover-up is unseemly and harmful to America and clearly shows the media’s bias.

“Former mistress and current sex advice columnist Gennifer Flowers recently sat down for an interview during which she revealed many insights into the Clinton clan. In addition to recounting her affair with a pre-presidential Bill Clinton, she candidly offered knowledge of Hillary’s sexuality.
Though rumors have long swirled regarding the 2016 presidential hopeful’s homosexuality, Flowers said her former lover confirmed those suspicions.

Saying she “never considered theirs a traditional marriage,” Flowers explained that Bill Clinton offered a characteristically unrefined critique of his wife’s extramarital exploits.
“He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had,” she recalled.

According to Flowers, rumors of a romantic relationship between Hillary and Huma Abedin was not surprising. Married to disgraced politician Anthony Weiner, Abedin also stood by her husband throughout a prolonged sex scandal.
Flowers said she could offer only speculation into that issue, though, and based her comments only on direct conversations with Bill Clinton.
“I don’t know Huma or the Weiners,” she said. “I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care.”

“The truth, always the truth–at all costs”
I will strive to give you perspectives on the news that you will rarely receive from other sources. At times, there will be eye-witness reports from troubled areas, at other times, there will be documentary,interviews and other interesting works.
I am committed to providing information by posting/archiving videos, articles, and links. I also investigate to raise awareness on numerous issues, inspire critical thinking, involvement, and hopefully to help make our world a better place for all.
According to a recently published report, the report states Their 12-year affair made Gennifer Flowers one of the most high profile mistresses in America. Now, two decades after they split amid scandal, the former news reporter from Little Rock, Arkansas wants to ‘sit down and talk’ with Bill Clinton.

In an exclusive interview with a reliable source, Gennifer has spoken of her deep regret at turning down Clinton’s pleas to talk some eight years ago and revealed her belief that they would still be together today, were it not the birth of Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea.

She said: ‘We have some unresolved issues that it would be nice to sit down and talk about now. He was the love of my life and I was the love of his life and you don’t get over those things.’


Junior Member
America can never be what the Founding Fathers envisioned again. The bunch of wealthy English gents who united the 13 Original Colonies would not recognize the vast multicultural Capitalist corporation that is America in 2014 and the burgeoning Oligarchy that is further manipulating it. The Founding Fathers would probably tell us to disband and start all over again.

walt willis

Senior Member
Secrets are being kept and plans are being formulated as we write on this forum.

You just don't know what you don't know!

As long as the left keeps pushing the storm clouds will continue to grow.

Why do you think that you can not find much ammo in most stores?

If you could only hear the talk in the white hood, but you are not in the loop...


Junior Member
Americans think a very old piece of paper will save them? Americans are imbeciles! Other nations see America is weak and very undereducated. America will not last. America will fall to nations it once oppressed.

walt willis

Senior Member
Russia is being baited for the trap of thinking we are weak so they will solve our economic troubles by killing the useless eaters in the cities.

Don't take the bait!

Just stay the high ground and wait for the US to lose the world currency standing and then sit back and enjoy the show of our self destruction.


Junior Member
Russia is being baited for the trap of thinking we are weak so they will solve our economic troubles by killing the useless eaters in the cities.

Don't take the bait!

Just stay the high ground and wait for the US to lose the world currency standing and then sit back and enjoy the show of our self destruction.

Americans need to create a new future! Americans must forget the past and that ancient piece of paper if they are to survive. America has not experienced revolution in 250 years,but badly needs to experience revolution. Past cannot change. Future can!

walt willis

Senior Member
Russia is being baited for the trap of thinking we are weak so they will solve our economic troubles by killing the useless eaters in the cities.

Don't take the bait!

Just stay the high ground and wait for the US to lose the world currency standing and then sit back and enjoy the show of our self destruction.

Americans need to create a new future! Americans must forget the past and that ancient piece of paper if they are to survive. America has not experienced revolution in 250 years,but badly needs to experience revolution. Past cannot change. Future can!

How about we forget about the other ancient document as well called the Holy Bible comrade?
