Psychic Animals


Have you guys ever experienced your animals warning you or alerting you to a presence? Good or evil. Lets here it!. [emoji79]


Sort of. Back when I lived in Wisconsin, my sister had kicked a hole in her wall and covered it with a poster. We also thought we felt a presence in her room a lot and she had nightmares about devils. Well, one day the cat sneaked into her room like it was stalking something, so I follwed him. He then put his nose behind the poster, saw the hole, then ran. I'm not sure if he just sensed the hole or if there was something else there.


He more than likely just sensed the hole, and because it wad new to him he was unsure. Nightmares about devils aren't cool though. I get those often enough. Its not nice at all.


Hahaha. Why did your sister kick a hole in the wall? [emoji38]. Cats are strange creatures. They get full if crap for nothing. I love them though.


Temporal Engineer
I've told this story before. One day I was puttering around on my computer. All of a sudden I hear my cat growling like a dog. I had never heard him make a sound like that before. And it was a growl sound very common for a dog. But I didn't know a cat could growl like that until that day. I looked to see what he was growling at. It was a small location close to the ceiling that he had his gaze locked onto. But there was nothing there that I could see. But based on his behavior there was definitely something there that he could see. And he wasn't backing down either. He continued to growl at the location. He must of held whatever it was at bay until it left. Ater a while he calmed down. I've heard that having cats around keeps evil spirits away. So maybe that might be true.


Active Member
I haven't experienced it, but I think it's possible. The reason for this is that some animals, including cats, can see infrared light, and ghost hunters (I think) use infrared cameras to hunt ghosts. Someone I know has night vision goggles which feature an optional infrared light to help illuminate an area. He said a cat was immediately startled when he turned it on, and it stopped and stared at him. They definitely see more than we do.


I've told this story before. One day I was puttering around on my computer. All of a sudden I hear my cat growling like a dog. I had never heard him make a sound like that before. And it was a growl sound very common for a dog. But I didn't know a cat could growl like that until that day. I looked to see what he was growling at. It was a small location close to the ceiling that he had his gaze locked onto. But there was nothing there that I could see. But based on his behavior there was definitely something there that he could see. And he wasn't backing down either. He continued to growl at the location. He must of held whatever it was at bay until it left. Ater a while he calmed down. I've heard that having cats around keeps evil spirits away. So maybe that might be true.
I have had that with my cat before. One night he actually woke me up because he was growling at something in the corner of the room. It was so loud he woke me up. He did it so often at night/early morning that I eventually started ignoring him. Now that I have moved, he never does it anymore.


where the wild things are
Back in 2008 my parents had a cat that ended up disappearing about two weeks after this incident. I was in their living room and saw the cat enter, with its eyes at the corner of the wall. Nothing was there, I looked several times, the cat did the usual stalking with eyes locked movement. Suddenly it hissed, backed up, and tripped over itself and ran out of the room. Never knew what it was, I got up and checked the area and this was a warm summer day, the AC was off and there was a large cold spot at the wall. It stood about 6 feet tall.

But yes the cat ended coming up missing two weeks after the incident. What is strange is, my parents don't even remember the cat going outside. We looked all over the house, never found it. Checked with the neighbors, they never saw the cat in the yard anytime after that incident.

What exactly was it? I don't know. Not only did the cat witness it, I witnessed it too, though I'm sure the cat saw more than I could see.


Do you know, I had kinda the same thing. I adopted a cat and must have had him for about 4 months. He wasn't a very friendly cat at all. He didn't like being carried or anything like that. When we eventually had our house exorcised, (i will post more on that in my blog) not a joke that cat went missing a few day later.
